Saturday, October 12, 2013

Statue maker?

z corp 3d scanner on Corp 3D Scanner and 3D Printer on National Geographic Channel
z corp 3d scanner image

A(V)iTi$ F

i wanna know where could i buy a automatic head statue maker that can build statues with photos that it takes
i seen this device in public places before
but i wanna know more

not quite sure what you are talking about. If you are talking about a 3D laser scanner and a 3D printer then look either up. Or it's a CNC milling machine. Z-corp is a well known company for 3D printers.
Neither 3d laser scanner not 3D printer are yet household items. So the price is correspondingly. I'd be able to pay the rent for more than a year for what it could set you back.
If you are talking about something affordable for any average person, please post, I'd be interested as well.

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Please name companies that makes Cone Beam CT Scanning Equipment?

3d scanner handheld price
 on ... Scanners|portable laptop ultrasound|3D/4D ultrasound|bladder scanners
3d scanner handheld price image


I am looking for a CBCT equipment that would allow me to create 3D images from the scans. I need an integrated CBCT and 3D facility. I also need a handheld CT scanner. Prices? List of manufacturers, too. Thank you, kindly.

You can view and dowload a presentation of CBCT manufacturers at Scribd. A web link to each vendor's website is included.

A growing directory of customers for CBCT scanners is located here:

How can I scan a picture off of a wall?


My bf and I are moving out of our home and he has lived there for years. Well he's had many parties and a BUNCH of friends left signatures on his bathroom wall. Unfortunately a group of his friends died and he refuses to paint over it. Is there a way you can scan or copy the wall so we can have it saved? I would just take a picture but its all over and its on all sides of the walls. I heard there is a handheld scanner you can get to print or save to your computers. Anybody know where? or what they're called?

Not even sure if they're available anymore--handheld scanners. Googled and found some--"Handheld document scanners"--but they're way expensive. ($500+) At that price, you're better off cutting out that section of the wall and then plastering it (or re-drywall). The cost of repairing a small hole is under $ and materials included.

If you go that's a good tutorial on drywall repair.

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Friday, October 11, 2013

Help with VB6 to VB.NET conversion!?

3d scanner box
 on 3d Scanning / Reverse Engineering
3d scanner box image


I'm asking this because I don't know anything about VB6 (It was around before I was born), and theirs no point in me having to spend 6 weeks learning all the functions ect... when their are others with a much better understanding who will get it right first time.

I need to convert this code :

Private WindowWidth
Private WindowHeight
Private threshold
Private rgbvalue

Private Sub Form_Load()
WindowWidth = 320
WindowHeight = 240
myy = 1

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Dim R As Long
Dim G As Long
Dim B As Long

Dim myx
Dim myy
Dim rgbvalue

threshold = Slider1.Value '1600000 '3876853 'Reverse BGR hex value for a red colour
Text1.Text = threshold
threshold = 1585276

myy = 1

mynumber = 1
mytextnumber$ = mynumber

Form1.Picture3 = LoadPicture("D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\rgb.jpg")

mytextnumber$ = "D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\" & "1.jpg"

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

If Err.Number = 53 Or 481 Then
'Debug.Print "Some problem with loading jpg image."
Resume Next
End If

Picture1 = LoadPicture(mytextnumber$)

For xcnt = 0 To WindowWidth
If Picture1.Point(xcnt, 30) > threshold Then '100000 Then
origin = xcnt

GoTo start:
End If


For myy = 0 To WindowHeight

For myx = 0 To WindowWidth
If Picture1.Point(myx, myy) > threshold Then '1000000 Then
GoTo here:
End If


Picture1.PSet (myx, myy), RGB(255, 255, 0)
Picture1.Line (0, 30)-(WindowWidth, 30), RGB(0, 255, 0)

If Form1.Picture3.Point(myx, myy) > 100000 Then
rgbvalue = Form1.Picture3.Point(myx, myy)
End If

rotx = origin - myx
roty = myy * 2
rotz = (rotx + myx) / 2

'Output file
Open "D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\freescanRGB_object_01.asc" For Append As #1

'Read RGB values from hex pixel colour
R = &HFF& And rgbvalue
G = (&HFF00& And rgbvalue) \ 256
B = (&HFF0000 And rgbvalue) \ 65536

' Aligns scan with laser angle offset and skew
rot = 30 * 0.0174532 '57.29577951
rotzz = rotz * Cos(rot) - myx * Sin(rot)
rotxx = rotz * Sin(rot) + myx * Cos(rot)
rotyy = roty 'myy '/ 2

'create the vertex string - 'X Y Z R G B'
Print #1, ((rotxx + rotx) & " " & (rotyy / 2) & " " & ((rotzz * -2) * 2) & " " & R & " " & G & " " & B)
Close #1

'LASER LINE PREVIEW BOX- Draws each vertex with a red dot.
Picture2.PSet (myx, myy), RGB(255, 0, 0)

End Sub

...Into VB.NET So I can tweak it and put it into my own application. I got it from text right off the internet, so I cant try to import it into .NET and let that convert it for me, because I cant save it. Thanks to everyone who can give advice, and I'll definitely give out a best answer. Thanks so much again in advance!
I do know that the Timer class doe's need a handler. I know VB.NET well. Picture3 defines a picture box control

It looks like either your code is not complete or there is a reference library that you're going to need for this.

Form1.Picture3 = LoadPicture("D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\rgb.jpg")

LoadPicture is not defined anywhere in the code you posted. There is also nothing listed here to make the Timer1_Timer sub run.

You're going to have to find the missing parts to this project if you want to use it as written. Otherwise you're going to have to disect it pulling out bits & pieces to make it work for you.

resident evil code veronica x metal detectors?


i stuck on this part how can i pass it possibley give me a link

If you haven't, grab the fire extinguisher from the shutter room before you enter the building with the metal detectors. You have to put out that fire that explodes at the beginning by the cemetery. Inside the suitcase is an TG alloy material item that can't be detected by metal detectors. Go back in the building and past the 2nd metal detector. Grab the Hawk emblem from the security box and take it to the big machine by the table. It's the 3d scanner.

*set off the metal detectors to close the windows and shutters, or zombies will get in and you have no weapons.*

Place it in there and place the alloy in he machine next to it to make a duplicate. Take the duplicate and go handle your business!

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

How are video games projected on screen?

3d scanning video games
 on Mein Amazon Angebote Gutscheine Hilfe Impressum
3d scanning video games image


I know that we aren't actually looking at a constant moving video game and that all we are seeing are multiple frames per second. But how is it done? I'm just curious how they do it. And are video games only projected at 30 frames and 60 frames per second, or are there other # of frames that can be shown in a given second?

The numbers 30 and 60 are a side effect of the NTSC format of television. Even back in the black-and-white days of TV, NTSC was a 640X480 image, interlaced (draws all the odd lines in one pass, then draws all the even lines on the next), and operating at 60 Hz. It wasn't until about 10 years ago that consumers started seeing any change to this, when EDTVs came on the scene and changed the interlaced to Progressive Scan (all lines are drawn sequentially on each pass), and then HDTVs changing the image resolution. Very recently, sets that can do 120 Hz have come onto the market. In Europe, they uses the PAL format, which ran at 50 Hz, but switched to 60 Hz for HDTV to simplify things for TV manufacturers (who had started to sell sets in Europe that could handle both 50 Hz and 60 Hz).

So for the longest time, TVs were displaying 60 half-frames (due to interlacing). As such, having a game run at 60 Hz would result in slightly smoother animation, but a lot more processing power which could otherwise be used to enhance the detail. So typically 60 frames games were smoother, but 30 frames games were much more detailed. Any other rate, and you the smoothness will vary, which is rather jarring to the immersiveness factor.

All of this only applies to consoles, though, since PCs have always had monitors that could do a variety of framerates, and therfore their games always strived for the highest framerate possible (and where 60 Hz is on the far low end) and don't really worry about the framerate dipping at times. High end modern monitors can typically do at least 140 Hz, and some older games on new hardware can actually create several hundred frames per second if certain settings are disabled.

Regardless of PC or console, the same programming technique is used for creating the frames and managing the process of sending them to the screen. Each object is placed in position in a virtual 3D space in RAM, textures are applied (only if they are facing the virtual camera's location), the view from the virtual camera is established, and the objects that the camera can see are flattened into a 2D image. This whole process is called rendering.

Then, the rendered image is put into a piece of memory (usually in the graphics chip itself) that has been designated as a "frame". This frame is then sent to the TV/monitor, and as it is being sent, a second image is being rendered and put into a second "frame". Once the first frame has been sent to the screen completely, the second frame is designated as the primary frame, and a third image is rendered and overwrites the first frame. This process is called Frame Buffering.

PCs (and maybe HDMI TV connections, I'm not sure) have the capability of the monitor being able to send a signal back to the game program and tell it when a frame is done being drawn. This allows the game to not switch frames while it is being sent to the screen (vertical synch), preventing a top section of an image and a bottom section of the same image displayed not matching up, refered to as "tearing". Since consoles know what frequency the TV is operating at based on the region (or more recently in Europe, through an option in the settings for either the game or the system), they can simply use an internal timer as an artificial vertical synch.

How far are we into understanding the brain and nevous system? Will singularity happen?


I heard about blue brain, and There is the Russia 2045 plan for immortality. Think back about 50 years we really had none of the stuff we have today and all of a sudden all this stuff is exploding. Video games were low graphical started from 2D flatness, then came sprites, low res 3D higher res 3D, and getting more realistic. I remember being a kid and wishing games were how they were in the cartoons all cinematic and I never really realized when they actually DID. We now have tablets mini computers getting extreamly powerful and Ray kurzweil is right about technology getting better smaller and cheaper. I think he may be right about the coming singularity. And russia 2045 may just acheive it. Its hard to believe but I think it might just happen. No i definetly think it will happen just didn't know if it will happen in their aloted time but looking back at how stuff change in our short amount of time makes it possible. Think. Stuff have gotten this good? how much better can they get? I've heard we have gotten monkeys to "Feel" objects and textures in virtual space. Do Scientist no alot more about the brain then they have let us know so far? I think they may have and just not have told us much yet. I think we may really have Virtual reality nervous system. That will be a big hit in the internet world wide. The world itself will change simply because of that. What do you think?
So say we manage to simulate the brain. Does that mean we can have things like virtual reality and augmented reality in the nervous?
Well guys. If we come to understanding his. I hope to meet you when and if we become neo humanity in 2045. It will be fun. Living in your virtual world on different planets, etc. I guess in a way we will become mini gods. Does that mean if we get even more advanced then we will just keep getting better and better? If there is a god. Could it be that he or them were simple people that simply transended their own world, like we are soon to accomplish. Hmm.
Lol uiry I don't think you should tell all the secrets if your telling the truth :P. One thing I really want to experience is the virtual reality aspect. Being able to become someone else. Being able to hang out with your friends as if they are really beside you touching them. Online dating and relationships will be very common. Sex will change. Maybe marridges will last longer because in virtual reality normal human limitations are gone. I really want to live to experience it. And If I die or we die. I really don't think we are dead forever. The brain create conciousness but i believe the energy thats used to power it is what makes you. You may not be the same person or even the same species when you return, but you will be back, everything in this universe is one I believe we are not truly destroyed. Also other dimensions are all so that can be another thing. I guess im talking about reincarnation in a sense. Just because we don't have the proof doesn't mean it doesn&

("How far are we into understanding the brain and nevous system? Will singularity happen?")

The human brain is yielding its secrets to neuroscientists at a tremendous rate, thinks to the human genome project. There is no question that the human brain can be "fully" simulate at some point in the very near future.

The Russian quest for significantly extended human life time by 2045 is well within the framework of rational reasoning. The human life span could be increased considerably using nothing more than today science and technology; the big problem is getting past people's fears of letting go of the status quo, and moving forward in a progressive way.

Scientists are not likely holding back information from the public. The public are not being encouraged to seek out new information about current scientific breakthroughs, thinks to business and religion.

See: New Genes Linked to Brain Size, Intelligence

See: Electronic hippocampal system turns memory on and off, enhance cognition

See: "Virtual body technology" lets users walk in someone else's shoes

See: How to build a bionic Man

See: Watch a Translucent Fish's Brain Light up, Literally

See: Scientist Read Dreams
Brain scans during sleep were successfully used to decode some of the visual content of subject's dreams

See: Word-of-Mind ... Decode Words from the Brain's Auditory Activity

See: Can you build a human body?

See: 2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal

And this is just an tiny, tiny sample of the kinds of scientific breakthroughs that are happening right now today. There's much more to come.

Best regards

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What kind of apps do you have on your iphone?

3d scanner with iphone
 on Tridimensional : l'application iPhone pour scanner son visage en 3D
3d scanner with iphone image


i might be getting one for christmas. i want my iphone full of apps, i get bored easily. tell me apps that you recommend or like! thanks <3
apps for translators, dictionary ect. umm communication aim? idk... something!

These are my Apps. Some are great, and a few are terrible, but I think you will find many useful, fun and amazing apps in this list:

Air Sharing (Document Viewer, File S... Alarm System Amazing Illusions - Best Illusion Ent... Arcade BowlingTM
BlocksClassic Lite
Bounce On
Catcha Mouse 2
Cro-Mag Rally
Cube Runner
Cube Runner II
Delivery Status touch, a package trac...
Dial Zero - Dictionary & Thesa...
Dog Whistle
eBay Mobile
Expando Free
F-MyLife Pro
Face Melter
Falling Balls
Flick Fishing
Flight Control
Flight of the Hamsters
FlightTrack â Live Flight Status Tracker
Graphing Calculator
Hearing Test : Prank Box
I Am T-Pain
I Can Has Cheezburger
If Found, +
iFart Mobile - #1 Fart Machine UPDA...
iHunt 3D
iRibbit Plus
iShake -- read health warning first
JIRBO Paper Football
Joost - Free TV Shows, music and M...
Kindle for iPhone
Laser Tag
LightBike Online
Line Rider iRideTM
Linguo - Multilingual Translator
Mark of Mafia! FREE for LIMITED TIM...
Mark of Mafia! Free for Limited Time!
MazeFinger Plus
Mood Touch
The Moron Test
Moto Chaser
Night Camera
Ow My Balls!
Pocket God
Police Scanner
QuickTip Tip Calculator
Real Soccer 2010 Free
Rollercoaster Rush
RSS Runner
Runmeter GPS Running Stopwatch
Scream Illusions : Prank Box
Scribble Lite
SGN Golf
Sol Free Solitaire
Sonic Boom
Spawn Illuminati
StoneLoops! of Jurassica
Stop It ! Free
Tap Tap Revenge
Target Practice
That's What She Said: Worldwide
Topple 2
The Weather Channel®
WebMD Mobile
Word Scramble 2 by Zynga
Yellow Pages
Zombieville USA
21 Pro: Blackjack - Sponsored
1337pwn iNXES XBOX Live Friends
9000 Awesome Facts and Laws Pro S.

What are really stupid or weird iphone or itouch apps?

lucy in th

there are more than 75,000. o.O anyway i need information on cell phones like where it all began (what inspired martin cooper to make the first cell phone) and why was it invented and how and all that
i still need iphone apps tho

Do your own research mate...

But here are some apps:

Favorites marked with a â.
Free apps marked with a â»

â¶Good for professional/school:

â¢Air Sharing â
â¢Alarm System â
â¢Color Splash
â¢Delivery Status touch â
â¢Dial Zero â â»
â¢eBay Mobile â»
â¢Facebook (&fun) â»
â¢Fake-a-call (&fun) â»
â¢Flashlight â â»
â¢Flight Track
â¢Graphing Calculator
â¢If Found â â»
â¢iRibbit â»
â¢ â»
â¢Linguo â
â¢Night Camera
â¢Police Scanner
â¢QuickTip â»
â¢RedLaser â
â¢Remote â»
â¢Shazam â â»
â¢Showtime â»
â¢Sportacular â â»
â¢Units â»
â¢The Weather Channel â â»
â¢Yellow Pages â â»

â¶Good for fun:

â¢Arcade Bowling Lite â»
â¢BlocksClassic Lite â»
â¢Bounce On
â¢Bubble Wrap â â»
â¢Cacha Mouse 2
â¢Cro-Mag Rally
â¢Cube Runner â â»
â¢Cube Runner II
â¢Dog Whistle Free â â»
â¢Expando free â»
â¢F-MyLife â â»
â¢Face Melter
â¢Falling Balls â»
â¢Fieldrunners â
â¢Flick Fishing
â¢Flight Control â
â¢Flight of the Hamsters
â¢Flood It! â»
â¢Hanoi â»
â¢Hearing Test : Prank
â¢I Can Has Cheezeburger (FailBlog and associated sites) â â»
â¢iBowl â
â¢iCopter â
â¢iFart Mobile
â¢iHunt 3D
â¢Illusions Scream : Prank
â¢Jellycar â â»
â¢Joost â â»
â¢Labyrinth Lite â»
â¢Laser Tag
â¢Light Bike â»
â¢Line Rider iRide
â¢Mark of Mafia â â»
â¢Mood Touch
â¢The Moron Test â
â¢Moto Chaser
â¢Ow My Balls â
â¢Pac-Man Lite â»
â¢Paper Football â»
â¢PapiJump â»
â¢Pocked God â
â¢reMovem â»
â¢Rollercoaster Rush â»
â¢Scribble Lite â»
â¢SGN Golf
â¢Sol Free Solitaire â â»
â¢Sonic Boom
â¢Spawn â â»
â¢StoneLoops â
â¢Stop It free â»
â¢Tap Tap Revenge â»
â¢Target Practice
â¢Tetris â
â¢Topple 2
â¢Tris â»
â¢Zombieville USA â
â¢21 Pro Blackjack - Free â»
â¢9000 Awesome Facts â

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What is the physics in CAT scan?

3d 360 scanner
 on 3D Scanner Project, Part 2
3d 360 scanner image


particularly electricity and magnetism (the one who can answer this is really smart) hehehe

X-ray slice data is generated using an X-ray source that rotates around the object; X-ray sensors are positioned on the opposite side of the circle from the X-ray source. The earliest sensors were scintillation detectors, with photomultiplier tubes excited by (typically) cesium iodide crystals. Cesium iodide was replaced during the eighties by ion chambers containing high pressure Xenon gas. These systems were in turn replaced by scintillation systems based on photo diodes instead of photomultipliers and modern scintillation materials with more desirable characteristics. Many data scans are progressively taken as the object is gradually passed through the gantry. They are combined together by the mathematical procedures known as tomographic reconstruction. The data are arranged in a matrix in memory, and each data point is convolved with its neighbours according with a seed algorithm using Fast Fourier Transform techniques. This dramatically increases the resolution of each Voxel (volume element). Then a process known as Back Projection essentially reverses the acquisition geometry and stores the result in another memory array. This data can then be displayed, photographed, or used as input for further processing, such as multi-planar reconstruction.

Newer machines with faster computer systems and newer software strategies can process not only individual cross sections but continuously changing cross sections as the gantry, with the object to be imaged, is slowly and smoothly slid through the X-ray circle. These are called helical or spiral CT machines. Their computer systems integrate the data of the moving individual slices to generate three dimensional volumetric information (3D-CT scan), in turn viewable from multiple different perspectives on attached CT workstation monitors. This type of data acquisition requires enormous processing power, as the data are arriving in a continuous stream and must be processed in real-time.

In conventional CT machines, an X-ray tube and detector are physically rotated behind a circular shroud (see the image above right); in the electron beam tomography (EBT) the tube is far larger and higher power to support the high temporal resolution. The electron beam is deflected in a hollow funnel shaped vacuum chamber. X-rays are generated when the beam hits the stationary target. The detector is also stationary. This arrangement can result in very fast scans, but is extremely expensive.

The data stream representing the varying radiographic intensity sensed at the detectors on the opposite side of the circle during each sweep is then computer processed to calculate cross-sectional estimations of the radiographic density, expressed in Hounsfield units. Sweeps cover 360 or just over 180 degrees in conventional machines, 220 degrees in EBT.

CT scanner with cover removed to show the principle of operationCT is used in medicine as a diagnostic tool and as a guide for interventional procedures. Sometimes contrast materials such as intravenous iodinated contrast are used. This is useful to highlight structures such as blood vessels that otherwise would be difficult to delineate from their surroundings. Using contrast material can also help to obtain functional information about tissues.

Pixels in an image obtained by CT scanning are displayed in terms of relative radiodensity. The pixel itself is displayed according to the mean attenuation of the tissue(s) that it corresponds to on a scale from +3071 (most attenuating) to -1024 (least attenuating) on the Hounsfield scale. Pixel is a two dimensional unit based on the matrix size and the field of view. When the CT slice thickness is also factored in, the unit is known as a Voxel, which is a three dimensional unit. The phenomenon that one part of the detector cannot differentiate between different tissues is called the "Partial Volume Effect". That means that a big amount of cartilage and a thin layer of compact bone can cause the same attenuation in a voxel as hyperdense cartilage alone. Water has an attenuation of 0 Hounsfield units (HU) while air is -1000 HU, cancellous bone is typically +400 HU, cranial bone can reach 2000 HU or more (os temporale) and can cause artifacts. The attenuation of metallic implants depends on atomic number of the element used: Titanium usually has an amount of +1000 HU, iron steel can completely extinguish the X-ray and is therefore responsible for well-known line-artifacts in computed tomograms. Artifacts are caused by abrupt transitions between low- and high-density materials, which results in data values that exceed the dynamic range of the processing electronics.

Computer Freezes!!!!?

Irfan Burn

My computer always hangs when I tried to use any programs that using 3D features. Including hard games, FLASH games, and even simple games like SOLITAIRE. Sometimes, my computer will hang if I played musics and videos.

I often edit videos and I got annoyed because my computer always hang in the middle of converting process.

I've tried to change my RAM, VGA, power supply cable, adding additional fan inside my computer, and using UPS/Stabilizer. But it's no use.

It's fluxtuation was random. Sometime, i was be able to play games a day full. But the next day, my computer hangs every few seconds after I ran 3D programs.

I'm using Intel Pentium 4;
3.06 GHz Dual Core
1,5 GB of RAM (2 slots)
VGA : ASUS Extreme AX550 series
512.0 MB

What should I do...?

Your configuration of your computer must be wacky.
The common to your problems is the graphic card

go to the manufacturers website and update the driver.

You can look at this it all helps
Also while your computer is in good nick you should download and install superantispyware because when malware gets going you will not be able to access the net.

Clean Up Computer
Download and run superantispyware. I was put onto this program because of an annoying popup (XP or Vista plus all OS preceding)
Superantispyware is a good program and remember to update it before scanning. A scan may take 45mins.

Note Superantispyware has powerful reset tools that will set stuff back to windows defaults.
To use these tools click preferences >repairs. This may be handy to reset IE URLS if you have annoying pop ups.

Also set up tick boxes that you want in the other tabs as you require.

afterwards clean up the registry with this
Clean up pc and IE
To clean up run this Microsoftâs windows live program. It does registry, spyware , virus , disk clean up and defrag

XP Users

Vista Users

Run the full safety scanner, it takes a few seconds to install the scanning files but when you start the scan, iIt takes 2 hours or more. So once it starts to load x file of x you can leave the computer and go to bed etc.

Then at the end of the scan it asks you to set it running full time.

Think twice about setting it to run in the background as it could be another thing to slow you down. However, it may be worth while if you have no other security programs running.

Consider the following options:
I personally run Norton 360 which is full internet security and run superantispyware when I want to.

So if you donât have a decent internet security program then perhaps run the superantispyware with your antivirus in the background.

If you sick of antivirus programs that donât work perhaps run onecare full time and run superantispyware whenever.

Now you should be flying and Onecare has even set up a new system restore point for you.

Note onecare does other stuff as well. Click on the menus on the LHS column.

add onecare to your favourites

Slow computer IE freezes
Note: only have to do Safe mode if the files will not delete in normal mode. Try normal first.

Slowly tap the F8 key while the computer is powering up

Just after Verifying DMI files occurs the F8 key will point the computer to a menu where safe mode can be selected.

Note if you mistakenly tap F8 key again, it will continue through to normal boot

Scroll and select safe mode with network

Use explorer to delete the contents of the folder datastore.

Datastore can be found in c:\windows\softwaredistribution.

You may have to do this regularly when the computer slows.

The folder rebuilds itself and the contents are to do with windows updates and logs for errors. There is no harm in deleting the contents.


Over time IE7 seems to set its own (or programs do) tick boxes in the advance tab.
In IE7 (IE6) Tools >Internet Options >Advance Tab
Click Restore advance settings defaults
Tick empty temp files when browser closes (this empties the cache)
Bullet disable phishing filter (IE7)
Delete Browser History, cookies the whole lot regularly.
Close the browser to set the settings.

Optional speed fix
If you want IE7 to speed up and work like IE6 then do this (you can undo it later)
Click tools >manage add ons > enable /disable >select each add on and bullet the disable button
Close the browser to set the settings

RAM and Virtual Memory check
Open up the internet to eg yahoo answers and have a few things open .(eg Word excel or a couple browser pages)
If you normally play music, play that.

Open Task manager >performance tab
Look at the RAM usage in the physical memory (k). If you are using more than 60% of your RAM while your computer is only doing the above then there is not much left for video or games. You may need to install more RAM
1 Gig for XP, 2 Gig for Vista

Look at the PF usage. That is the virtual memory .

Your virtual memory should be set to 1.5 times the amount of RAM you have. Eg 1 gig RAM, therefore 1.5 gig Virtual Memory

Right click my computer icon >properties > advance tab >performance settings > advance tab > virtual memory change > select the drive with the operating system on it (normally C:) bullet custom. Enter the min and max value as one and a half times the RAM you have. In this example, 1500 min and 1500 max. >set.

Your computer is now set for optimum performance for the RAM you have.

Also right click on my computer icon >properties > advance tab >performance settings> the default is let windows, you could try best performance.

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Information on television history?

3d scanner inventor
 on ... , strategy & statistic to win 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, Mega Jackpot & Lotto
3d scanner inventor image


I'm doing a school project on the history of the television and i was wondering if anyone could give me any info like when it was first invented, when colour,3d and hd came in, how many channels it had at first, what they were made out of, when remote controls were invented and stuff like that? it's monday and my project is due wednesday so please help. thanks

I have to warn you, this is a very small paste from a huge article in Wikipedia.

I went to Google and wrote : advent of television invention and found many article and just selected a small section from Wikipedia.

The beginnings of mechanical television can be traced back to the discovery of the photoconductivity of the element selenium by Willoughby Smith in 1873, the invention of a scanning disk by Paul Gottlieb Nipkow in 1884 and John Logie Baird's demonstration of televised moving images in 1926.

As a 23-year-old German university student, Paul Nipkow proposed and patented the first electromechanical television system in 1884. Although he never built a working model of the system, variations of Nipkow's spinning-disk "image rasterizer" for television became exceedingly common, and remained in use until 1939. Constantin Perskyi had coined the word television in a paper read to the International Electricity Congress at the International World Fair in Paris on August 25, 1900. Perskyi's paper reviewed the existing electromechanical technologies, mentioning the work of Nipkow and others.

However, it was not until 1907 that developments in amplification tube technology, by Lee DeForest and Arthur Korn among others, made the design practical. The first demonstration of the instantaneous transmission of still silhouette images was by Georges Rignoux and A. Fournier in Paris in 1909, using a rotating mirror-drum as the scanner and a matrix of 64 selenium cells as the receiver.

In 1911, Boris Rosing and his student Vladimir Zworykin created a television system that used a mechanical mirror-drum scanner to transmit, in Zworykin's words, "very crude images" over wires to the "Braun tube" (cathode ray tube or "CRT") in the receiver. Moving images were not possible because, in the scanner, "the sensitivity was not enough and the selenium cell was very laggy".
On March 25, 1925, Scottish inventor John Logie Baird gave the first public demonstration of televised silhouette images in motion, at Selfridge's Department Store in London. AT&T's Bell Telephone Laboratories transmitted halftone still images of transparencies in May 1925. On June 13 of that year, Charles Francis Jenkins transmitted the silhouette image of a toy windmill in motion, over a distance of five miles from a naval radio station in Maryland to his laboratory in Washington, using a lensed disk scanner with a 48-line resolution.

However, if television is defined as the live transmission of moving images with continuous tonal variation, Baird first achieved this privately on October 2, 1925. But strictly speaking, Baird had not yet achieved moving images on October 2. His scanner worked at only five images per second, below the threshold required to give the illusion of motion, usually defined as at least 12 images per second. By January, he had improved the scan rate to 12.5 images per second.

Then on January 26, 1926 at his laboratory in London, Baird gave what is widely recognized as being the world's first demonstration of a working television system to members of the Royal Institution and a newspaper reporter.

German things! Ketchup, Albert einstein, what more things are German?...?


Remind me of some German things, objects, actors, famous persons,
For things; like Heinz (or Hunts Ketchup as everyone knows it)
For famouse people; Ludwig van Beethoven and Albert Einstein
Everything famous wich is German!

Ketchup is actually a Chinese sauce and the Heinz family capitalized on it's popularity.

But German stuff........hmmm
German beer - even though the first beer brewed was in Egypt, that is what Germany is most famous for.
3D Mars Camera
Ecoflex Plastic
Gummi Bear **** My favorite!
Jet Engine
MP3 Format
Nuclear Fission
Nylon Plug
Radio-controlled watch
Record Player
Small format camera
Social Legislation
Tape recorder
The Pill
Theory of Relativity
Twin Elevator
X-ray technology

I found all these at, , Americas German Originality.
I also found this one on inventors and their inventions

Let's not forget some of the best music ever made came from German composers as well as some operas,
Handel, Bach, Bethoven, Hummel, Graun,Mendelssohn.
Pygmalian, Der Protagonist, Orpheus and Eurydike, Antigonae, Elektra.
Wagner (pronounced Vaugner) was one of the best composers of music and opers in the 19th century from Germany and is still praised today.

Glad to see you interested in yours and others heritage.

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Monday, October 7, 2013

How do I convert a 2d image into a 3d image that i can paint digitally?

3d scanner games
 on Scorpion 3D Stinger Scanner | Play our Game!
3d scanner games image

Kevin Solt

I paint miniature models for a board game called Warhammer 40k, and I want to know if there is a program (or programs) that can allow me to upload a picture of the model, and paint it (even in a different program) so that I can try out new paint schemes without having to actually buy the paints first and put them on the model. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Well, this is a bit of a complicated task. Unless you have the money to be spending on a three-dimensional scanner, you're pretty much sunk.

If you simply want to test out colors, your best bet may be to take photos of your unpainted model (or have it painted white, if you want better results later), convert the photo to grayscale and open it in Photoshop.

Create a new layer, set it to multiply, and use the brush tool to color on top of the black and white photo of the model. This should give you a good enough indication of what the end result will look like.

What are those devices called that can scan a real world object into a 3d file?


I know they've been around for over like at least 6 years... but I don't remember what they were called. Artists use them for movies and games.

holographic scanners

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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Does the CT Scan need a darkroom and cassette to produce radiographs?

3d x ray scanning
 on rays of the hand. On the left is the first x-ray, taken in 1895. On ...
3d x ray scanning image


Some of us know that the X-ray machine needs a darkroom for the processing of the radiographs. I'm just wondering if the CT scan still needs a darkroom to produce diagnostic images and a cassette that will contain the film.


The CT scanner contains an x-ray tube, the same as a regular x-ray room, but has detectors on the other side, rather than a film cassette. The tube and detectors spin around you (this part is called the gantry) acquiring information continuously (in a spiral) as you move through it on the table.

All the information from the detectors is gathered by the Image Capture System (called raw data) which is then reconstructed, first into a usable image, and then into any way the operator chooses - in different planes, in different slice thicknesses, in different brightness/contrasts ('windows') concentrating on different body parts (ie, bone or soft tissue or lung), or in cool 3D pictures.

These images are then sent electronically to a workstation for the radiologist to report from, and sometimes to the Internet, over a secure connection, for the referring doctor to view.

(PS Even most general x-ray rooms these days don't use film - they use an electronic plate that captures the charge of the x-ray, which is then put through a reader to load onto the computer. The plate is then (electronically) wiped clean and then reused. Some places even have direct-capture systems where the plate is eliminated all together!)

can you make an x ray see through your skull?


i need an image of the surface of my brain. an mri and a ct scan miss whats under the surface of your brain. the skull and brain are to close together and you cant see it. i think theres something maybe metal under my skull. can an x ray make your skull transparent? i need something like a normal x ray but see through. do you know how?

X ray have a penetrative power, with the quantity of the rays stopped being a function of the density of whatever it is going through, but it cannot change the property of matter.

Tomography allows a better view that allows a reconstruction of a 3D image by doing several X ray along different directions. Magnetic resonance imaging relies on the different way hydrogen in molecules will align with a powerful magnet, which allows it to image tissue that contain water.

The only imaging technique you have not listed is the positron emission tomography (PET) which require short lived radio active isotopes to be injected.

If those techniques do not work, then your request would need something that is not yet available.

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Does anyone know anything about x-ray microtomography?

3d scanner medical imaging
 on Wilder 3-D Imaging Laboratory - Center for Maritime Archaeology and ...
3d scanner medical imaging image

Clark H

Hello! Please help me and my group with our assignment at uni! We have been asked to write a 3-page essay about x-ray microtomography. But it seems rather difficult to find information about that topic on the internet and in published texts. We would like any information available! Thanks a lot!

Microtomography, like tomography, uses x-rays to create cross-sections of a 3D-object that later can be used to recreate a virtual model without destroying the original model. The term micro is used to indicate that the pixel sizes of the cross-sections are in the micrometer range. This also means that the machine is much smaller in design compared to the human version and is used to model smaller objects.

These scanners are typically used for small animals (in-vivo scanners), biomedical samples, foods, microfossils, and other studies for which minute detail is desired.

The first X-ray microtomography system was conceived and built by Jim Elliott in the early 1980s. The first published X-ray microtomographic images were reconstructed slices of a small tropical snail, with pixel size about 50 micrometers. (JC Elliott and SD Dover. X-ray microtomography. J. Microscopy 126, 211-213, 1982.)

In 2005, Skyscan, a company that produces scientific instruments, introduced a nano-ct scanner, introducing the concept of Nanotomography. Other companies producing such scanners include Xradia for materials and semiconductor applications and Scanco Medical AG for medical applications.

Working principle

* Imaging system

Fan beam reconstruction
The fan-beam system is based on a 1-dimensional x-ray detector and an electronic x-ray source, creating 2-dimensional cross-sections of the object. Typically used in human Computed tomography systems.
Cone beam reconstruction
The cone-beam system is based on a 2-dimensional x-ray detector (camera) and an electronic x-ray source, creating projection images that later will be used to reconstruct the image cross-sections.

* Sample holder system

The sample stays still, and the camera and electronic x-ray source rotates.
This is best used for in-vivo animal scans, and other situations where the sample should remain unmoving, but is more expensive.
E.g.SkyScan-1076 or SkyScan-1078 or Scanco VivaCT 40 scanners for sample details.
The sample rotates, and the camera and electronic x-ray source stays still.
Much cheaper to build, since moving the sample requires fewer components than moving the camera and the electronic x-ray source.

* Open/Closed systems

Open x-ray system
In an open system, x-rays may escape or leak out, thus the operator must stay behind a shield, have special protective clothing, or operate the scanner from a distance or a different room. Typical examples of these scanners are the human versions, or designed for big objects.
E.g. Scanco medical XtremeCT scanner.
Closed x-ray system
In a closed system, x-ray shielding is put around the scanner so the operator can put the scanner on his desk or special table. Although the scanner is shielded, care must be taken and the operator usually carries a dose meter, since x-rays have a tendency to be absorbed by metal and then re-emitted like an antenna. Although a typical scanner will produce a relatively harmless volume of x-rays, repeated scannings in a short timeframe could pose a danger.
Closed systems tend to become very heavy because lead is used to shield the x-rays. Therefore, the smaller scanners only have a small space for samples.
E.g. SkyScan-1076 or SkyScan-1078 or Scanco mCT 40 or Scanco mCT 80 scanners

Typical use
* Biomedical

* Both dead and alive (in vivo) rat and mouse scanning.
* Human skin samples, small tumors, mice bone for osteoporosis research.

See in vivo microCT scanners for scanning examples.

* Electronics

Small electronic components. E.g. DRAM IC in plastic case.

* Microdevices

E.g. spray nozzle

* Composite materials and metallic foams

E.g. composite material with glass fibers 10 to 12 micrometres in diameter

* Polymers, plastics

E.g. plastic foam

* Diamonds

E.g. detecting defects in a diamond and finding the best way to cut it.

* Food and seeds

* E.g. piece of chocolate cake, cookies
* 3-D Imaging of Foods Using X-Ray Microtomography [1]

* Wood and paper

E.g. piece of wood to visualize year periodicity and cell structure

* Building materials

E.g. concrete after loading.

* Geology

E.g. sandstone

* Microfossils

E.g. bentonic foraminifers

* Space

E.g. Locating Stardust-like particles in aerogel using x-ray techniques [2]

* Others

E.g. cigarettes

* Stereo images

Visualizing with blue and green or blue filters to see depth

Really simple computer hardware - List Input/Output devices?

Secret Sup

Can you please list as many as you can, or provide my with a link, of Input and Output devices of a computer?
Example; printer is output, keyboard is input

Please help as much as you can, and 10 pts to the best answer.
Thanks =)

Passive LCD
Printer (Laser, Inkjet, Dot Matrix)
LEDs (like the power LED and HDD Activity LED)

Graphics Tablet
Dance Pad :-P
Barcode Reader
Laser Range Finder
3D Scanner
Medical Image Sensors, like Computed tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Positron emission tomography and Medical ultrasonography

Hope this Helps! :-)

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what are the best web design universities/colleges in USA? MAX!?

3d laser scanner for 3d printer
 on ... 3D scanning with Kinect is now even easier | 3D Printer News & 3D
3d laser scanner for 3d printer image


I would to become a web designer (graphic and coding) and what are the best universities/colleges for this in USA? with a BFA degree...


In the USA, I recommend the following:

Pratt Institute, New York, NY;
Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI;
Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA;
California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA;
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA;
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI;
Otis College of Art and Design, Pasadena, CA;
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA; and
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

Although I urge that you explore all of the above, I am more familiar with the following; and, thus, I have provided a bit of information.

*Art Center College of Design
1700 Lida Street
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 396-2373

The college offers programs leading to the BFA and BS Degrees, as well as graduate degrees. Its GRAPHIC DESIGN design program is first-rate and it includes excellent academic and technical offerings. For the increasingly computer-literate students who enter the Art Center, the idea of leadership is key. As the college notes, "these young designers will have opportunities to shape the development of a medium that is only beginning to fulfill its promise."
Please see:

*Otis College of Art and Design
9045 Lincoln Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 665-6820

Otis College of Art and Design has a four year Bachelor of Fine Arts program that offers majors in seven areas: Communication Arts, DIGITAL MEDIA, Architecture/Landscape/Interiors, Fashion Design, Fine Arts, Interactive Product Design and Toy Design. The cornerstone of the Otis program is the first year curriculum, which is called Foundation. Students from all majors take the core studio classes: drawing and composition, figure drawing, two and three dimensional design. In these integrated classes students build the art, design and creative skills and vocabulary that are the "foundation" of their subsequent studies and future work. Students enter their sophomore year well prepared to begin work in their major.

It has an excellent DIGITAL MEDIA program the primary goal of which is to strike a balance between traditional art and technology, and between individual vision and teamwork. By providing a fundamental understanding of digital tools and their creative applications, the department prepares graduates to meet the demands of a diverse and expanding job market. Leading designers for visual effects, Web, film, television, broadcast media, advertising, and video gaming guide the students.
Please see:

*University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(310) 825-3101

The UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture has a world-class
Department of DESIGN AND MEDIA ARTS. The School and Department take pride in educating responsible designers and artists for the information age by teaching the fundamentals of Design, Media, and the Arts, and encouraging experimentation and innovation. The Department provides an extensive education in Design and Media Arts practice, history and criticism; and it fosters a critical and creative exploration of emerging forms of visual communication, typography, interaction and interface design, ubiquitous computing, virtual environments, information spaces, networked agents and other pertinent areas of research.

Housed in the remarkable Broad Art Center, its facilities include the DMA Labs. These facilities feature high-end Windows and Macintosh computers; various peripherals, such as scanners, laser printers, and large-format Epson plotters; CD and DVD burners; and film recorders and digital video cameras. The Labs also provide access to a large library of graphics software in the areas of digital photography, illustration, interactive media, and 3D-modeling and animation. In addition to the main labs, the facilities include studio space for graduates and undergraduates, several faculty research labs, a blue screen room, a video facility supporting analog and nonlinear digital editing, audio mixing, and video capture, and two digital audio facilities. Wireless access is available to laptop users, and all the computers in the facilities are connected to the campus network, giving students individual access to DMA network resources and the Internet.

Please see:

Does everything work?


Everything work?
GIGABYTE 3D AURORA GZ-FSCA1-ANS Silver Aluminum ATX Full Tower Computer Case
LITE-ON Black 16X DVD-ROM 52X CD-R 32X CD-RW 52X CD-ROM 2MB Cache

Western Digital Caviar SE WD
3200AAJS 320GB 7200 RPM 8MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive

Acer AL1916WAbd Black 19" 5ms Widescreen LCD Monitor 300 cd/m2 700:1

XFX PVT88PYDF4 GeForce 8800 GT 512MB 256-bit GDDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Supported Video Card (2)

OCZ Platinum 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 1066 (PC2 8500) Dual Channel Kit

XFX MB-N780-ISH9 LGA 775 NVIDIA nForce 780i SLI Intel Motherboard

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Kentsfield 2.4GHz 2 x 4MB L2 Cache LGA 775 Quad-Core Processor

Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 64-bit English for System Builders 1pk DSP OEI DVD - OEM

Xigatek Rifle cooler 92 cm

And a nice power supply...fine on that

No comments on vista please
Also, EPP 1.0...Something parrallel port but what does it do some one explain!Seems to be a plugin,,,
thanks baron9969 but I just wanted to know because my RAM is 1067 or something and my mobo says that if I have EPP 1.0, then I can use RAM above 800...

I'm not sure what the question is, exactly. The system sounds REALLY good (and you asked that we not comment on Vista (blech) so there are 3 long paragraphs of my bitching you won't see)... Though I'm not a fan of the Western Digital drives anymore. The new Seagate Parallel recording drives are much better. (Look for a ".10" after the model number)

If you are asking about the EPP 1.0 Parallel Port or Parallel Port connector... That, for those of you born after 1994 is how us old timers used to hook up our printers. A Fat (and I do mean FAT) cable plugs into that port into another huge connector on the printer.

The port (in later models - after 1984 I believe) was actually Bi-directional to varying degrees. It got info from the printer (did it finish a line, acknowledge a character, low on toner (for lasers printers), out of paper, a fly fell on the paper turning the "T" to a "B" thus Tuttel to Buttel (Brazil fans will get this), etc.)

It's also good for OLD scanners (TWAIN Devices)

I use it now with an old computer and interface box to control my heating/cooling system and related devices. (It's not as BI as I would like (Tila Tequila))

Unless your going to build a robot, control your heater or hook up an old printer or old scanner, ignore it. If you know how to get into your BIOS, you can disable it completely and give VV-v-V-V-Vista (shiny) an extra IRQ to keep the screen looking oh so nifty... Sorry, couldn't be helped. :-)

That extra IRQ to the Operating System can't hurt, and might help.

I hope that helped some, and that was the question.

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