Saturday, June 7, 2014

How are video games projected on screen?


I know that we aren't actually looking at a constant moving video game and that all we are seeing are multiple frames per second. But how is it done? I'm just curious how they do it. And are video games only projected at 30 frames and 60 frames per second, or are there other # of frames that can be shown in a given second?

The numbers 30 and 60 are a side effect of the NTSC format of television. Even back in the black-and-white days of TV, NTSC was a 640X480 image, interlaced (draws all the odd lines in one pass, then draws all the even lines on the next), and operating at 60 Hz. It wasn't until about 10 years ago that consumers started seeing any change to this, when EDTVs came on the scene and changed the interlaced to Progressive Scan (all lines are drawn sequentially on each pass), and then HDTVs changing the image resolution. Very recently, sets that can do 120 Hz have come onto the market. In Europe, they uses the PAL format, which ran at 50 Hz, but switched to 60 Hz for HDTV to simplify things for TV manufacturers (who had started to sell sets in Europe that could handle both 50 Hz and 60 Hz).

So for the longest time, TVs were displaying 60 half-frames (due to interlacing). As such, having a game run at 60 Hz would result in slightly smoother animation, but a lot more processing power which could otherwise be used to enhance the detail. So typically 60 frames games were smoother, but 30 frames games were much more detailed. Any other rate, and you the smoothness will vary, which is rather jarring to the immersiveness factor.

All of this only applies to consoles, though, since PCs have always had monitors that could do a variety of framerates, and therfore their games always strived for the highest framerate possible (and where 60 Hz is on the far low end) and don't really worry about the framerate dipping at times. High end modern monitors can typically do at least 140 Hz, and some older games on new hardware can actually create several hundred frames per second if certain settings are disabled.

Regardless of PC or console, the same programming technique is used for creating the frames and managing the process of sending them to the screen. Each object is placed in position in a virtual 3D space in RAM, textures are applied (only if they are facing the virtual camera's location), the view from the virtual camera is established, and the objects that the camera can see are flattened into a 2D image. This whole process is called rendering.

Then, the rendered image is put into a piece of memory (usually in the graphics chip itself) that has been designated as a "frame". This frame is then sent to the TV/monitor, and as it is being sent, a second image is being rendered and put into a second "frame". Once the first frame has been sent to the screen completely, the second frame is designated as the primary frame, and a third image is rendered and overwrites the first frame. This process is called Frame Buffering.

PCs (and maybe HDMI TV connections, I'm not sure) have the capability of the monitor being able to send a signal back to the game program and tell it when a frame is done being drawn. This allows the game to not switch frames while it is being sent to the screen (vertical synch), preventing a top section of an image and a bottom section of the same image displayed not matching up, refered to as "tearing". Since consoles know what frequency the TV is operating at based on the region (or more recently in Europe, through an option in the settings for either the game or the system), they can simply use an internal timer as an artificial vertical synch.

In the video game industry, what does an environment designer & character designer do in order?

Q. Do they draw an environment & characters first? And then scan it to a computer & then make the video game using a software or what? Lol

Most concepts start out as drawings and paintings than could be done in traditional media or on the computer. The concept art then goes to various departments to be interpreted and refined as a digital product. Usually a 3d modeler will create a character or environment in the computer using the concept art as a reference.

A character might be sculpted first in clay, and then digitally scanned to create a 3d model.

The 3d model then goes to a rigger who creates the animatable "skeleton" and controls inside the character. This is what the animator uses to move the character.

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Does anyone know anything about x-ray microtomography?

Clark H

Hello! Please help me and my group with our assignment at uni! We have been asked to write a 3-page essay about x-ray microtomography. But it seems rather difficult to find information about that topic on the internet and in published texts. We would like any information available! Thanks a lot!

Microtomography, like tomography, uses x-rays to create cross-sections of a 3D-object that later can be used to recreate a virtual model without destroying the original model. The term micro is used to indicate that the pixel sizes of the cross-sections are in the micrometer range. This also means that the machine is much smaller in design compared to the human version and is used to model smaller objects.

These scanners are typically used for small animals (in-vivo scanners), biomedical samples, foods, microfossils, and other studies for which minute detail is desired.

The first X-ray microtomography system was conceived and built by Jim Elliott in the early 1980s. The first published X-ray microtomographic images were reconstructed slices of a small tropical snail, with pixel size about 50 micrometers. (JC Elliott and SD Dover. X-ray microtomography. J. Microscopy 126, 211-213, 1982.)

In 2005, Skyscan, a company that produces scientific instruments, introduced a nano-ct scanner, introducing the concept of Nanotomography. Other companies producing such scanners include Xradia for materials and semiconductor applications and Scanco Medical AG for medical applications.

Working principle

* Imaging system

Fan beam reconstruction
The fan-beam system is based on a 1-dimensional x-ray detector and an electronic x-ray source, creating 2-dimensional cross-sections of the object. Typically used in human Computed tomography systems.
Cone beam reconstruction
The cone-beam system is based on a 2-dimensional x-ray detector (camera) and an electronic x-ray source, creating projection images that later will be used to reconstruct the image cross-sections.

* Sample holder system

The sample stays still, and the camera and electronic x-ray source rotates.
This is best used for in-vivo animal scans, and other situations where the sample should remain unmoving, but is more expensive.
E.g.SkyScan-1076 or SkyScan-1078 or Scanco VivaCT 40 scanners for sample details.
The sample rotates, and the camera and electronic x-ray source stays still.
Much cheaper to build, since moving the sample requires fewer components than moving the camera and the electronic x-ray source.

* Open/Closed systems

Open x-ray system
In an open system, x-rays may escape or leak out, thus the operator must stay behind a shield, have special protective clothing, or operate the scanner from a distance or a different room. Typical examples of these scanners are the human versions, or designed for big objects.
E.g. Scanco medical XtremeCT scanner.
Closed x-ray system
In a closed system, x-ray shielding is put around the scanner so the operator can put the scanner on his desk or special table. Although the scanner is shielded, care must be taken and the operator usually carries a dose meter, since x-rays have a tendency to be absorbed by metal and then re-emitted like an antenna. Although a typical scanner will produce a relatively harmless volume of x-rays, repeated scannings in a short timeframe could pose a danger.
Closed systems tend to become very heavy because lead is used to shield the x-rays. Therefore, the smaller scanners only have a small space for samples.
E.g. SkyScan-1076 or SkyScan-1078 or Scanco mCT 40 or Scanco mCT 80 scanners

Typical use
* Biomedical

* Both dead and alive (in vivo) rat and mouse scanning.
* Human skin samples, small tumors, mice bone for osteoporosis research.

See in vivo microCT scanners for scanning examples.

* Electronics

Small electronic components. E.g. DRAM IC in plastic case.

* Microdevices

E.g. spray nozzle

* Composite materials and metallic foams

E.g. composite material with glass fibers 10 to 12 micrometres in diameter

* Polymers, plastics

E.g. plastic foam

* Diamonds

E.g. detecting defects in a diamond and finding the best way to cut it.

* Food and seeds

* E.g. piece of chocolate cake, cookies
* 3-D Imaging of Foods Using X-Ray Microtomography [1]

* Wood and paper

E.g. piece of wood to visualize year periodicity and cell structure

* Building materials

E.g. concrete after loading.

* Geology

E.g. sandstone

* Microfossils

E.g. bentonic foraminifers

* Space

E.g. Locating Stardust-like particles in aerogel using x-ray techniques [2]

* Others

E.g. cigarettes

* Stereo images

Visualizing with blue and green or blue filters to see depth

What are the airport body scanners?

Q. I've been hearing a lot about them. Does your body show up naked or is it an x-ray image. Or what?

the newest scanners can produce a 3D image of you entire body highlighting any abnormalities being carried on your person.

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TSA Full Body Scanners!!?


Why dont they just have us walk through the security check points naked.. Thats practically what the machines do anyways... And if you refused to be virtually undressed, you have to spread your legs and let someone grope you to be sure youre not dangerous to our precious nation.... Its just ridiculous!

On your next trip around or from the US, which will you choose: Have a 3D naked photo taken of you, which will be seen by who knows who, who knows where, and that may or may not be saved for training/other purposes; or to be told to spread em and get raped?
Id like to be able to go back to my husbands home country in the next year, but Im not willing to be groped by a stranger to do it! and I certainly cant DRIVE to North Africa....
For some of us, driving is not an option.

It's not rape. You have the option not to fly.
I'm tired of everyone complaining about this mess. When bad things happen we blame lax airport security. When nothing happens, instead of congratulating security on a job well done we complain that our privacy is being violated. You can't have it both ways.

That's why we have boats. is trying to download a pizza to his computer. Will this ever be possible?

John Griff

"ever" is a long time.

Currently there is an interesting piece of equipment called a 3D printer.

An object is scanned by a 3D scanner. This is a device that measures the exact size and shape of an object. The size co-ordinates are then sent to a 3D printer. This works a bit like an inkjet printer. A spray head moves from side to side squirting fast drying plastic resin. The resin dries and the next layer is sprayed on top and so on. This continues until the layers build up into a 3D shape.

I heard that the US army was experimenting with this technology to create spare parts for equipment out in the battlefield.

So you could currently download a pizza shaped object if you had a 3D printer. But you couldn't eat it. (or you wouldn't leave a tip if you did anyway)

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Can you recommend a guide and software for making 3D objects?


My idea is to take photos of bones (scapula, femur...) from different angles, run them through a software which will somehow combine them and make a 3D object in space, that i can rotate and add annotation (tags?, description for different parts of bone)

I am not a programmer and i need something easy.

Do you have any ideas? :)

photos are 2d. you can get depth, but not 3d. you need a 3d scanner like a next engine 3d scanner they run $3000. the web site is pretty cool, it will show you how to scan and print. the printer in the web site is is a year old and now they have much better printers with more options on materials available.
for software you will need a program like Solidworks. it is #1 right now for 3d. it is what Pixiar animation use and many large companies. there are other programs, but after my research for myself most will not talk to the scanner. down side is cost and you need a pretty big system to run it.
then if you want you can send it to a 3d printer for a few dollars you will get a actual 3d sculpture. there are several 3d printers, but after looking at many the 'shapesways gallery' they can print in plastics, metal, ceramics.
this stuff is super cool. this should lead you in the right direction. these printers have only been available for public about a year, but they have been around since the 80s.

What software (s) are the best for beginner cad/cam hobbyist? ? ?


I want to learn how to make simple 3d molds using 3d software, cad, cam software, and a cnc machine. Am just trying to figure out where to begin....What software Tools should I start with?

tools and software may depend on design product ,

Google Sketchup free version may be best to try and start with ,

SolidWorks - 3D CAD
Ascon Kompas 3d

5-axis CNC Software
Vectric Aspire
BobCAD Cam

NextEngine 3D Scanner
Handyscan Handheld 3D Scanners

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Friday, June 6, 2014

How do I make A 3D Model of a scanner on my computer?


Which software should I use?

You need to purchase or find some free 3D Modeling Software (there is lots of it out there) and then watch/read a tutorial on basic modeling. Try starting at

Cheap rotoscoping software?


I was wondering where i can find some cheap rotoscoping software. Please no torrents, file sharing, illegal stuffs etc. I was hoping for something under... 200 bucks? If u say gimp, please tell me how. :D

Silhouette Roto is a matte power house since its designed only for the matte creation process and uses spline-based tools to cut mattes. Essentially, it's a standalone "rotospline" tool that can work on its own or as a plug-in to other applications such as Adobe After Effects and Apple Final Cut Pro. The standalone app, which is also available for Linux, can load a wide range of file formats, including Cineon and OpenEXR, then export bitmap mattes or splines to other applications including Adobe After Effects, Apple Shake, and Discreet fire, flame, flint, inferno, and smoke. Mattes are automatically applied to the layer in the host app after rotoscoping.

Rotoscope is a free software rotoscoping application that can be used to give photos a cartoon-like appearance. This is similar to the technique used in movies such as Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly.

⢠its tutorials
Mocha is a stand alone 2D tracking tool packed with features that make the life of the effects compositing artist easier and less stressful. Now compositors can avoid the guess work and inaccuracies that result from painstaking and time consuming difficult hand tracking shots. The process of generating solid 4-point tracks, giving position, scale, rotation, shear and perspective matched tracks is sped up thanks to the next generation tracking. Once the track is complete, mocha is designed to export the data to the industryâs most well known compositing and finishing packages such as Inferno, Flame, Flint, Smoke, Combustion, Avid DS, Quantel generationQ, After Effects, Shake and Digital Fusion. This gives the artist the freedom to finish their shots in the compositing application they feel most comfortable with.

mocha allows tracking to be completed in less time and with higher accuracy, giving you the ability to bid for jobs at a time and rate that creates an advantage for you over your competitors!

mocha is the âbig brotherâ of motor; it contains all motorâs rotoscoping tools.

Digital Fusion is a full-featured, node-based compositing system with built-in backend tools via a powerful scripting engine with ODBC support. Fusion has a real 3D environment with camera/lights support for leading 3D packages, it also has a powerful and intuitive 3D particle systems on the market. Packed with hardware-accelerated 3D capabilities, you can migrate from pre-vis to finals within the same application.

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how can 3D model is able to replica? using machine?


i was wondering if any of vinyl statues that are replica by using machine technology if is that so then what kind of machine? and what are the price?
use scanning or digital cameras all of the perspectives of the 3D models to make replicas too?

there are scanners that read a 3 d figure (this is often how small scale figures are reproduced much much larger) Molds are then made (for multiples like the junk from China we buy at Walmart) from metal, and there are machines that squirt resin or liquid plastic into the molds. They then run down a conveyer and are dumped out into big boxes, packed up and shipped out around the world. These machines are very costly, but produce the product at a penny or less each, and then we buy this crap for $10-$150, so if they sell oh, say 10,000 of them they have paid for their machine...

if you want to reproduce your own art work, go to a model maker (in phone book) and ask how much it would be to make molds, and then you can go to a plastics fabricator who does this for other people. Unless you have plenty of capital to start up your own factory.

If you want to just reproduce 100 or so, then yo can learn to make your own molds from a book and make them yourself with liquid resin.

Is there technology to accurately measure a person`s size?


We can measure an asteroid way out in space. Surely we can measure a person right in front of us. I am thinking of a system which could for example tell me that in this moment I am 5.455 cubic feet, something like weighing myself but in feet instead of in pounds using s digital camera.

Thanks caus, Obe man`s garbage is another man`s treasure.
s7r One man`s

Sure, any 3D scanner could tell you that, though it's useless information.

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

how to create a 3d model of a guitar?


i want to create a 3d model of a guitar. what ways are there to help me create it with the software i have, as in importing photo files or a scanning the guitar itself?

if you meant to design 3D guitar on computer, you could simple collect measurements and re draw image in 3D editor like Sketchup

3d Warehouse

Strata - 3D CX
could be use to take photos and place visually into rendered object of guitar body

if you meant to actually make model as life size copy,
that would require laser scanner and printer

Geomagic 3D Haptic Design, Imaging and Metrology software

NextEngine 3D Laser Scanner

Handyscan Handheld 3D Scanners

3D Printers and Rapid Prototyping | 3D Systems

3D modeling software of human body. Does anyone know which software is used for this?


I work on AutoCAd and I want to move into the medical field. I have heard that 3D modeling is used for diagnosis, line of treatment and also for simulation of elective surgery. How do I get more info on this so I can move into that field? Thanks

well, you could use a lot of softwares like Maya and 3Dsmax to create stunning 3D models of any kind.
In the medical filed, 3D visualization using these softwares are done extensively for educational purposes.

But for diagmnostics and treatment, machines and its in-built softwares does the the 3D job. these machines have 3D scanners which automaticly creates 3D models of any scanned surfaces on the fly.

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Where can I buy a low cost 3d scanner?


I need to scan in some parts to add to a CAD model. I'm really looking for something that's plug and play, where I drop the object into the scanner and it automatically puts it into a CAD packge. Any ideas?

What do you consider low cost? Good ones run around $10,000 (e.g., Roland) but you can find some for around $2,500 (e.g., Nextengine).

how to create a 3d model of a guitar?


i want to create a 3d model of a guitar. what ways are there to help me create it with the software i have, as in importing photo files or a scanning the guitar itself?

if you meant to design 3D guitar on computer, you could simple collect measurements and re draw image in 3D editor like Sketchup

3d Warehouse

Strata - 3D CX
could be use to take photos and place visually into rendered object of guitar body

if you meant to actually make model as life size copy,
that would require laser scanner and printer

Geomagic 3D Haptic Design, Imaging and Metrology software

NextEngine 3D Laser Scanner

Handyscan Handheld 3D Scanners

3D Printers and Rapid Prototyping | 3D Systems

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Im a highschooler who wants to persure a career in 2D animation. I need advice from a 2D Animator!?

Q. First, Id like to inform you a little about myself.

I've been drawing for a while now and I think I've developed some pretty good drawing skills considering Im only 16. My line of work is just sketches and more sketches of people and anatomical figures. I get creative with my drawings and a lot of my 'finished work' goes along the lines of illustration that I do on the computer with my tablet.

Im awful at traditional painting, but Im quite confident in my drawing skills when it comes to drawing from life. Especially the human figure! But I work with the human figure blind more often than I do from life. I look to Jack Hamm's 'Drawing The Head and Figure' as well as Andy Smith's "Drawing Dynamic Comics."(Which teaches about drawing superhero comic figures) I try to mesh the two so that I can one day animate my own figures similar to those of the more realistic comicbooks you see on the shelves. I've also grown up looking at movies in the analytical aspect, scrutinizing pieces of the film to appreciate scenes and the storyboard that go into the film. My influences to persue in animation were DEFINATELY Batman the Animated Series and cartoon network itself! That as well as a few anime with either a very moving narrative or astounding animation qaulity. (Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, Ghost In The Shell..) And even a few disney favorites... Oliver in Company, Aristo Cats, Balto, Lion King.

Here are examples of a few edited works from my sketchbook. (this one is a quick, maybe 15 to 20 minute drawing of my little brother laying down on the couch)

My drawings niches right now dont fit what I'd like to be able to do in the future, (Im having difficulties in drawing guys! Especially their muscles!) but Im working hard to up my skills before its time to send applications into college. (Im in the 11th grade) Im very informed on portfolio requirements and what schools would like to see because Im in my highschool's 'Senior Portfolio Class' which is a class to prepare Senior's portfolios for college. Im an advanced art student, as well as 2 other Juniors, and we're in it togethor. My grades, Ill have you know, are awful. I go to summer school once every year because I always end up failing one of my classes and I have to make up the credit so I can graduate. And the class that did that to me last year was french, which I couldnt take over the summer because they dont offer it at my highschool. So Im screwed when it comes to impressing a college with my '3 years of a language' thing. Im REALLY depending on art school at this point! I know I should not have done that because it shows a horrible work ethic, but drawing is the only thing I like to do! (besides play videogames, haha)

I want to become an animator! (I've got a lightbox, a scanner and my trusty tablet) And I aspire to continue a career into 2D! I've looked into A LOT of schools and I cant find a school with a truly impressive curriculum in 2D animation. (I know its actually just animation where they teach you both 3D and 2D, but I couldnt find a good batch of classes for 2D in each of the programs of study for the colleges I was looking into.) BUT...

I did find SCAD. Savannah College of Art and Design. ( And their student work is very nice, I didnt see much 2D, but when I looked at their classes, it was a pretty nice list for 2D! I understand now that SCAD is supposedly a very impressive school, and I'd really like to get in!

But my questions are... Do I have any other options? Is my work or my plans right now only going to hurt me? I dont know about what its like getting a job as a 2D animator or what an average day is for somebody working as one. Or even what the chances are for me to work for a company that'll give me decent pay to live on and pay future debt! I need some intel on somebody who works as a 2D animator. Im ready for a long road ahead of me until I really have the skills and experience needed to be a truly magnificent animator, but I want to make sure that when I train for it in college that I'll find work to get myself out there. I understand I wont be a big time animator or something straight out of college, but I want to know places or companies to work that I can do what I love and get more experience. Whats a good company or place to start out with? I dont even know if I have the right mindset right now! I feel blind! I know nothing about the animation career other than little things on how to actually animate.

Last but not least, whats your story on how you became a 2D animator?

If you read this, thankyou so so much. Im positive that I and many other students out there have these same questions too. I read online that pay for 2D animation is looked at as a bad living, but it honestly de
Im sorry this is so long. If you know a different place where I can contact 2D animators, drop me a line!

Hey, first off your work is great. The last two are kind of boring, but the first couple ones are really impressive. SCAD is a great school, if I were you I would go there. I went to school where they had an animation program where you learned both 2d and 3d. I do know that if you can find a 2d animation job the pay won't be that great. New York is a good place to be for 2d animators, I recently worked with a girl on a show called Fat Guy Stuck in Internet who went on to animate for Super Jail, a 2d show on Adult Swim. All in All you really need to go to art school, it builds a lot of drawing skill in many different ways. Good Luck.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Can Too many x-rays over abdomen cause problems later?


I swallowed a quarter when I was 7 and ended up passing it naturally a month later and ended up having over 15 xrays done in one week! Now im almost 20 and have battled (so-called) IBS for over 6 years. Its severe and has become handicapping. I cant work and cancel plans constantly. Ive also suffered 2 misscarriages and 1 complicated full term pregnancy. I was wondering if all the radiation had somehow caused problems in my intestines and problems with my female anatomy also. BTW: Ive had a colonoscopy, barrium swallow and many other tests to rule out anything else it could be.

No I wouldn't have thought so. When it comes to x-ray exposure it's CT scans (which are in effect 3D x-rays) which you should avoid having too many of -- they give you a dose of radiation equivalent to upwards of 100 chest x-rays.

what dose bone scan invalve?


It depends on which type you are going for? Bone Density Scan is used to see how dense your bones are, head off Osteoporosis. It is easy as lying down on a bed, while the machine takes 3D x-ray of your hip. The isotope bone scan, looking for cancer, infection, calcium uptake. You arrive, they give you a radioactive material, small amount via injection. They send you away for two hours, you can eat, drink be merry. When you return they sit, stand, in front of a Gamma Camera looks like a big drum and they take pictures. That is it all over and go home. Goo Luck.

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Where can I find an aluminum-framed PC?


I've been searching Google for quite awhile, and I can't seem to find any PCs that have an aluminum frame. I want it to be similar in style to the new aluminum macbook pro, but I don't want it to be a macbook.
I'm looking for a moderately powerful laptop.

You can get it custom made if you just buy a pc, take off the plastic frame, scan it in a 3D scanner, and send it to an aluminum manufacturer and have them build it for you. is trying to download a pizza to his computer. Will this ever be possible?

John Griff

"ever" is a long time.

Currently there is an interesting piece of equipment called a 3D printer.

An object is scanned by a 3D scanner. This is a device that measures the exact size and shape of an object. The size co-ordinates are then sent to a 3D printer. This works a bit like an inkjet printer. A spray head moves from side to side squirting fast drying plastic resin. The resin dries and the next layer is sprayed on top and so on. This continues until the layers build up into a 3D shape.

I heard that the US army was experimenting with this technology to create spare parts for equipment out in the battlefield.

So you could currently download a pizza shaped object if you had a 3D printer. But you couldn't eat it. (or you wouldn't leave a tip if you did anyway)

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

are there any online 3d shooting multiplayer games for free and have no viruses?

Athlete 4e

nothing like gun bound or gunz online

Gun Bound and Gunz Online don't have viruses. :P

You might want to try Exteel at

It's a mech fighting/gun game.

You also might want to do a virus scan, or get a free scanner.

You can find one if you search for Avira AntiVir Personal Eddition at

is it possible to download apps to your iphone 3g thru iTunes (of course) but WITHOUT using a Mac?


i heard you can only download through iTunes by first creating an account on a mac.. apparently windows doesn't work it.
pls help!
i forgot to mention i'm NOT in the U.S. ... i'm in bangladesh.. thats the problem!

Of course! Many iPhones users have a Windows computer.

â¶How to make an account:
â Open iTunes (If you do not have iTunes, you can download it )
â¡Click Store (menu bar up top) > Create Account.
â¢Read through the Terms & Conditions, check the box if you agree to the terms, then click Continue.
â£Complete the form to create your free Apple ID (the login you will use with the iTunes Store).
â¤Provide a valid payment method and billing address.
â¥Begin shopping from the iTunes Store.

â¶Downloading Apps
âWith your PC:
â Go to( ) and download whatever App you may want.
â¡Then Sync your iPhone, and use your downloaded Apps.

âWith your iPhone:
â Go to the App on your iPhone names "App Store."
â¡Browse for whatever App you want.
â¢Download it by touching the rectangle that displays the Apps price, then touch again to install.
Here are some Apps for you to check out:

Favorites marked with a â.

â¶Good for professional/school:

â¢Air Sharing â
â¢Alarm System â
â¢Color Splash
â¢Delivery Status touch â
â¢Dial Zero â
â¢eBay Mobile
â¢Facebook (&fun)
â¢Fake-a-call (&fun)
â¢Flashlight â
â¢Flight Track
â¢Graphing Calculator
â¢If Found + â
â¢Linguo â
â¢Night Camera
â¢Police Scanner
â¢RedLaser â
â¢Shazam â
â¢Sportacular â
â¢The Weather Channel â
â¢Yellow Pages â

â¶Good for fun:

â¢Arcade Bowling
â¢Bounce On
â¢Bubble Wrap â
â¢Cacha Mouse 2
â¢Cro-Mag Rally
â¢Cube Runner â
â¢Cube Runner II
â¢Dog Whistle â
â¢Expando free
â¢F-MyLife Pro â
â¢Face Melter
â¢Falling Balls
â¢Fieldrunners â
â¢Flick Fishing
â¢Flight Control â
â¢Flight of the Hamsters
â¢Flood It!
â¢Hearing Test : Prank
â¢I Can Has Cheezeburger (FailBlog and associated sites) â
â¢iBowl â
â¢iCopter â
â¢iFart Mobile
â¢iHunt 3D
â¢Illusions Scream : Prank
â¢Jellycar â
â¢Joost â
â¢Laser Tag
â¢Light Bike Online
â¢Line Rider iRide
â¢Mark of Mafia â
â¢Mood Touch
â¢The Moron Test â
â¢Moto Chaser
â¢Ow My Balls â
â¢Pac-Man Lite
â¢Paper Football
â¢Pocked God â
â¢Rollercoaster Rush
â¢Scribble Lite
â¢SGN Golf
â¢Sol Free Solitaire â
â¢Sonic Boom
â¢Spawn Illuminati â
â¢StoneLoops â
â¢Stop It free
â¢Tap Tap Revenge
â¢Target Practice
â¢Tetris â
â¢Topple 2
â¢Zombieville USA â
â¢21 Pro Blackjack - Free
â¢9000 Awesome Facts â

â¶Good luck, hope this helps,

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Photoshop or Ilustrator to tweak scanned drawings for use in After Effects?


I want to utilize the "2 1/2D" feature of AE (2D layers in a 3D environment) but rather than creating the images w adobe, I want to draw them myself and scan each one, then tweak individually before importing them to AE for use. Won't be working with photos, and am obviously an Adobe novice. Would I do better w PS or ILL? Thanks!

Photoshop is the best for what your needs are.

You just need to hook your printer/scanner up to the USB port of your computer and scan away.

Then all you have to do is open up Photoshop. Press File --> Open and find your scanned photo.
I can't give you a whole tutorial on how to tweak it up though so try to find some tutorials on YouTube, there's plenty out there.

My wireless dsl connection stinks!Is it the card?


Sometimes my internet lags out a bit and sometimes I am able to hear messages from others while I can't send any at all and it disconnects me!I'm using a wireless usb card called netopia on a 3d reach stand.

So if it is a bad card,what one would you recommend?P.S i don't know if this information is needed but i'm on desktop.

It sounds more like it is your computer then your internet. Get a virus and spyware scanner and a firewall. I recommend going to and clicking virus firewall and see what other people say. I really like comodo firewall pro for firewall and avast for virus. they are both free

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Android Apps / Games?


What are the most surprising apps you have downloaded?
What are the ones you have been most satisfied with?

I'm running out of ideas. :)


lane splitter
cut the rope
a space shooter
2 player reactor
pocket soccer
tank hero
noogra nuts
zenonia 3
yoo ninja
who becomes rich
fruit slice
angry birds
aliens invasion
bunny shooter
solitaire , minesweeper classic
virtual families
racing moto


barcode scanner
mantano reader
skyfire browser
mozilla firefox browser
dolphin browser
opera browser
es file explorer
quick pic
go launcher
mediafire pro
marvel comics


pocket league story
grand prix story
hot springs story
game dev story
4 player reactor
air control
atomic bomber
gurk 2
spectral souls symphony of eternity
field runners
robo defence
9mm hd
asphalt 6
spaghetti marshmellos
early bird
dragon fly full
doodle jump
Ground Effect Pro XHD
abduction 2
death worm
flying penguin
trial x
robot unicorn attack
x construct
turbo fly 3d
sentinel 3
cyber lords arcology
super dynamite fishing
aporkalypse pigs of doom
puffle launch
team lava games
g5 entertainment


gameboid , nesoid , snesoid
talking tom
talking tom 2
swf player
poweramp video player
titanium backup
camera zoom fx
paper camera
spring zen hd
Live Tv

all these games and apps were satisfying for me
hope you will like those too

Need new apps on my htc android?


I'm currently hooked on gun bros and Life is crime


lane splitter
cut the rope
a space shooter
drag racing
2 player reactor
pocket soccer
tank hero
noogra nuts
zenonia 3
yoo ninja
who becomes rich
fruit slice
angry birds
aliens invasion
bunny shooter
solitaire , minesweeper classic
virtual families
racing moto
team lava games


barcode scanner
mantano reader
skyfire browser
mozilla firefox browser
dolphin browser
opera browser
es file explorer
quick pic
go launcher
mediafire pro
marvel comics
Adobe Reader


pocket league story
grand prix story
hot springs story
game dev story
4 player reactor
air control
atomic bomber
gurk 2
spectral souls symphony of eternity
field runners
robo defence
9mm hd
asphalt 6
spaghetti marshmallows
Minecraft - Pocket Edition
early bird
dragon fly full
doodle jump
Ground Effect Pro XHD
abduction 2
death worm
flying penguin
trial x
robot unicorn attack
x construct
turbo fly 3d
sentinel 3
cyber lords arcology
super dynamite fishing
aporkalypse pigs of doom
puffle launch
g5 entertainment
destroy gunners sp
doodle god


mvideoplayer pro
gameboid , nesoid , snesoid
talking tom
talking tom 2
swf player
poweramp video player
titanium backup
camera zoom fx
paper camera
spring zen hd
Beautiful Widgets
JuiceDefender Ultimate
set cpu
roku remote

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Monday, June 2, 2014

How are 2D cartoons animated today?

Captain Ca

I understand how 3D images are made, they generate models and send them through animations. However, how do they do 2D cartoons? I asume they don't draw each individual frame anymore. But, backgrounds that don't move do appear to be hand-drawn in some shows. How do 2D cartoons go through animations?

Depending on the budget, deadlines, technology, experience and preference that 2D animations are made one way or another.

Small budgeted shows, destined for the weekly TV slots are mostly done on Flash these days. Characters are created from simple shapes with movable body parts (mouths, hands etc.) are pasted onto individual layers and animated individually or in concert with the other parts.

The good thing about Flash is that you can position key drawings (important, story-telling character poses of say, a hand) out and the computer will fill in the in-between drawings (all the other drawings between the key drawings to smooth out the movements) automatically. So you can position the hand at one location (a key), and then program the computer to move it to another location (another key) and it will fill in all the in-between drawings by itself (timing is done by the animator). Computers are only good at moving objects around perfectly and stretching/squashing them according to preset rules so you are limited to certain expressions. Of course, complex scenes still need to be animated by hand, but to keep the cost and the time consumed down, animators don't get to do them frequently, if at all.

You can recognize these shows by the extremely smooth movements exhibited by the characters, as well as the bold and uniformed outlines and colors throughout. Backgrounds can be painted by hand, either digitally or on papers( and then scanned into the computer), or created from bodies of static shapes and colors.

Bigger, movie-length animated films use specialized softwares, either developed in-house, or bought commercially like the Toon Boom Animation program. These, however, are almost completely hand-drawn (characters-wise), since you can only create good character animation when you have a feel of the lines and forms of the characters, a thing that is quite difficult to program on a computer.

Some studios use papers and scanners, some use graphic tablets like the Wacoms to imput drawings into their computers. Some parts of a character can be animated while others are put on a different layer and remain static.

You can recognize these films by the slight jittery outlines of the character when he/she/it moves, since each line was drawn to match up with the previous drawings', though never perfectly so, no matter how hard the animators tried. The backgrounds are usually painted by hand (either digitally or manually on papers), or in 3D models that mimic a particular style or both.

Having said all that, yes, most animated shows are still drawn by hand. Some are done on papers and scanners, some are done on computers with Wacom tablets, some combine both in the production process. 2D animation is a craft, and unless computers can draw imaginatively, animators will still have their jobs, drawing them lovingly frame by frame. I hope that helped.

what is realy ActiveX control?


I have realy problem with this messase whe i try to connect some web sites:(ur current setting prohibit running ActiveX result the page may cannot be displayed.)
How can I escape from this problem?

ActiveX controls are software modules based on Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM) architecture. They add functionality to software applications by seamlessly incorporating pre-made modules with the basic software package. Modules can be interchanged but still appear as parts of the original software.

On the Internet, ActiveX controls can be linked to Web pages and downloaded by an ActiveX-compliant browser. ActiveX controls turn Web pages into software pages that perform like any other program launched from a server.

ActiveX controls can have full system access. In most instances this access is legitimate, but one should be cautious of malicious ActiveX applications.

ActiveX controls are components that add dynamic and interactive features to Web pages. With ActiveX tools, multimedia effects, animation, and functional applications can be added to Web sites. HouseCall, Trend Micro's online virus scanner is an example of the application of ActiveX.

ActiveX controls are typically installed with user permission. However, security measures can be circumvented. In some instances, ActiveX components in Web pages are able to run automatically when the Web pages are opened. Visiting users are also sometimes tricked into accepting unwanted ActiveX controls. The unauthorized installation and execution of ActiveX controls can open opportunities for malicious code to install components or to make modifications on visiting systems.

An ActiveX control is essentially a Windows program that can be distributed from a web page. These controls can do literally anything a Windows program can do. A Hostile ActiveX program does something that its user did not intend for it to do, such as erasing a hard drive, dropping a virus or trojan into your machine, or scanning your drive for tax records or documents. As with other Trojans, a Hostile ActiveX control will normally appear to have some other function than what it actually has.

This technology is used, among other things, to improve the functionality of web pages (adding animations, video, 3D browsing, etc). ActiveX controls are small programs that are inserted in these pages. Unfortunately, as they are programs, they can also be targets for viruses.

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What kind of apps do you have on your iphone?


i might be getting one for christmas. i want my iphone full of apps, i get bored easily. tell me apps that you recommend or like! thanks <3
apps for translators, dictionary ect. umm communication aim? idk... something!

These are my Apps. Some are great, and a few are terrible, but I think you will find many useful, fun and amazing apps in this list:

Air Sharing (Document Viewer, File S... Alarm System Amazing Illusions - Best Illusion Ent... Arcade BowlingTM
BlocksClassic Lite
Bounce On
Catcha Mouse 2
Cro-Mag Rally
Cube Runner
Cube Runner II
Delivery Status touch, a package trac...
Dial Zero - Dictionary & Thesa...
Dog Whistle
eBay Mobile
Expando Free
F-MyLife Pro
Face Melter
Falling Balls
Flick Fishing
Flight Control
Flight of the Hamsters
FlightTrack â Live Flight Status Tracker
Graphing Calculator
Hearing Test : Prank Box
I Am T-Pain
I Can Has Cheezburger
If Found, +
iFart Mobile - #1 Fart Machine UPDA...
iHunt 3D
iRibbit Plus
iShake -- read health warning first
JIRBO Paper Football
Joost - Free TV Shows, music and M...
Kindle for iPhone
Laser Tag
LightBike Online
Line Rider iRideTM
Linguo - Multilingual Translator
Mark of Mafia! FREE for LIMITED TIM...
Mark of Mafia! Free for Limited Time!
MazeFinger Plus
Mood Touch
The Moron Test
Moto Chaser
Night Camera
Ow My Balls!
Pocket God
Police Scanner
QuickTip Tip Calculator
Real Soccer 2010 Free
Rollercoaster Rush
RSS Runner
Runmeter GPS Running Stopwatch
Scream Illusions : Prank Box
Scribble Lite
SGN Golf
Sol Free Solitaire
Sonic Boom
Spawn Illuminati
StoneLoops! of Jurassica
Stop It ! Free
Tap Tap Revenge
Target Practice
That's What She Said: Worldwide
Topple 2
The Weather Channel®
WebMD Mobile
Word Scramble 2 by Zynga
Yellow Pages
Zombieville USA
21 Pro: Blackjack - Sponsored
1337pwn iNXES XBOX Live Friends
9000 Awesome Facts and Laws Pro S.

Should I upgrade my iphone 3gs to a 5s?


I currently have an iphone 3gs as my personal cell phone. I have had this model of phone since the day it came out in 2009. This is my third one as the other two have broken and been replaced through apple care. I've had this one since January 2012. I keep getting new phones through work - an iphone 4s in January 2012 and a Galaxy S3 in January 2013, which is the reason I haven't bothered to upgrade my personal phone.

Overall, I'm relatively happy with the phone, although I have noticed it has gotten much slower since I installed ios6 on it. My only real gripe with it is that it has no light on it and the camera sucks (however, I have my S3 in the rare instance I need a camera or a light).

So basically, I'm looking for someone to make a convincing argument as to why I should/shouldn't get a new phone given the circumstances. That is, I currently have a device that does exactly what I need it to: it calls, texts, emails, goes on the internet and runs simple apps (e.g. maps, banking, yelp - I don't really use any processor intensive apps like 3D games). I basically never watch videos on it and use it for music about twice a month. As far as I can tell, the 5s isn't any better at calling, texting, or emailing than the 3gs. Basically, I feel like I am paying for it to be slightly faster and have a better display and camera which is similar to the one on my S3.

Please justify why this is/isn't worth $200 given that I also have an S3 that I can use for pretty much anything I want except browsing work restricted websites (porn).

I am not concerned with contract terms, etc. so this comes down to whether or not it is worth upgrading this phone for $200 or waiting until it dies so I got every last dollar of utility out of it.

Yes you should, A TON of reasons why

1) iOS 7, the 3GS is too old to run iOS 7 which is a beautiful new operating system

2) Its not slightly faster its WAY faster, with the new A7 chip you'll notice a BIG difference between the 3GS and the 5S

3) Siri, the personal voice assistant, can help you set reminders make phone calls, and even Tweet and post to Facebook

4) Touch ID, the biggest feature of the iPhone 5s this fingerprint scanner offers a high level of security, all you need to do is place your finger on the home button and it unlocks.

The 5c is a good substitute it has the same specs as an iPhone 5 and is about $100 cheaper than the 5s

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Where can I buy a cheap red laser pointer (Class I)?


I've looked at every store I think of and I can't find a simple Class 1 red laser pointer. I'm trying to build a 3d laser scanner and that is one of the main components.

There's lots of cheap laser pointers available on Ebay. Here's the page for you:


Laptop Choices, Which Would you Choose?


Im going to college next week and i have until tomrw to buy my laptop, PLEASE put them in order from best to worst and please tell me why you would chose one over the other, i really need alot of help i am not good with this at all :( i will instant give you the best answer, it is a lot of money so please the more the advice the better :) ( i am also a gamer and love to play games on my laptop) thank you soooo much! Here are the 4 laptops i cant decide between from please help! the choices are

#1) A hp dv7tse series 17.3'' with
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-450M Dual Core processor (2.40GHz, 3MB L3 Cache)with Turbo Boost up to 2.66 GHz, and 900p hd display settings with finger print scanner and a blu ray player, no back lit keyboard


#2) A Dell Studio 15 with NEW 2010 Intel® Core⢠i5-450M 2.4GHz (2.66GHz Turbo Mode, 3M Cache), with 1080p and facial recognition with back lit key board

#3) A Dell Studio 15 with NEW 2010 Intel® Core⢠i7-720QM Quad Core Processor 1.6GHz (2.8GHz Turbo Mode, 6MB Cache), 720p with back lit keyboard

or last

#4) A Dell Studio 17 with NEW 2010 Intel® Core⢠i5-450M 2.4GHz (2.66GHz Turbo Mode, 3M Cache), 900p with facial recognition, Touch Screen! and black lit keyboard

I would suggest Dell Studio 17 with NEW 2010 Intel® Core⢠i5-450M 2.4GHz

Also check out at Ebay there are really good deals going

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How or where can I find a person or company with the ability to copy a sculpture with a CNC (or other) machine?


I am wanting to reproduce a classic sculpture that I have, in a larger size. I believe that I have seen machines on TV that can accurately measure and reproduce a sculpture without an artist having to actually chiesel it. I just cannot afford thousands to have it hand carved, and I am not very particular about fine quality so long as it is reasonable. Can anyone direct me please?

there are 3D scanners and various rapid prototyping machines, ranging from printers to CNC machines. Though large scale printers are much rarer than large scale CNC.

If you google rapid prototyping services you'll find some companies. But it's most likely going to be much more expensive than looking if you can locate a larger version of your sculpture, particularly if yours is a popular one. A large run reproduction will always be cheaper than an unique custom fabricated item.

Can you recommend a guide and software for making 3D objects?


My idea is to take photos of bones (scapula, femur...) from different angles, run them through a software which will somehow combine them and make a 3D object in space, that i can rotate and add annotation (tags?, description for different parts of bone)

I am not a programmer and i need something easy.

Do you have any ideas? :)

photos are 2d. you can get depth, but not 3d. you need a 3d scanner like a next engine 3d scanner they run $3000. the web site is pretty cool, it will show you how to scan and print. the printer in the web site is is a year old and now they have much better printers with more options on materials available.
for software you will need a program like Solidworks. it is #1 right now for 3d. it is what Pixiar animation use and many large companies. there are other programs, but after my research for myself most will not talk to the scanner. down side is cost and you need a pretty big system to run it.
then if you want you can send it to a 3d printer for a few dollars you will get a actual 3d sculpture. there are several 3d printers, but after looking at many the 'shapesways gallery' they can print in plastics, metal, ceramics.
this stuff is super cool. this should lead you in the right direction. these printers have only been available for public about a year, but they have been around since the 80s.

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