Saturday, November 16, 2013

Why can’t biometric identification be used to make purchases online?

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 on Matterport Developing Low Cost 3D Scanner | Rapid Ready Technology
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Biometric identification is basically face recognition, eye scanner or fingerprints which could be used instead of passwords and user names etc
I don't know if the answer is that you can't buy the technology yet to actually do that from home or because your fingerprint etc hasn't been linked up to your bank details or whether it's something blatantly obvious that i have missed.
Thank you for your help

I have recently gone across this great time and attendance device called SmartXS which scans on multiple levels and is really fast. They provide software support through which it can be customized and used for various applications. Even several banks have been using fingerprint scanners for the identification instead of writing PIN codes in their ATM machines. Face recognition will definitely take it to another level as this device scans dual retina and 3d face in less than a second. The company is Solotech Corp and its design is good too. Hope it helps.

How or where can I find a person or company with the ability to copy a sculpture with a CNC (or other) machine?


I am wanting to reproduce a classic sculpture that I have, in a larger size. I believe that I have seen machines on TV that can accurately measure and reproduce a sculpture without an artist having to actually chiesel it. I just cannot afford thousands to have it hand carved, and I am not very particular about fine quality so long as it is reasonable. Can anyone direct me please?

there are 3D scanners and various rapid prototyping machines, ranging from printers to CNC machines. Though large scale printers are much rarer than large scale CNC.

If you google rapid prototyping services you'll find some companies. But it's most likely going to be much more expensive than looking if you can locate a larger version of your sculpture, particularly if yours is a popular one. A large run reproduction will always be cheaper than an unique custom fabricated item.

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I have an important question?

3d scanner resolution
 on Cheaper fabbers and 3d scanners
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Hello, I just bought this game called 'The Movies' and it going very slow, I need help on boosting it the ,Minimum Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP
800MHz processor or higher
8x Speed CD-ROM drive
2.4 GB free hard disk space
DirectX 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card
DirectX® 9.0c (included)
Updated Windows Media® Player 9 Codecs (included)
800 x 600 Monitor Resolution
3D Hardware Accelerator Card required
Updated drivers for all hardware
Supported Graphics Cards:

ATI Radeon® series (7000 or better): 7000, 7200, 7500, 8500 9000, 9200, 9250, 9550, 9600, 9700, 9800 x300, x600, x700, x800, x850

NVIDIA GeForce® series (GeForce 3 or better). GeForce 3, 3 Ti GeForce 4, MX, Ti GeForce FX 5200, 5600, 5700, 5800, 5900, PCX 5300, 5750, 5950 GeForce 6200, 6600, 6800

I have 487mb of ram and a very good card, so whats going on.

Try turning off some of the programs that you have running in the background, and check your computer for spyware or viruses that might be slowing it down.

If you have a virus scanner, run a full scan. If you don't have one, run a free scan from

If you don't have any antispyware programs, download Spybot - Search and Destroy from the link below, and run a full scan.

Suggestions for a full body 3d scanner?


I'm working on a project that will require a fair bit of full body 3d scanning - hence I'll want a system of my own, rather than a service.
fast - under a minute
resolution - should not require resolution of detail below say 1/16th inch

I know reliable 3d scans require a longer scanning time, but for my purposes, it just needs to resolve the basic proportions of the body, not skin texture and wrinkles. Given how long the tech has been around, and that the emphasis has been on getting more detail, I can't help but think there must be a way to get a fast low-detail scan.

Any ideas?

I can help you. We are a 3D scanning services and product representation firm with over 16 years history and a wide depth of skills, experience, applications, and industries - including full body scanning. We keep up with all of the technologies out there that can perform scanning for all areas.

I have a variety of solutions for you ranging in all parameters you can think of: price, speed, portability, resolution, coverage, technology basis, etc.

Send an email directly and let's see what we can do.
Direct Dimensions, Inc.

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Graphic Designers- What software do you use?

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 on FARO� Laser Scanner Photon 120/20Afgen Laser Products | Afgen Laser ...
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Q. What do you use your graphic design abilities for. Engineering, art, design, Fill me in thanks. I want to learn about this. DO you like the software? you can email me

My primary software applications are Photshop, for image manipulation and editing photos, Illustrator for creating original vector graphics and vectorizing my sketches, InDesign (formally Pagemaker) for page layouts, and Word for text editing.

Less often, I use Adobe Streamline, Adobe Dimensions, Dreamweaver and Flash Pro. I am also trained in QuarkXPress, for clients who insist on projects done in this format, and 3D Studio Max. I started off using the Corel suite of products, but I have not used it in many years.

For tracking my business, I use Excell and Quicken Books.

Do I LIKE the software? For me, unless the application can save me time and money, it is useless. As a freelancer, time really does equal money, and all of these products save me a LOT of time. I don't take the time to draw lines in Illustrator when a quick pencil or marker sketch can do the job. If a client is not willing to pay for an original illustration, I can pull out one of thousands of clip art images from disc. (there is an OLD commercial artist maxim that reads, "Never draw anything you can copy. Never copy anything you can trace. Never trace anything that you can cut out and paste down.") Not only that, a lot of the operations that I used to have to pay someone else to do, I can do for myself. (color separation, trapping, choking, text formatting, typsetting, etc) The cost savings contribute to MY bottom line.

For peripheral equipment, I use a graphics tablet, desktop scanner and inkjet printer. (for proofs and comps) For production, I take my files to one of several service bureaus for printing, binding, etc.

equality tech 3d dental scanning review? dental scanning implants in MI?


Anyone in the dental field use equality tech for dental scanning? deep scanning area, sharp margin line etc.. how quick is their turn around time & final product? please answer only if your familiar with this technology, thanks.

I've actually purchased there DS2 white light scanner for our lab. We love it and its very automated with a click of a button it scans 18-23 areas. Very fast!!! The scanner has 2 cameras that allows it to scan deep areas and for sharp margin lines it has 2 high resoulution cameras and its an open system. Good Luck and I defiantly recommend them.


Hugo V.

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Can you recommend a guide and software for making 3D objects?

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 on It's a Boy! Ultrasound in Pregnancy
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My idea is to take photos of bones (scapula, femur...) from different angles, run them through a software which will somehow combine them and make a 3D object in space, that i can rotate and add annotation (tags?, description for different parts of bone)

I am not a programmer and i need something easy.

Do you have any ideas? :)

photos are 2d. you can get depth, but not 3d. you need a 3d scanner like a next engine 3d scanner they run $3000. the web site is pretty cool, it will show you how to scan and print. the printer in the web site is is a year old and now they have much better printers with more options on materials available.
for software you will need a program like Solidworks. it is #1 right now for 3d. it is what Pixiar animation use and many large companies. there are other programs, but after my research for myself most will not talk to the scanner. down side is cost and you need a pretty big system to run it.
then if you want you can send it to a 3d printer for a few dollars you will get a actual 3d sculpture. there are several 3d printers, but after looking at many the 'shapesways gallery' they can print in plastics, metal, ceramics.
this stuff is super cool. this should lead you in the right direction. these printers have only been available for public about a year, but they have been around since the 80s.

What can I use to cast a mold from stone without hurting the stone?


I'm new to this, but does anyone know what medium I would use to make a mold from a stone. In other words, There is an old building with a beautiful design sculpted in to it. I want to copy this design. I know there is a material out there that I can press against the original design and make a mold of it and then cast the design in plaster. I just don't know what material I would use to do this without hurting the stone.... Help!!!

I think the sculpey or any clay will work. If you use normal clay, any residue left will dissolve in the next rain, just don't use brown clay on light stone... if you use water based clay you would have to cast your plaster into the mold while the clay is still wet.
As the clay won't be very stable just on its own, you should consider making a mother mold on top of that. That is a hard shell, which just gives support to the soft part of your mold so it doesn't deform. It depends on the size of what you want to copy if you need it. You could make the mothermold from plaster bandages, but don't put plaster directly on the stone.
Before you start, consider carefully the shape of what you want to copy and where undercuts are and where you have to put in parting lines. What technique you use for mold making really depends on the exact shape of what you want to copy. If the structure is something complicated, you may want to practice how to make molds from more simple structures first so you are aware what causes problems and get some experience in how to solve them.

Another completely contact free method is if you happen to be at a university where they have a 3D laser scanning camera you can borrow, you could use the 3D laser scanner then make a model of your structure in the computer from the scans. That you could print out using a 3D printer. that way you can scale the model to any size (though anything large will be expensive to print)

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How far is the automated 3-D segmentation of Brain MRI efficient compared to manual segmentation?

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 on 3D Scanner
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We are doing a project on automated 3-D segmentation of brain MRI using MATLAB. We would like to know the extent to which "Surf" commands are efficient in producing reliable segmented 3-D image. The accuracy level, how much it is better compared to manual segmentation. We need statistical detail, kindly help us....

This correspondence deals with the development of an
automated 3-D segmentation of Brain MRI. The proposal is a
model-based approach for accurate, robust, and automated
tissue segmentation of brain MRI data of single as well as
multiple magnetic resonance sequences. The main contribution
of this study is that we employ an edge-based geodesic active
contour for the segmentation task by integrating both image
edge geometry and voxel statistical homogeneity into a novel
hybrid geometricâstatistical feature to regularize contour
convergence and extract complex anatomical structures. We
validate the accuracy of the segmentation results on simulated
brain MRI scans of both single T1-weighted and multiple T1/
T2/PD-weighted sequences. When compared to a current stateof-
the-art region based level-set segmentation formulation,
our white matter and gray matter segmentation resulted in
significantly higher accuracy levels with a mean improvement
in Dice similarity indexes. Thus the development of the project
is done using MATLAB simulation for results.
A Hybrid Automated 3D Segmentation in Brain MRI -------------------------------------------------------- Advantages of a MRI scan
⢠MRI scanners are good at looking at the non-bony parts
or "soft tissues" of the body. In particular, the brain, spinal
cord and nerves are seen much more clearly with MRI
than with regular x-rays and CAT scans.
⢠Also, muscles, ligaments and tendons are seen quite well
so that MRI scans are commonly used to look at knees
and shoulders following injuries.
⢠A MRI scanner uses no x-rays or other radiation.
⢠A disadvantage of MRI is itâs higher cost compared to a
regular x-ray or CAT scan. Also, CAT scans are frequently
better at looking at the bones that MRI.

How are 2D cartoons animated today?

Captain Ca

I understand how 3D images are made, they generate models and send them through animations. However, how do they do 2D cartoons? I asume they don't draw each individual frame anymore. But, backgrounds that don't move do appear to be hand-drawn in some shows. How do 2D cartoons go through animations?

Depending on the budget, deadlines, technology, experience and preference that 2D animations are made one way or another.

Small budgeted shows, destined for the weekly TV slots are mostly done on Flash these days. Characters are created from simple shapes with movable body parts (mouths, hands etc.) are pasted onto individual layers and animated individually or in concert with the other parts.

The good thing about Flash is that you can position key drawings (important, story-telling character poses of say, a hand) out and the computer will fill in the in-between drawings (all the other drawings between the key drawings to smooth out the movements) automatically. So you can position the hand at one location (a key), and then program the computer to move it to another location (another key) and it will fill in all the in-between drawings by itself (timing is done by the animator). Computers are only good at moving objects around perfectly and stretching/squashing them according to preset rules so you are limited to certain expressions. Of course, complex scenes still need to be animated by hand, but to keep the cost and the time consumed down, animators don't get to do them frequently, if at all.

You can recognize these shows by the extremely smooth movements exhibited by the characters, as well as the bold and uniformed outlines and colors throughout. Backgrounds can be painted by hand, either digitally or on papers( and then scanned into the computer), or created from bodies of static shapes and colors.

Bigger, movie-length animated films use specialized softwares, either developed in-house, or bought commercially like the Toon Boom Animation program. These, however, are almost completely hand-drawn (characters-wise), since you can only create good character animation when you have a feel of the lines and forms of the characters, a thing that is quite difficult to program on a computer.

Some studios use papers and scanners, some use graphic tablets like the Wacoms to imput drawings into their computers. Some parts of a character can be animated while others are put on a different layer and remain static.

You can recognize these films by the slight jittery outlines of the character when he/she/it moves, since each line was drawn to match up with the previous drawings', though never perfectly so, no matter how hard the animators tried. The backgrounds are usually painted by hand (either digitally or manually on papers), or in 3D models that mimic a particular style or both.

Having said all that, yes, most animated shows are still drawn by hand. Some are done on papers and scanners, some are done on computers with Wacom tablets, some combine both in the production process. 2D animation is a craft, and unless computers can draw imaginatively, animators will still have their jobs, drawing them lovingly frame by frame. I hope that helped.

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Im a highschooler who wants to persure a career in 2D animation. I need advice from a 2D Animator!?

3d scanner human head
 on ... in 3d printing sculptures 3d laser scanning of 12 human faces 3000
3d scanner human head image
Q. First, Id like to inform you a little about myself.

I've been drawing for a while now and I think I've developed some pretty good drawing skills considering Im only 16. My line of work is just sketches and more sketches of people and anatomical figures. I get creative with my drawings and a lot of my 'finished work' goes along the lines of illustration that I do on the computer with my tablet.

Im awful at traditional painting, but Im quite confident in my drawing skills when it comes to drawing from life. Especially the human figure! But I work with the human figure blind more often than I do from life. I look to Jack Hamm's 'Drawing The Head and Figure' as well as Andy Smith's "Drawing Dynamic Comics."(Which teaches about drawing superhero comic figures) I try to mesh the two so that I can one day animate my own figures similar to those of the more realistic comicbooks you see on the shelves. I've also grown up looking at movies in the analytical aspect, scrutinizing pieces of the film to appreciate scenes and the storyboard that go into the film. My influences to persue in animation were DEFINATELY Batman the Animated Series and cartoon network itself! That as well as a few anime with either a very moving narrative or astounding animation qaulity. (Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, Ghost In The Shell..) And even a few disney favorites... Oliver in Company, Aristo Cats, Balto, Lion King.

Here are examples of a few edited works from my sketchbook. (this one is a quick, maybe 15 to 20 minute drawing of my little brother laying down on the couch)

My drawings niches right now dont fit what I'd like to be able to do in the future, (Im having difficulties in drawing guys! Especially their muscles!) but Im working hard to up my skills before its time to send applications into college. (Im in the 11th grade) Im very informed on portfolio requirements and what schools would like to see because Im in my highschool's 'Senior Portfolio Class' which is a class to prepare Senior's portfolios for college. Im an advanced art student, as well as 2 other Juniors, and we're in it togethor. My grades, Ill have you know, are awful. I go to summer school once every year because I always end up failing one of my classes and I have to make up the credit so I can graduate. And the class that did that to me last year was french, which I couldnt take over the summer because they dont offer it at my highschool. So Im screwed when it comes to impressing a college with my '3 years of a language' thing. Im REALLY depending on art school at this point! I know I should not have done that because it shows a horrible work ethic, but drawing is the only thing I like to do! (besides play videogames, haha)

I want to become an animator! (I've got a lightbox, a scanner and my trusty tablet) And I aspire to continue a career into 2D! I've looked into A LOT of schools and I cant find a school with a truly impressive curriculum in 2D animation. (I know its actually just animation where they teach you both 3D and 2D, but I couldnt find a good batch of classes for 2D in each of the programs of study for the colleges I was looking into.) BUT...

I did find SCAD. Savannah College of Art and Design. ( And their student work is very nice, I didnt see much 2D, but when I looked at their classes, it was a pretty nice list for 2D! I understand now that SCAD is supposedly a very impressive school, and I'd really like to get in!

But my questions are... Do I have any other options? Is my work or my plans right now only going to hurt me? I dont know about what its like getting a job as a 2D animator or what an average day is for somebody working as one. Or even what the chances are for me to work for a company that'll give me decent pay to live on and pay future debt! I need some intel on somebody who works as a 2D animator. Im ready for a long road ahead of me until I really have the skills and experience needed to be a truly magnificent animator, but I want to make sure that when I train for it in college that I'll find work to get myself out there. I understand I wont be a big time animator or something straight out of college, but I want to know places or companies to work that I can do what I love and get more experience. Whats a good company or place to start out with? I dont even know if I have the right mindset right now! I feel blind! I know nothing about the animation career other than little things on how to actually animate.

Last but not least, whats your story on how you became a 2D animator?

If you read this, thankyou so so much. Im positive that I and many other students out there have these same questions too. I read online that pay for 2D animation is looked at as a bad living, but it honestly de
Im sorry this is so long. If you know a different place where I can contact 2D animators, drop me a line!

Hey, first off your work is great. The last two are kind of boring, but the first couple ones are really impressive. SCAD is a great school, if I were you I would go there. I went to school where they had an animation program where you learned both 2d and 3d. I do know that if you can find a 2d animation job the pay won't be that great. New York is a good place to be for 2d animators, I recently worked with a girl on a show called Fat Guy Stuck in Internet who went on to animate for Super Jail, a 2d show on Adult Swim. All in All you really need to go to art school, it builds a lot of drawing skill in many different ways. Good Luck.

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Friday, November 15, 2013

What can I use to cast a mold from stone without hurting the stone?

3d scanner laser
 on Dr. Richard Levy Uses 3D Laser Scanning to Digitally Capture Fort ...
3d scanner laser image


I'm new to this, but does anyone know what medium I would use to make a mold from a stone. In other words, There is an old building with a beautiful design sculpted in to it. I want to copy this design. I know there is a material out there that I can press against the original design and make a mold of it and then cast the design in plaster. I just don't know what material I would use to do this without hurting the stone.... Help!!!

I think the sculpey or any clay will work. If you use normal clay, any residue left will dissolve in the next rain, just don't use brown clay on light stone... if you use water based clay you would have to cast your plaster into the mold while the clay is still wet.
As the clay won't be very stable just on its own, you should consider making a mother mold on top of that. That is a hard shell, which just gives support to the soft part of your mold so it doesn't deform. It depends on the size of what you want to copy if you need it. You could make the mothermold from plaster bandages, but don't put plaster directly on the stone.
Before you start, consider carefully the shape of what you want to copy and where undercuts are and where you have to put in parting lines. What technique you use for mold making really depends on the exact shape of what you want to copy. If the structure is something complicated, you may want to practice how to make molds from more simple structures first so you are aware what causes problems and get some experience in how to solve them.

Another completely contact free method is if you happen to be at a university where they have a 3D laser scanning camera you can borrow, you could use the 3D laser scanner then make a model of your structure in the computer from the scans. That you could print out using a 3D printer. that way you can scale the model to any size (though anything large will be expensive to print)

Think about how mobile our computing devices have become and the convergence of different devices?


such as cameras, phones, computers, etc. What do you think the computer of the future will be like? What capabilities will it have that computers currently donât have? Do you see desktop computers becoming obsolete in
I mean becoming obsolete in the near future?

Well, D-Wave's quantum computer is worth watching.

Personally, I don't see desktop computers becoming obsolete especially soon.

I mean, I'm typing this on a mechanical keyboard and I'm looking at a display on my desk. That's the same as I used in about 1972, except back then it was a Tektronics storage display connected to a CDC mainframe. It's a setup I'm comfortable with. I've used smartphones, and I've used projection walls but for editing documents this is better. Of course, that's just the human interface - whether the computer is a mainframe, cloud, under the desk or built into the keyboard is of less concern.

I can see voice recognition finally making the leap to actually working for everyone, regardless of background noise and your accent.

For hardware, if 3D printers take off, I can see 3D laser or ultrasound scanners becoming more common, and some medical diagnostics becoming more mainstream (again, perhaps ultrasound or MRI based)

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3D modelisation of antic statues?

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 on High precision 3d scanner laser with cheap price products from China ...
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Ella. H

I would like to create a 3D database (files readable in AutoCad or 3DsMax) of an important collection of antic statues of the museum i work in.

But i don't know what tools / equipement i need, and how much it cost. Help me please, i need it.

3D scanners are available including smaller scale with finer detail that would require moving the pieces to the scanner and larger scale where laser beams scan from semiportable devices that can be taken to the statues.
I would expect the former to cost $500 to $1000 and the latter to range upward from there.
The problem is that costs will vary by your location and the services available locally. An area with a number of firms making 3D scans for parts reproduction, etc. will have better opportunities than one in the boondocks.
This search for "3D scanning Dallas" produces about as many prime choices as I expected
with prices from a miniature USB item under $90 to $9000 hardware and many services - I expect that there will be some distortion of what I saw as Google tries to force items from your area into the search, but Dallas should provide a sample and you can check out both your immediate area and the nearest big city if you are not in one.

how can 3D model is able to replica? using machine?


i was wondering if any of vinyl statues that are replica by using machine technology if is that so then what kind of machine? and what are the price?
use scanning or digital cameras all of the perspectives of the 3D models to make replicas too?

there are scanners that read a 3 d figure (this is often how small scale figures are reproduced much much larger) Molds are then made (for multiples like the junk from China we buy at Walmart) from metal, and there are machines that squirt resin or liquid plastic into the molds. They then run down a conveyer and are dumped out into big boxes, packed up and shipped out around the world. These machines are very costly, but produce the product at a penny or less each, and then we buy this crap for $10-$150, so if they sell oh, say 10,000 of them they have paid for their machine...

if you want to reproduce your own art work, go to a model maker (in phone book) and ask how much it would be to make molds, and then you can go to a plastics fabricator who does this for other people. Unless you have plenty of capital to start up your own factory.

If you want to just reproduce 100 or so, then yo can learn to make your own molds from a book and make them yourself with liquid resin.

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

What can I use to cast a mold from stone without hurting the stone?

3d scanner for 3d printing
 on Cheaper fabbers and 3d scanners
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I'm new to this, but does anyone know what medium I would use to make a mold from a stone. In other words, There is an old building with a beautiful design sculpted in to it. I want to copy this design. I know there is a material out there that I can press against the original design and make a mold of it and then cast the design in plaster. I just don't know what material I would use to do this without hurting the stone.... Help!!!

I think the sculpey or any clay will work. If you use normal clay, any residue left will dissolve in the next rain, just don't use brown clay on light stone... if you use water based clay you would have to cast your plaster into the mold while the clay is still wet.
As the clay won't be very stable just on its own, you should consider making a mother mold on top of that. That is a hard shell, which just gives support to the soft part of your mold so it doesn't deform. It depends on the size of what you want to copy if you need it. You could make the mothermold from plaster bandages, but don't put plaster directly on the stone.
Before you start, consider carefully the shape of what you want to copy and where undercuts are and where you have to put in parting lines. What technique you use for mold making really depends on the exact shape of what you want to copy. If the structure is something complicated, you may want to practice how to make molds from more simple structures first so you are aware what causes problems and get some experience in how to solve them.

Another completely contact free method is if you happen to be at a university where they have a 3D laser scanning camera you can borrow, you could use the 3D laser scanner then make a model of your structure in the computer from the scans. That you could print out using a 3D printer. that way you can scale the model to any size (though anything large will be expensive to print)

How can i make animation movie?


hey guys, Can please somebody help me how can I make my own animation movie.

There's some ways to approach this:
you can download either Monkey Jam for 2D animations (
Blender for 3D animations (
both free and easy to find.
There are others but these are the pick of the free litter.

**If you like to animate and would want to continue, you should invest in a Wacom Tablet (at least 6" x 8").

Or if you want to go old school...
1. You can also buy paper (print paper easiest to find)
2. Draw it frame by frame
3. Scan them into a computer or record them with a camera then recording that onto the VHS (If you use a camera, then stop here).
4. Import the scans into QuickTime as a sequence
5. Then export it as a QuickTime movie
6. Import the movie into iMovie or Windows Movie Maker 7. For sounds (
8. Export the movie as a another QuickTime movie

**These may not be the best things to use, but it can get the job done.

**Doing it old school would require
-Field Guide (You can draw one yourself): How much space your animation will take and make sure not to exceed that space

-Light Box $40: Drawing it frame by frame with this box will keep your animations from going out of proportion.

-Peg Bar $3: Place it taped onto the light box. Keeping your animations from moving all over the place unintentionally. If you are going to scan them onto the computer, then I suggest you place the peg bar TAPED onto the scanner.

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Does anyone know of a free body measurement picture program?

3d scanner software free
 on 3D scan (using your iPhone camera!) and model for free with 123D Catch ...
3d scanner software free image


One where you can type in body measurements(male or female) and you can see a picture( 2D or 3D, doesn't matter) of what that person would look like.

go to

Is there any software or online service that can translate a jpg of a 2D/3D barcode to words?

Derek C

Is there any software or online service that can translate a jpg of a 2D/3D barcode image to words?
That way I don't need to buy a $300 3D (PDF417) barcode scanner to do the job.
Oh, I see there is app for iphone to do such. I need one for PC Windows.

I believe this is what your looking for. Its called Barcode Creator 3.1 and I use it as a Tool other than "Creation" which i am sure you will too.This may not be 100% for you but it certainl something you didn't have before a a BC tool. However, if you can name some program(s) you are looking for I MAY be able to find it free.

take care

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What makes a laptop go slow, cpu, RAM etc?

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 on Georgia Tech Creates 3D Scanner iPhone App
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OK, well I can only try to optimize my laptop to stay well. I do registry cleans, empty trash and scan my PC with virus scanner. For the hardware part here are my specs:

* cpu = DualCore Intel Core i5 520M, 2666 MHz (20 x 133)
* RAM = 3894 MB (DDR3-1333 DDR3 SDRAM)
* DIMM1: Hynix HMT125S6TFR8C-H9 2 GB DDR3-1333 DDR3 SDRAM (8-8-8-22 @ 609 MHz) (7-7-7-20 @ 533 MHz) (6-6-6-17 @ 457 MHz) (5-5-5-14 @ 380 MHz)
* DIMM3: Hynix HMT125S6TFR8C-H9 2 GB DDR3-1333 DDR3 SDRAM (8-8-8-22 @ 609 MHz) (7-7-7-20 @ 533 MHz) (6-6-6-17 @ 457 MHz) (5-5-5-14 @ 380 MHz)

video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics (1764700 KB)
Intel GMA HD
hdd = 600GB

Processor = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 450 @ 2.40GH (overclock = 2.66) @ 1.3V
External clock = 533MHz
Memory = Size 2048MB*X2 (4GB total)
Speed = 1333 MHz

OK, my computer lags and RAM is only 2.2GB used about 1GB free.. CPU in use ranges from 2-30%. never seen it go higher. CPU has 4 threads (i5.) So why does it go slow? Its not like I use all my RAM or CPU

Also will buying more RAM speed things up? If I upgrade from 4GB to 8GB? Should I buy a DDR3-1600 CL 9 or a DDR3-1333 CL 11? I use my laptop mainly for rendering video, 3D apps like maya, render artwork in photoshop/ illustrator and I like to have itunes open to listen to music. As well as have multiple folders open and do online research using firefox. Thanks

I'm not surprised it's running slow if you using you laptop like that - are you using these programs all at the same time?

Rendering video is probably the main culprit. Run your video rendering at night, when you are not using your computer.

I want to expieriment with animation?

Q. Can anyone reccomen me a computer program I can use to make cartoons.

For 3D Maya or 3Ds Max

For 2D Macromedia Flash (try getting a trial)

Any good aniamtion program (not just sequencing crappy gifs) is going to have a VERY steep learning curve and will be VERY expensive! For 2D invest in a tablet, a good one, a good scanner, and DVDs or CDs for backup. For traditional get a light table (cheap tracing boxes $20) normal light tables (100 if you're lucky). Paper is expensive at 30 for a small pack, but you can but it unpunched if you want to invest in a $1000 hole punch. If you want good equipment, it's way beyond an amateurs price tag. Then you typically scan it in and use Flash, Photoshop or Illustrator even to clean it up.

You can draw with sand or paint to experiment. For claymation you need a special camera (200+) and film and the like. Then a cheap or free editing program.

Flash and 3Ds Max are the biggies so you will need $500 and a $20 manual and a lot of time seearching EBAY for used equipment.

Cutouts are a simple way to start off. So flash might be the best way to start. Also, it's almsot impossible to learn basic techniques like timing by starting out with 3D, so 2D is the way to start off. Traditional first, the rest follows.

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What are the some of the best applications of c and c++ language except unix?

3d scanner open source
 on ... to Becoming an Engineer: From 3D Scan to Moai (think Easter Island
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Adobe systems
All major applications of adobe systems are developed in C++ programming language. These applications include Photoshop & ImageReady, Illustrator and Adobe Premier.

Some of the Google applications are also written in C++, including Google file system and Google Chromium.

Internet browser Firefox and email client Thunderbird are written in C++ programming language and they are also open source projects.

MySQL is the worldâs most popular open source database software, with over 100 million copies of its software downloaded or distributed throughout its history. Many of the worldâs largest and fastest-growing organizations use MySQL to save time and money powering their high-volume Web sites, critical business systems, and packaged software â including industry leaders such as Yahoo!, Alcatel-Lucent, Google, Nokia, YouTube, Wikipedia, and

Alias System â Autodesk Maya
Maya 3D software was originally developed by Alias System Corporation and was later carried over by Autodesk. Maya 3D software, now a days is widely used in computers, video games, television. It is a powerful, integrated 3D modelling, animation, visual effects, and rendering solution.

Winamp Media Player
Winamp is the ultimate media player, allows you to manage audio and video files, rip and burn CDs, enjoy free music, access and share your music and videos remotely, and sync your music to your iPod , Creative, and Microsoft Plays for Sure devices . Winamp features album art support, streams audio and video content, and provides access to thousands of internet radio stations and podcasts.

12D Solutions
12D Solutions Pty Ltd is an Australian software developer specialising in civil engineering and surveying applications. Computer Aided Design system for surveying, civil engineering, and more. 12D Solutions clients include civil and water engineering consultants, environmental consultants, surveyors, local, state and national government departments and authorities, research institutes, construction companies and mining consultants.

Providing real-time financial information to investors.

callas Software
callas software develops pdf creation, optmisation, updation and pdf form creation tools and plugins.

Image Systems
These are the world leading motion analysys programs and film scanner systems.

Operating systems written in C++ programming language.
Apple â OS X
Few parts of apple OS X are written in C++ programming language. Also few application for iPod are written in C++.

Literally most of the software are developed using various flavors of Visual C++ or simply C++. Most of the big applications like Windows 95, 98, Me, 200 and XP are also written in C++. Also Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer and Visual Studio are written in Visual C++.

Symbian OS
Symbian OS is also developed using C++. This is one of the most widespread OSâs for cellular phones.

what is the cheapest animation software i can get for personal use and how much does it cost.?

chuck t

i want a little information on the easiest and cheapest animation software

Blender 3d it's an open source software totally free,
ovbiusly it's for 3d modelling and animation, but you can use the video secuence editor
tool to made video files from images created with hand drawing and scanner or digital camera.

Pencil it's free and actually really good.

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Monday, November 11, 2013

How do I animate 2D images that I've sketched out?

3d scanner reviews
 on Sep 16 - Creaform Releases UNIscan 3D Scanner
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I really want to do animated films at home, I can draw, have a scanner at my disposal and a computer. I know that I would need a software program to put all the frames together, I just don't know where to go to find one. Cost is not an issue, I just want the best and easiest to use software. Also, how would I go about adding sound/voices to the mix? I can find someone with recording equipment I can use. Any and all serious answers are very appreciated :)

If money is no problem then find a software program of your choosing...there's too many out there for me to plug. I "studied" with 3D Studio from AutoDesk wayyy back in 1993 and have since not kept up with the reviews of what's out there and perhaps do the "30 day trail" option if any have it.
Good luck!

Can someone use this idea for cameras ? Please pass along and maybe it will evolve into something worthwhile !?

Q. Dear Reader,

I offer these ideas for your consideration. First a few comments.
In the 1980âs a type of computer program, known as an expert system, was developed to diagnose Meningitis after reviewing the symptoms of possible candidate patients. It was more effective than the doctors it was tested against ! It is, I think, reasonable to assume that many other such programs could and should be developed and made widely available to the public. This would go a long way in reducing health care cost and move us forward technologically speaking, as a species. Now to, how this relates to camera improvements.

First: It is a fact that many human diseases reveal themselves in human fingernails, toenails, and in the eye. I am suggesting that a digital camera, loaded with a well written program, probably a combination of expert system and neural network could be used to diagnose potential disease conditions. Simply, place your hand or other such appendage on a controlled surface, take a picture and analyze same. I am aware that this concept is very general but I offer it to you with the hope that you will give it fair consideration.
If successful this could open up exciting new markets for camera makers.

Second: I would like to see a camera that has a program that will determine the area of surface by simple taking a picture of it. I think this should be fairly straight forward if you were to use Pickâs formula for determining area.

Third: I would like to see a digital camera add a long exposure feature to itsâ list of features. Once again I think this should be doable by creating a program that tells the camera to take pictures at intervals and âoverlaysâ each picture, thereby capturing more light for each picture pixel. Of course, a motorized tripod could be used to capture astronomical footage. This technique should increase still picture quality by orders of magnitude !

Lastly: The Intel corporation recently announced an optical device that will be available soon that will be fast enough, I have read, to download a high definition movie in on second ! This will of course make USB obsolete. It would seem that one could use this tool to connect a camera to other devices such as a microscope, telescope, or any other âopticalâ reader and get excellent video and extreme data analysis. I hope to soon see this available to the general public.

I have posted these thoughts on the web. I hope these memes evolve and inspire others to create.

Thank you,

Mr. J
Thanks for your input Joe.

On item 1, please realize that many corporations have a vested interest NOT to create such a program, whereas, camera makers are in need of ideas that will allow them to compete with ever better cell phone cameras.

On item 2, The area idea was meant to be a quick fix to problems like , finding the area of a wall you might want to wall paper or paint. It would only be used for "good enough approximations.

On item 3, I was thinking more about the possibility of using the camera via long exposure to act as a substitute telescope. Each image captured would bring new light to the lens. A program would add this photon info, by laying each image on TOP of the prior image. The internal program could keep track of new information being picked up thereby allowing a simple camera to view deep sky objects, and vivid still photos.

If no one else has input I will give you the best answer. I just wanted to post these ideas somewhere, in the hopes that by creating a mem

1 - interesting idea - however i think it would make more sense to create some computer software and then tether it to an off the shelf camera - reducing costs over all.

2 - To determine the surface area, you would have to have a 3d model of surface, because otherwise it would not be able to take into consideration and bumps or groves, as these would just appear as a flat surface. i believe that there are laser scanners that can already do this. I think they use them to scan in the 3d sculptures that are created to create animations such as the ones produced by pixar.

3 - There is a product that does it, and infact you can do it yourself, if you take hundred of pictured of a scene from the same point, load them into photoshop, and merge them, it will create a huge image that is all of yours stitched together to make one. Google Gigapixel photo.

4 - Light Peak - the technology you are referring to most probably will make usb obsolete. Telescopes are already available with mounts that allow you to place an SLR on the back, and use it as a huge lens. And video microscopes are available, with electron microscopes being able to produce very detailed and highly magnified images. The data transfer speed is not the issue here, rather the resolution of the cameras.

Anyway, some interesting ideas.


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How or where can I find a person or company with the ability to copy a sculpture with a CNC (or other) machine?

3d scanner for cnc
 on CNC Router Machines, 3D Laser Scanners, Sign Board Cutting Machine ...
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I am wanting to reproduce a classic sculpture that I have, in a larger size. I believe that I have seen machines on TV that can accurately measure and reproduce a sculpture without an artist having to actually chiesel it. I just cannot afford thousands to have it hand carved, and I am not very particular about fine quality so long as it is reasonable. Can anyone direct me please?

there are 3D scanners and various rapid prototyping machines, ranging from printers to CNC machines. Though large scale printers are much rarer than large scale CNC.

If you google rapid prototyping services you'll find some companies. But it's most likely going to be much more expensive than looking if you can locate a larger version of your sculpture, particularly if yours is a popular one. A large run reproduction will always be cheaper than an unique custom fabricated item.

What software (s) are the best for beginner cad/cam hobbyist? ? ?


I want to learn how to make simple 3d molds using 3d software, cad, cam software, and a cnc machine. Am just trying to figure out where to begin....What software Tools should I start with?

tools and software may depend on design product ,

Google Sketchup free version may be best to try and start with ,

SolidWorks - 3D CAD
Ascon Kompas 3d

5-axis CNC Software
Vectric Aspire
BobCAD Cam

NextEngine 3D Scanner
Handyscan Handheld 3D Scanners

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Help with building RGB LASER Scanner?

3d scanner environment
 on 3D Scanners
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Hi there previously I have build some laser spyro projects but I have absolutely no idea about RGB LASER Scanners can someone please help.I have tried to find every possible information on the internet but I guess I need to start from the basics.
Thanks : )

there are several ways to do this, each involving different amounts of electro-optics in digital and analog forms.

you'll have to decide what you're scanning. is it 2D? 3D? still? or live-action?

in the easiest of cases, you can probably find an old photocopy machine and see how that works.

in the hardest case, your scanning data might become real-time input to a vehicle that must navigate through its environment.

so you will have a scanning beam, and a detector.

the scanning beam is a laser; you're interested in tri-colour, so this is either three lasers of different wavelengths, or it is a white-light laser that you will later filter. true white-light lasers are pulsed. if the pulse rate is really high (eg: in the millions of pulses/second), then each pulse could represent a pixel, and still have a mean free path of several meters.

the detector is a CCD photoreceptor, (or a whole lot of them), filtered to pass the desired wavelength(s). you can choose to capture:
a) a stream of individual bounces without regard to the focus;
b) a whole scan line into a buffer at once; or
c) a whole 2D frame into a buffer at once.
each method implies different mechano-optics, with a) being the simplest, mechanically. additionally, it may be possible to convert some digital cameras to use for this purpose.

to scan, you'll draw a point of light across a remote object, detecting the intensity of what bounces back. if this is not a range-finding device, then the outbound signal may be constant-intensity; but to detect distance, velocity, or absorption spectra, you will have to do some optical and/or high-speed tricks (sub-nanosecond processing is hard) involving correlating the outbound signal to the returned signal, to build a profile.

photon time-of-flight would indicate distance, (1 ns is about 30cm), and doppler shift would indicate speed.

to detect time of flight implies very high sensitivity and probably high frame rate, too.

to detect doppler shift and spectral lines would require that the returned beam travel through a prism, to give angular separation to the photon stream by wavelength. in this case, you'll always be scanning into a buffer, whose width covers the returned wavelengths.

each scan line would be drawn using a mirror that can tilt and swivel on two orthogonal axes. (or a pair of mirrors, arranged to swivel on orthogonal axes). controlling the mirror(s) will be subtle and delicate, because vibration may cause some fuzz in where the point gets drawn.
(think of a mechanism very similar to a DVD reader, for instance.)

for noise control, you'll want to distinguish between ambient light and returned signal.

what are the best web design universities/colleges in USA? MAX!?


I would to become a web designer (graphic and coding) and what are the best universities/colleges for this in USA? with a BFA degree...


In the USA, I recommend the following:

Pratt Institute, New York, NY;
Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI;
Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA;
California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA;
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA;
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI;
Otis College of Art and Design, Pasadena, CA;
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA; and
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

Although I urge that you explore all of the above, I am more familiar with the following; and, thus, I have provided a bit of information.

*Art Center College of Design
1700 Lida Street
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 396-2373

The college offers programs leading to the BFA and BS Degrees, as well as graduate degrees. Its GRAPHIC DESIGN design program is first-rate and it includes excellent academic and technical offerings. For the increasingly computer-literate students who enter the Art Center, the idea of leadership is key. As the college notes, "these young designers will have opportunities to shape the development of a medium that is only beginning to fulfill its promise."
Please see:

*Otis College of Art and Design
9045 Lincoln Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 665-6820

Otis College of Art and Design has a four year Bachelor of Fine Arts program that offers majors in seven areas: Communication Arts, DIGITAL MEDIA, Architecture/Landscape/Interiors, Fashion Design, Fine Arts, Interactive Product Design and Toy Design. The cornerstone of the Otis program is the first year curriculum, which is called Foundation. Students from all majors take the core studio classes: drawing and composition, figure drawing, two and three dimensional design. In these integrated classes students build the art, design and creative skills and vocabulary that are the "foundation" of their subsequent studies and future work. Students enter their sophomore year well prepared to begin work in their major.

It has an excellent DIGITAL MEDIA program the primary goal of which is to strike a balance between traditional art and technology, and between individual vision and teamwork. By providing a fundamental understanding of digital tools and their creative applications, the department prepares graduates to meet the demands of a diverse and expanding job market. Leading designers for visual effects, Web, film, television, broadcast media, advertising, and video gaming guide the students.
Please see:

*University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(310) 825-3101

The UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture has a world-class
Department of DESIGN AND MEDIA ARTS. The School and Department take pride in educating responsible designers and artists for the information age by teaching the fundamentals of Design, Media, and the Arts, and encouraging experimentation and innovation. The Department provides an extensive education in Design and Media Arts practice, history and criticism; and it fosters a critical and creative exploration of emerging forms of visual communication, typography, interaction and interface design, ubiquitous computing, virtual environments, information spaces, networked agents and other pertinent areas of research.

Housed in the remarkable Broad Art Center, its facilities include the DMA Labs. These facilities feature high-end Windows and Macintosh computers; various peripherals, such as scanners, laser printers, and large-format Epson plotters; CD and DVD burners; and film recorders and digital video cameras. The Labs also provide access to a large library of graphics software in the areas of digital photography, illustration, interactive media, and 3D-modeling and animation. In addition to the main labs, the facilities include studio space for graduates and undergraduates, several faculty research labs, a blue screen room, a video facility supporting analog and nonlinear digital editing, audio mixing, and video capture, and two digital audio facilities. Wireless access is available to laptop users, and all the computers in the facilities are connected to the campus network, giving students individual access to DMA network resources and the Internet.

Please see:

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I have an HP all in one printer. How can i scan a 3d object and make it all infocus?

3d scanner using camera
 on Scan 3D objects from home with the RealView 3D scanner - SlashGear
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Everytime i try to scan something, the part that is touching the screen comes in clear, but everything that isnt comes in real blurry. Is there anyway i can scan these things so that the whole object is clear?

use a digital camera then upload the picture
you will not do it with a scanner as it don't focus it just see whats on the flat screen

can I use a flat bed scanner to photograph a 3D object?


Im not looking to photograph anything large, just 2"-3" tall. When I scan an object, anything touching the glass comes out clear, but anything 1/2" or more off the glass comes out blurred and dark. Is there a particular scanner out there that is known to scan objects well? Or is there some special techniques I can try to enhance my images quality? Thank you

Nope, sorry. Flatbed scanners are only focused on the glass with that .5 you discovered. You can make some cool images by rolling the thing along the motion of the scanning sensor that may look pretty groovy, but you cannot take a photo.
I'd walk into the closest camera shop and ask to see a camera and bring a card in with you to take the image home.

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