Saturday, February 8, 2014

Can someone answer my questions about the 3-D printer?


Is there any limits to what it can make? Is it illegal to make certain things out of the 3D printer? If so,tell me. How much money is a 3D printer?If I put a puppy in the scanner, would it be able to replicate the puppy? How does the 3-D printer know if something should move or not?

Let me answer your questions one at a time:

1. Is there any limits to what it can make?
Right now, yes. In the future, no. The technology today is not advanced enough to make anything. The most common materials used now are plastic, resin, and recently the technology has grown to include metal. Food (lots of chocolate) has recently been printed as have organic materials such as stem cells. However, right now the biggest constraints of 3D printing is size. Soon one can conceivably print things as big as buildings, but for now most printers are relatively small (12in.X12in. though there are some much larger commercial printers). The future of 3D printing will also allow for printing on a molecular level, but for now the technology can only print in the micro scale.

2. Strictly speaking there are no laws against printing anything in 3D. However, laws exist that prohibit the manufacturing of certain goods and these apply to things that a 3D printer can conceivably make. An example of something that is illegal to print in the U.S. is a full gun. One can print parts of a gun legally, but cannot print a whole gun.

3. The cost of a 3D printer varies greatly. One can buy a 3D printer for the home for as little as $499. Commercial 3D printers cost much more and can run upwards of $30,000. With the continual advancement of the technology you can expect to see the prices drop as time goes on.

4. If you scan a puppy in 3D, a printer can print it in 3D. It would most likely be made out of plastic or resin though, not nice soft puppy fur.

5. 3D printers can print moving parts. When an item is programed into the software it maps out exactly where to lay down material. Because 3D printing is additive manufacturing it doesn't print the parts one by one, but instead prints the whole object layer by successive layer. If the programing is correct then moving parts can be included in the printed final product.

What animal has the strongest bite in the world?

John W

They said on Dirty Jobs that the alligator turtle has the 2nd strongest bite in the world, but what has the strongest bite?
Ali gators and Crocodiles have a very strong bite, so do Hippos. But is it one of those animals or is there something with a stronger bite?

GREAT white sharks really do have the meanest jaws on the planet, say experts.
The fierce ocean predators have a bite force of about 1.8 tonnes - that's 20 times more powerful than humans.
Even a large African lion, with a bite force of 560g, can't compare with the shark's massive mouth.
Scientists used the latest X-ray and scanner technology for their research.
The team at the University of New South Wales made 3D models of the skull of an 8ft male great white using images from a CT scanner.
They digitally "crash tested" their computer model to simulate different scenarios and reveal the powerful bite of the fearsome predator.
The experts also worked out the complex distributions of stresses and strains that these forces impose on the shark's jaws.
But even the great white seems small fry when compared with the carcharodon megalodon. Dubbed Big Tooth, it was a prehistoric shark that was 53ft long and had a bite of around 18 tonnes.
It hunted large whales by biting off their tail and flippers before feeding at will.
By comparison, T-Rex could only manage a bite force of around 3.1 tonnes.
Steve Wroe, the study's lead author, said: "Pound for pound, the great white's bite is not particularly impressive but the sheer size of the animal means that it tops the scales.
"It must also be remembered that its extremely sharp serrated teeth require relatively little force to drive them through thick skin, fat and muscle.
"Nature has endowed this carnivore with more than enough bite force to kill and eat large and potentially dangerous prey."
Great whites can grow to about 20 feet in length and live for 30-40 years.

Hope it helps you!

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On this link help find 16 comp. parts and it's function.need help?

Then Click on: External Links
And scroll down to: Journey Inside

1- keyboard - character input, typing.
2- mouse - pointer input, pointing and clicking
3- microphone - audio input, talking.
4- speakers - audio output
5- camera - visual input, pictures
6- monitor - visual output, "the screen"
7- optical drive - storage, audio input (CD), audio-visual input (DVD)
8- hard drive - storage
9- read-only memory (ROM) - storage
10- microprocessor - processing ("central processing unit, CPU)
11- Random Access Memory (RAM) - storage
12- Motherboard - connects the parts together.
13 - Scanner - visual input
14 - Printer - Hard copy output

And that's all the parts that are labeled. Calling out the 2nd speaker as "another speaker" seems cheesy. So I need to name some unlabeled parts.

15 - the "system" enclosure - contains the motherboard, storage and RAM, ROM, and processor.
16- Video card - visual output. Drives the display on the monitor screen. Modern ones also do some processing of the display data to relieve the CPU of the burden of trying to make video games be fast.

17- Bonus - Ribbon cable - connects the hard drive and optical drive to the motherboard.

Things not shown: (they aren't made by Intel, the site's sponsor, so they "aren't important").

18- Power cables. - Provides electricity to the devices so they can operate. I expect the setup shown probably has about 5 power cords (printer, scanner, system enclosure, speakers, monitor).
19- Surge suppressor - Provides outlets for all the power cables. Keeps power surges from frying the expensive computer equipment. A UPS (uninterruptable power supply) can look like a fat surge suppressor but has batteries in it to keep the computer running through brief power outages. A UPS generally provides the protection of a surge suppressor too. A power strip looks much like a surge suppressor, but only provides power outlets, no surge protection.
20- Monitor cable. - Connects the video card to the monitor. Sometimes a permanent part of the monitor, sometimes separate.
21- Network cable.- That web cam isn't going to be very interesting without the network connection.
22- Network devices - e.g. cable modem, router. Connects the computer to the Internet.

Help with VB6 to VB.NET conversion!?


I'm asking this because I don't know anything about VB6 (It was around before I was born), and theirs no point in me having to spend 6 weeks learning all the functions ect... when their are others with a much better understanding who will get it right first time.

I need to convert this code :

Private WindowWidth
Private WindowHeight
Private threshold
Private rgbvalue

Private Sub Form_Load()
WindowWidth = 320
WindowHeight = 240
myy = 1

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Dim R As Long
Dim G As Long
Dim B As Long

Dim myx
Dim myy
Dim rgbvalue

threshold = Slider1.Value '1600000 '3876853 'Reverse BGR hex value for a red colour
Text1.Text = threshold
threshold = 1585276

myy = 1

mynumber = 1
mytextnumber$ = mynumber

Form1.Picture3 = LoadPicture("D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\rgb.jpg")

mytextnumber$ = "D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\" & "1.jpg"

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

If Err.Number = 53 Or 481 Then
'Debug.Print "Some problem with loading jpg image."
Resume Next
End If

Picture1 = LoadPicture(mytextnumber$)

For xcnt = 0 To WindowWidth
If Picture1.Point(xcnt, 30) > threshold Then '100000 Then
origin = xcnt

GoTo start:
End If


For myy = 0 To WindowHeight

For myx = 0 To WindowWidth
If Picture1.Point(myx, myy) > threshold Then '1000000 Then
GoTo here:
End If


Picture1.PSet (myx, myy), RGB(255, 255, 0)
Picture1.Line (0, 30)-(WindowWidth, 30), RGB(0, 255, 0)

If Form1.Picture3.Point(myx, myy) > 100000 Then
rgbvalue = Form1.Picture3.Point(myx, myy)
End If

rotx = origin - myx
roty = myy * 2
rotz = (rotx + myx) / 2

'Output file
Open "D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\freescanRGB_object_01.asc" For Append As #1

'Read RGB values from hex pixel colour
R = &HFF& And rgbvalue
G = (&HFF00& And rgbvalue) \ 256
B = (&HFF0000 And rgbvalue) \ 65536

' Aligns scan with laser angle offset and skew
rot = 30 * 0.0174532 '57.29577951
rotzz = rotz * Cos(rot) - myx * Sin(rot)
rotxx = rotz * Sin(rot) + myx * Cos(rot)
rotyy = roty 'myy '/ 2

'create the vertex string - 'X Y Z R G B'
Print #1, ((rotxx + rotx) & " " & (rotyy / 2) & " " & ((rotzz * -2) * 2) & " " & R & " " & G & " " & B)
Close #1

'LASER LINE PREVIEW BOX- Draws each vertex with a red dot.
Picture2.PSet (myx, myy), RGB(255, 0, 0)

End Sub

...Into VB.NET So I can tweak it and put it into my own application. I got it from text right off the internet, so I cant try to import it into .NET and let that convert it for me, because I cant save it. Thanks to everyone who can give advice, and I'll definitely give out a best answer. Thanks so much again in advance!
I do know that the Timer class doe's need a handler. I know VB.NET well. Picture3 defines a picture box control

It looks like either your code is not complete or there is a reference library that you're going to need for this.

Form1.Picture3 = LoadPicture("D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\rgb.jpg")

LoadPicture is not defined anywhere in the code you posted. There is also nothing listed here to make the Timer1_Timer sub run.

You're going to have to find the missing parts to this project if you want to use it as written. Otherwise you're going to have to disect it pulling out bits & pieces to make it work for you.

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What software (s) are the best for beginner cad/cam hobbyist? ? ?


I want to learn how to make simple 3d molds using 3d software, cad, cam software, and a cnc machine. Am just trying to figure out where to begin....What software Tools should I start with?

tools and software may depend on design product ,

Google Sketchup free version may be best to try and start with ,

SolidWorks - 3D CAD
Ascon Kompas 3d

5-axis CNC Software
Vectric Aspire
BobCAD Cam

NextEngine 3D Scanner
Handyscan Handheld 3D Scanners

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Friday, February 7, 2014

What are some cool FREE apps (for iPhone)?


I wanted to know what some really cool appS are that I can put on to my iPhone. I am interested in fashion and like celebrity gossip and stuff related to that. FREE APPS ONLY :) 10 points for the most and best apps :)

Favorites marked with a â.
Free apps marked with a â»

â¶Good for professional/school:

â¢Air Sharing â
â¢Alarm System â
â¢Color Splash
â¢Delivery Status touch â
â¢Dial Zero â â»
â¢eBay Mobile â»
â¢Facebook (&fun) â»
â¢Fake-a-call (&fun) â»
â¢Flashlight â â»
â¢Flight Track
â¢Graphing Calculator
â¢If Found â â»
â¢iRibbit â»
â¢ â»
â¢Linguo â
â¢Night Camera
â¢Police Scanner
â¢QuickTip â»
â¢RedLaser â
â¢Remote â»
â¢Shazam â â»
â¢Showtime â»
â¢Sportacular â â»
â¢Units â»
â¢The Weather Channel â â»
â¢Yellow Pages â â»

â¶Good for fun:

â¢Arcade Bowling Lite â»
â¢BlocksClassic Lite â»
â¢Bounce On
â¢Bubble Wrap â â»
â¢Cacha Mouse 2
â¢Cro-Mag Rally
â¢Cube Runner â â»
â¢Cube Runner II
â¢Dog Whistle Free â â»
â¢Expando free â»
â¢F-MyLife â â»
â¢Face Melter
â¢Falling Balls â»
â¢Fieldrunners â
â¢Flick Fishing
â¢Flight Control â
â¢Flight of the Hamsters
â¢Flood It! â»
â¢Hanoi â»
â¢Hearing Test : Prank
â¢I Can Has Cheezeburger (FailBlog and associated sites) â â»
â¢iBowl â
â¢iCopter â
â¢iFart Mobile
â¢iHunt 3D
â¢Illusions Scream : Prank
â¢Jellycar â â»
â¢Joost â â»
â¢Labyrinth Lite â»
â¢Laser Tag
â¢Light Bike â»
â¢Line Rider iRide
â¢Mark of Mafia â â»
â¢Mood Touch
â¢The Moron Test â
â¢Moto Chaser
â¢Ow My Balls â
â¢Pac-Man Lite â»
â¢Paper Football â»
â¢PapiJump â»
â¢Pocked God â
â¢reMovem â»
â¢Rollercoaster Rush â»
â¢Scribble Lite â»
â¢SGN Golf
â¢Sol Free Solitaire â â»
â¢Sonic Boom
â¢Spawn â â»
â¢StoneLoops â
â¢Stop It free â»
â¢Tap Tap Revenge â»
â¢Target Practice
â¢Tetris â
â¢Topple 2
â¢Tris â»
â¢Zombieville USA â
â¢21 Pro Blackjack - Free â»
â¢9000 Awesome Facts â

â¶Hope this helps,

What kind of apps do you have on your iphone?


i might be getting one for christmas. i want my iphone full of apps, i get bored easily. tell me apps that you recommend or like! thanks <3
apps for translators, dictionary ect. umm communication aim? idk... something!

These are my Apps. Some are great, and a few are terrible, but I think you will find many useful, fun and amazing apps in this list:

Air Sharing (Document Viewer, File S... Alarm System Amazing Illusions - Best Illusion Ent... Arcade BowlingTM
BlocksClassic Lite
Bounce On
Catcha Mouse 2
Cro-Mag Rally
Cube Runner
Cube Runner II
Delivery Status touch, a package trac...
Dial Zero - Dictionary & Thesa...
Dog Whistle
eBay Mobile
Expando Free
F-MyLife Pro
Face Melter
Falling Balls
Flick Fishing
Flight Control
Flight of the Hamsters
FlightTrack â Live Flight Status Tracker
Graphing Calculator
Hearing Test : Prank Box
I Am T-Pain
I Can Has Cheezburger
If Found, +
iFart Mobile - #1 Fart Machine UPDA...
iHunt 3D
iRibbit Plus
iShake -- read health warning first
JIRBO Paper Football
Joost - Free TV Shows, music and M...
Kindle for iPhone
Laser Tag
LightBike Online
Line Rider iRideTM
Linguo - Multilingual Translator
Mark of Mafia! FREE for LIMITED TIM...
Mark of Mafia! Free for Limited Time!
MazeFinger Plus
Mood Touch
The Moron Test
Moto Chaser
Night Camera
Ow My Balls!
Pocket God
Police Scanner
QuickTip Tip Calculator
Real Soccer 2010 Free
Rollercoaster Rush
RSS Runner
Runmeter GPS Running Stopwatch
Scream Illusions : Prank Box
Scribble Lite
SGN Golf
Sol Free Solitaire
Sonic Boom
Spawn Illuminati
StoneLoops! of Jurassica
Stop It ! Free
Tap Tap Revenge
Target Practice
That's What She Said: Worldwide
Topple 2
The Weather Channel®
WebMD Mobile
Word Scramble 2 by Zynga
Yellow Pages
Zombieville USA
21 Pro: Blackjack - Sponsored
1337pwn iNXES XBOX Live Friends
9000 Awesome Facts and Laws Pro S.

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can i know about history of scanner?


Well there are many types of a scanner all for different purposes but if u r talking about Image Scanner than
In computing, a scanner is a device that analyzes images, printed text, or handwriting, or an object (such as an ornament) and converts it to a digital image. Most scanners today are variations of the desktop (or flatbed) scanner. The flatbed scanner is the most common in offices. Hand-held scanners, where the device is moved by hand, were briefly popular but are now not used due to the difficulty of obtaining a high-quality image. Both these types of scanners use charge-coupled device (CCD) or Contact Image Sensor (CIS) as the image sensor, whereas older drum scanners use a photomultiplier tube as the image sensor.

Another category of scanner is a rotary scanner used for high-speed document scanning. This is another kind of drum scanner, but it uses a CCD array instead of a photomultiplier.

Other types of scanners are planetary scanners, which take photographs of books and documents, and 3D scanners, for producing three-dimensional models of objects, but this type of scanner is considerably more expensive relative to other types of scanners.

Another category of scanner are digital camera scanners which are based on the concept of reprographic cameras. Due to the increasing resolution and new features such as anti-shake, digital cameras become an attractive alternative to regular scanners. While still containing disadvantages compared to traditional scanners, digital cameras offer unmatched advantages in speed and portability.

What is a scanner?

Pilots nev

What do we use it for and what we can do with it?
How do i use it?
What is it doing?

In computing, a scanner is a device that analyzes images, printed text, or handwriting, or an object (such as an ornament) and converts it to a digital image. Most scanners today are variations of the desktop (or flatbed) scanner. The flatbed scanner is the most common in offices. Hand-held scanners, where the device is moved by hand, were briefly popular but are now not used due to the difficulty of obtaining a high-quality image. Both these types of scanners use charge-coupled device (CCD) or Contact Image Sensor (CIS) as the image sensor, whereas older drum scanners use a photomultiplier tube as the image sensor. Another category of scanner is a rotary scanner, used for high-speed document scanning. This is another kind of drum scanner, but it uses a CCD array instead of a photomultiplier. Other types of scanners are planetary scanners, which take photographs of books and documents, and 3D scanners, for producing three-dimensional models of objects, but these types of scanner are considerably more expensive than other types of scanners. Another category of scanner are digital camera scanners, which are based on the concept of reprographic cameras. Due to increasing resolution and new features such as anti-shake, digital cameras have become an attractive alternative to regular scanners. While still containing disadvantages compared to traditional scanners, digital cameras offer unmatched advantages in speed and portability.

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What are some good iPhone apps!?

Q. Just good apps, they can be anything games utility things etc.

Shazaam/Soundhound (Just click the listen button and it will tell you what song is playing on the radio!)
TuneWiki (Looks up and displays lyrics for all your iPod music)
Pandora (Pandora music radio)

IM+ (All in one instant messenger, Yahoo, Facebook, etc)
textPlus (Texting chat rooms)
Birthdays (Birthday reminder, syncs with Facebook)

Urbanspoon (Look up restaurants around you)
Dropbox (Drop it in the folder on your computer and it's sync'd over the internet to your phone!)
Sunrise & Set (Sunrise/set times)
Google Earth
Convert Units (Convert Fahreinheit to Celcious, Feet to Meters, etc etc)

Phone Gangster (Change your phone number, and voice, perfect for prank calls)
TeamViewer (Wirelessly play on your computer from anywhere)
Touch Mouse (Use your phone as a trackpad for your computer)
VoicePlus (Change your voice into something whacky)
Dog Whistler
Download Manager Pro
myWireless (Access your AT&T account information from your phone)
Dictionary (English dictionary)
iHandy Level (An accurate level)
Chomp (App suggestion program)
Shop Savvy Barcode Scanner (Scans, looks up prices and tells you what store has it for the cheapest!)

Opera Mini (Open webpages at 1/10th the bandwidth, great for low reception areas)
CloudBrowse (A browser you can use flash on, kind of choppy though)
Speed Test (Tests the speed of your internet)
IMDB (Internet Movie Database)

FS5 Hockey (Air Hockey game)
Words Free (Play word games with friends or random people for free)
Labyrinth 3D (Try to get the ball to the end without falling in the holes by tilting phone)
PocketLegends (MMORPG)
GTA (Yes, Grand Theft Auto)
Assassin's Creed
HeavyGunner (Shoot down approaching spaceships)
X Invasion 2 (Flight simulation fighter jet game)
Snow Moto/Dirt Moto (Couple cool racing games)
TalkingTom (Fun app to fool around with)

Those are some of my favorite apps that I've accumulated over time, have fun.

What are really stupid or weird iphone or itouch apps?

lucy in th

there are more than 75,000. o.O anyway i need information on cell phones like where it all began (what inspired martin cooper to make the first cell phone) and why was it invented and how and all that
i still need iphone apps tho

Do your own research mate...

But here are some apps:

Favorites marked with a â.
Free apps marked with a â»

â¶Good for professional/school:

â¢Air Sharing â
â¢Alarm System â
â¢Color Splash
â¢Delivery Status touch â
â¢Dial Zero â â»
â¢eBay Mobile â»
â¢Facebook (&fun) â»
â¢Fake-a-call (&fun) â»
â¢Flashlight â â»
â¢Flight Track
â¢Graphing Calculator
â¢If Found â â»
â¢iRibbit â»
â¢ â»
â¢Linguo â
â¢Night Camera
â¢Police Scanner
â¢QuickTip â»
â¢RedLaser â
â¢Remote â»
â¢Shazam â â»
â¢Showtime â»
â¢Sportacular â â»
â¢Units â»
â¢The Weather Channel â â»
â¢Yellow Pages â â»

â¶Good for fun:

â¢Arcade Bowling Lite â»
â¢BlocksClassic Lite â»
â¢Bounce On
â¢Bubble Wrap â â»
â¢Cacha Mouse 2
â¢Cro-Mag Rally
â¢Cube Runner â â»
â¢Cube Runner II
â¢Dog Whistle Free â â»
â¢Expando free â»
â¢F-MyLife â â»
â¢Face Melter
â¢Falling Balls â»
â¢Fieldrunners â
â¢Flick Fishing
â¢Flight Control â
â¢Flight of the Hamsters
â¢Flood It! â»
â¢Hanoi â»
â¢Hearing Test : Prank
â¢I Can Has Cheezeburger (FailBlog and associated sites) â â»
â¢iBowl â
â¢iCopter â
â¢iFart Mobile
â¢iHunt 3D
â¢Illusions Scream : Prank
â¢Jellycar â â»
â¢Joost â â»
â¢Labyrinth Lite â»
â¢Laser Tag
â¢Light Bike â»
â¢Line Rider iRide
â¢Mark of Mafia â â»
â¢Mood Touch
â¢The Moron Test â
â¢Moto Chaser
â¢Ow My Balls â
â¢Pac-Man Lite â»
â¢Paper Football â»
â¢PapiJump â»
â¢Pocked God â
â¢reMovem â»
â¢Rollercoaster Rush â»
â¢Scribble Lite â»
â¢SGN Golf
â¢Sol Free Solitaire â â»
â¢Sonic Boom
â¢Spawn â â»
â¢StoneLoops â
â¢Stop It free â»
â¢Tap Tap Revenge â»
â¢Target Practice
â¢Tetris â
â¢Topple 2
â¢Tris â»
â¢Zombieville USA â
â¢21 Pro Blackjack - Free â»
â¢9000 Awesome Facts â

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Android Apps / Games?


What are the most surprising apps you have downloaded?
What are the ones you have been most satisfied with?

I'm running out of ideas. :)


lane splitter
cut the rope
a space shooter
2 player reactor
pocket soccer
tank hero
noogra nuts
zenonia 3
yoo ninja
who becomes rich
fruit slice
angry birds
aliens invasion
bunny shooter
solitaire , minesweeper classic
virtual families
racing moto


barcode scanner
mantano reader
skyfire browser
mozilla firefox browser
dolphin browser
opera browser
es file explorer
quick pic
go launcher
mediafire pro
marvel comics


pocket league story
grand prix story
hot springs story
game dev story
4 player reactor
air control
atomic bomber
gurk 2
spectral souls symphony of eternity
field runners
robo defence
9mm hd
asphalt 6
spaghetti marshmellos
early bird
dragon fly full
doodle jump
Ground Effect Pro XHD
abduction 2
death worm
flying penguin
trial x
robot unicorn attack
x construct
turbo fly 3d
sentinel 3
cyber lords arcology
super dynamite fishing
aporkalypse pigs of doom
puffle launch
team lava games
g5 entertainment


gameboid , nesoid , snesoid
talking tom
talking tom 2
swf player
poweramp video player
titanium backup
camera zoom fx
paper camera
spring zen hd
Live Tv

all these games and apps were satisfying for me
hope you will like those too

looking for good android apps?


just got my new htc inspire and want some good apps

talking tom
advanced task killer
crash screen
angry birds rio , seasons
turbo fly 3d
fruit slice
unblock me
moron test
mobo player
mx video player
team viewer
death worm
barcode scanner
grand prix story
burn the rope
shaky tower
titanium backup pro
go launcher ex

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Give name of at least 5 input and output devices?


Give name of at least 5 input and output devices?

Input devices:

spaceBall (6 degrees-of-freedom controller)
graphics tablets (or digitizing tablet) that use a stylus
light pen
light gun
eye tracking devices
steering wheel (can be thought of as a 1D pointing device)
yoke (aircraft)
jog dial (another 1D pointing device)
isotonic joysticks (where the user can freely change the position of the stick, with more or less constant force)
analog stick
isometric joysticks (where the user controls the stick by varying the amount of force they push with, and the position of the stick remains more or less constant)
pointing stick
discrete pointing devices
directional pad (a very simple keyboard)
dance pad
Wired glove
Game controller
Gamepad (or joypad)
Paddle (game controller)
Wii Remote
Digital camera
Image scanner
Fingerprint scanner
Barcode reader
3D scanner
Computed tomography
Magnetic resonance imaging
Positron emission tomography
Medical ultrasonography
Speech recognition device
MIDI devices

Output devices:

TV Screen
refreshable Braille display
braille embosser
Haptic devices

U can take help form any online sources for more names.

Can anyone tell me how easy is it to change over to linux and get drivers for printers , scanners and video di


Thank you all for your good advice and the links you provided for me you were all very helpful and gave me some new knowledge thanks again much apreciated

The first place is to research the hardware you have to make sure it is supported under Linux and specifically under the distribution you are interested in running. The simplest way is to get a "LiveCD" which lets you try Linux without modifying your existing operating system. While this method is slower since it works only from memory and CD, it lets you try the different distros until you find one you are comfortable with.

I highly recommend finding a book to help you learn Linux (either from a public library or purchased) since it will allow you to read along as you perform the various tasks without needing your computer to view online documents. This is especially helpful during the installation steps.

Printers from major brands (HP, Epson, etc) have good support under Linux (

Scanners are hit and miss, although a new scanner is cheaper than an upgrade of Windows these days.

Just about all video cards are supported using a fallback driver (vesa.) 3d acceleration is available for major cards such as Nvidia and ATI using the proprietary drivers from those manufacturer's websites.

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Embarrassing question about tablets?


Okay, so I'm a retired person. I use my laptop for email, internet, banking, buying stuff, etc. - pretty basic. I have wireless access in my home. I know NOTHING of how a tablet works. I want to buy a tablet for a friend who's quite broke. I doubt if she has the income to afford the monthly access for connection to a computer. I know you can use the internet on smartphones. Can you use a tablet without having internet access? I know I sound like an idiot - I'm even embarrassed to go to Best Buy and ask in person. Any info would be appreciated.

There is nothing to be embarrassed about..

I have the 4 main tablet group or from the main 4 operating system OS:
an amazon kindle, an iPad from apple, a Samsung tablet that runs on Android OS and a Windows 8.1 Acer iconia tablet..

For your friend, I would recommend the Apple iPad as the first choice, an Android device as a second choice (cheaper price), tablet PC if you (or your friend) want a regular computer with regular functions (but it is also the most expensive) and Amazon Kindle as the last choice..

And they all do not have to be connected to the internet in order for them to work..
But you need the internet connection to gain access to the 'App store', should you wish to install new apps (software) or get the latest updates..
And of course, you'd need the internet access if you try to access internet-based app like internet browser, the Facebook app or the Youtube app..

Also many of those free apps (freeware) that you download from the app store require internet connection in order for them to work (because the freeware is paid by you watching their ads), which is something that is more common in Android apps than others..
Many of those free apps (games mostly) are rendered useless without internet connection..

My number one tablet is still the windows 8.1 tablet PC..
I love it because it runs my windows tablet just like my desktop computer..
Unfortunately, windows tablets require a lot of patience and a lot of know how.. things that my mom lack and make her frustrated with computers.. and they are the most pricy among all tablets I have (it ranges between 500 to 1200 US dollars depending on the make and the model of the tablet PC)

I can ran those familiar software to me like PowerPoint and Microsoft Word, even CorelDraw and PhotoShop from my Acer tablet..
but it doesn't have to be Acer, the choice of the tablet make (or brand) depends on the availability and the support nearby (around my house, I can see Toshiba and Acer repair shop almost everywhere)..

IPad comes second, the iPad has more collection of mature apps (not baby apps seen in kindle and most android apps) that really stands out..
in particular the iMovie and movie effects, like 'action movie'..

It is actually my mom's favorite.. she loves that thing and she's on it all the time..

IPad belong to a group of devices called iOS devices, like iPod, iphone and iPad.. and the iPad has many models according to how old is it: iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 3 (but has the official name 'the iPad'), and iPad mini.. .. .. and I believe that the latest tablet is called 'iPad Air'..
iOS devices have far more accessories than Android devices.. and I am not talking about bags, chargers or protective covers only..
I am talking about, remote controlled helicopters, remote control cars and robotic arms, 3D scanners, Stereo systems etc..

IPad, iPhones and iOS devices are generally associated with quality and slightly higher cost.. but still i prefer them over the Android devices at any given day..

Android devices biggest advantage is the price, they are cheaper than iPad.. and many apps (software) in the Android app store are free..
The leading android tablets are from Samsung's Galaxy class.. and you can go as cheap as 40 US dollars tablets from Huawei and other cheap Chinese tablets (but I highly do not recommend you to buy any of those cheap stuff, and aim for Samsung products)..

iOS and Androids share a number of similar apps (not all).. i.e. you can get some of those apps in iPad's (Apple app store), but they are usually free on Android app store which is always popular with kids (sometimes the catch is to see ads and links to buy things whenever you play those games)..

My mom uses Samsung Galaxy Note 2 that uses Android OS, and she hates it very much..
she hates of having too much controls in the menu, and how the buttons jump from one area of the screen to another (when she presses OK and confirm her choice).. but most of all, she feels cheated when she gets too much ads on her free apps, and some of those apps stop working when you are away from WiFi..

Amazon Kindle (I believe that I have the old 5th generation), is in a class on its is the cheapest and the easiest tablet to own and have.. but it is mainly meant for reading books and magazines..
But you really can not do much of it..
Frankly I bought that thing because I thought that I would pick up the hobby of book reading, you know expanding myself.. but I really do not know what to do with it, except it is a fancy paper weight..

to recap.. I would recommend an iPad generally, Android tablets are generally cheaper, tablet PC are most expensive but has more familiar computer function, and finally the Kindle is not a big thing, yet..
all the best..

How can i reduce lag in Killing Floor?

Seth Cride

Okay, i have a laptop. most people say laptops dont do good with games. my moms laptop can play games at high quality and everything! and i get the lag. I want to play killing floor, but it lags way to much. is there a way to reduce it drastically? my processors calculations per second is 3.6. The Memory(RAM) is 2.7. Graphics are desktop performance for Windows Areo at 1.0. Gaming Graphics:3D business and gaming graphics performance at 1.0.and Primary hard disk:Transfer base score is 1.0. If so, is there a free virus scanner or something out there? my brother downloaded tons of things and i think i got one. thanks in advance.

If you haven't already, turn down all the graphics options to the lowest possible. This should help. If it's your internet, unplug your router and plug it back in. If that doesn't help, consider buying a better computer or internet.

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"9" movie button, green. "Ask Me About This 9.9.09" & an odd design...what is it?


I saw the movie 9 and the theatre gave me a green button with "Ask Me About This 9.9.09" & an odd design on it... It doesn't appear to be a 3D thing, nor a "hidden picture"... and I couldn't see how it correlates to the movie... does anyone know what the heck this button is about?
I'm just wondering what this "design" has to do with anything... it never appeared in the movie (that I noticed anyway). It looks like a weird square barcode...

This type of barcode is an Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) which is a barcode for a website. When I went to the movie 9, I was able to pull out my smartphone (Android G1) and use the application, Barcode Scanner, to scan the barcode with the phone's camera, which then opened the phone's browser to a trailer video of the movie.

Think about how mobile our computing devices have become and the convergence of different devices?


such as cameras, phones, computers, etc. What do you think the computer of the future will be like? What capabilities will it have that computers currently donât have? Do you see desktop computers becoming obsolete in
I mean becoming obsolete in the near future?

Well, D-Wave's quantum computer is worth watching.

Personally, I don't see desktop computers becoming obsolete especially soon.

I mean, I'm typing this on a mechanical keyboard and I'm looking at a display on my desk. That's the same as I used in about 1972, except back then it was a Tektronics storage display connected to a CDC mainframe. It's a setup I'm comfortable with. I've used smartphones, and I've used projection walls but for editing documents this is better. Of course, that's just the human interface - whether the computer is a mainframe, cloud, under the desk or built into the keyboard is of less concern.

I can see voice recognition finally making the leap to actually working for everyone, regardless of background noise and your accent.

For hardware, if 3D printers take off, I can see 3D laser or ultrasound scanners becoming more common, and some medical diagnostics becoming more mainstream (again, perhaps ultrasound or MRI based)

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Any cool android market apps?


music downloader..iPhone apps..funny apps...ur favorite apps


lane splitter
cut the rope
a space shooter
2 player reactor
pocket soccer
tank hero
noogra nuts
zenonia 3
yoo ninja
who becomes rich
fruit slice
angry birds
aliens invasion
bunny shooter
solitaire , minesweeper classic
virtual families
racing moto
team lava games


barcode scanner
mantano reader
skyfire browser
mozilla firefox browser
dolphin browser
opera browser
es file explorer
quick pic
go launcher
mediafire pro
marvel comics
Adobe Reader


pocket league story
grand prix story
hot springs story
game dev story
4 player reactor
air control
atomic bomber
gurk 2
spectral souls symphony of eternity
field runners
robo defence
9mm hd
asphalt 6
spaghetti marshmallows
Minecraft - Pocket Edition
early bird
dragon fly full
doodle jump
Ground Effect Pro XHD
abduction 2
death worm
flying penguin
trial x
robot unicorn attack
x construct
turbo fly 3d
sentinel 3
cyber lords arcology
super dynamite fishing
aporkalypse pigs of doom
puffle launch
g5 entertainment
destroy gunners sp
doodle god


mvideoplayer pro
gameboid , nesoid , snesoid
talking tom
talking tom 2
swf player
poweramp video player
titanium backup
camera zoom fx
paper camera
spring zen hd
Beautiful Widgets
JuiceDefender Ultimate

Could you see this machine within the next 75 years?


A "Home Diagnosis Machine" that looks like a mini MRI machine in your home that you will use daily. First the machine takes a drop of your blood and saliva as a sample. Then you lay on the machine as it brings into the tube, just like an MRI machine. It scans you body for about 5 minutes, taking 3D images of your body and examining the blood. It would be able to tell you everything from your blood pressure, to cancerous tumors, to what vitamins you lack. Your results will be dispalyed on a touch screen. Everything that needs your attention will be shown to you. It will diagnose you and display what medication, vitamins, or medical attention you need. You select the medication you need to buy and the machine will send it to your local pharmacy.

Sure, why not? Except that it will probably not look like a MRI machine at all and won't need 75 years to come to market. Like almost any product, this hypothetical device would have to be user friendly as well as have user appeal. That means no big, bulky machines in the house/apartment. I would envision it as more of a solid state scanner that could be placed on the wall, ceiling, shower, door frame or even in your bed frame (basically anything you walk past). Depending on how many points of origin the scanner(s) has (or perhaps it uses some kind of depth sensitive radiation) it can then scan you in three dimensions while you are stationary. There are already consumer available 3D scanners that place objects on turntables and produce a 3D image. So there's the technological component.
I can also see such a device coming to homes due to society's increasing paranoia and obsession with personal health and hygiene (I think this borders on mass psychosis). Basically anything that promises to be of some benefit to personal health will be easily accepted by consumers even if there are other potential drawbacks.
Factors against the invention of such a device would likely have to be economic or political in nature since social acceptance and technology are already in place. Also, a newer and better method might also be discovered in that time.

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What software (s) are the best for beginner cad/cam hobbyist? ? ?


I want to learn how to make simple 3d molds using 3d software, cad, cam software, and a cnc machine. Am just trying to figure out where to begin....What software Tools should I start with?

tools and software may depend on design product ,

Google Sketchup free version may be best to try and start with ,

SolidWorks - 3D CAD
Ascon Kompas 3d

5-axis CNC Software
Vectric Aspire
BobCAD Cam

NextEngine 3D Scanner
Handyscan Handheld 3D Scanners

Statue maker?

A(V)iTi$ F

i wanna know where could i buy a automatic head statue maker that can build statues with photos that it takes
i seen this device in public places before
but i wanna know more

not quite sure what you are talking about. If you are talking about a 3D laser scanner and a 3D printer then look either up. Or it's a CNC milling machine. Z-corp is a well known company for 3D printers.
Neither 3d laser scanner not 3D printer are yet household items. So the price is correspondingly. I'd be able to pay the rent for more than a year for what it could set you back.
If you are talking about something affordable for any average person, please post, I'd be interested as well.

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Monday, February 3, 2014

how to create a 3d model of a guitar?


i want to create a 3d model of a guitar. what ways are there to help me create it with the software i have, as in importing photo files or a scanning the guitar itself?

if you meant to design 3D guitar on computer, you could simple collect measurements and re draw image in 3D editor like Sketchup

3d Warehouse

Strata - 3D CX
could be use to take photos and place visually into rendered object of guitar body

if you meant to actually make model as life size copy,
that would require laser scanner and printer

Geomagic 3D Haptic Design, Imaging and Metrology software

NextEngine 3D Laser Scanner

Handyscan Handheld 3D Scanners

3D Printers and Rapid Prototyping | 3D Systems

Can you recommend a guide and software for making 3D objects?


My idea is to take photos of bones (scapula, femur...) from different angles, run them through a software which will somehow combine them and make a 3D object in space, that i can rotate and add annotation (tags?, description for different parts of bone)

I am not a programmer and i need something easy.

Do you have any ideas? :)

photos are 2d. you can get depth, but not 3d. you need a 3d scanner like a next engine 3d scanner they run $3000. the web site is pretty cool, it will show you how to scan and print. the printer in the web site is is a year old and now they have much better printers with more options on materials available.
for software you will need a program like Solidworks. it is #1 right now for 3d. it is what Pixiar animation use and many large companies. there are other programs, but after my research for myself most will not talk to the scanner. down side is cost and you need a pretty big system to run it.
then if you want you can send it to a 3d printer for a few dollars you will get a actual 3d sculpture. there are several 3d printers, but after looking at many the 'shapesways gallery' they can print in plastics, metal, ceramics.
this stuff is super cool. this should lead you in the right direction. these printers have only been available for public about a year, but they have been around since the 80s.

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Is there any software or online service that can translate a jpg of a 2D/3D barcode to words?

Derek C

Is there any software or online service that can translate a jpg of a 2D/3D barcode image to words?
That way I don't need to buy a $300 3D (PDF417) barcode scanner to do the job.
Oh, I see there is app for iphone to do such. I need one for PC Windows.

I believe this is what your looking for. Its called Barcode Creator 3.1 and I use it as a Tool other than "Creation" which i am sure you will too.This may not be 100% for you but it certainl something you didn't have before a a BC tool. However, if you can name some program(s) you are looking for I MAY be able to find it free.

take care

are there any online 3d shooting multiplayer games for free and have no viruses?

Athlete 4e

nothing like gun bound or gunz online

Gun Bound and Gunz Online don't have viruses. :P

You might want to try Exteel at

It's a mech fighting/gun game.

You also might want to do a virus scan, or get a free scanner.

You can find one if you search for Avira AntiVir Personal Eddition at

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is it possible to download apps to your iphone 3g thru iTunes (of course) but WITHOUT using a Mac?


i heard you can only download through iTunes by first creating an account on a mac.. apparently windows doesn't work it.
pls help!
i forgot to mention i'm NOT in the U.S. ... i'm in bangladesh.. thats the problem!

Of course! Many iPhones users have a Windows computer.

â¶How to make an account:
â Open iTunes (If you do not have iTunes, you can download it )
â¡Click Store (menu bar up top) > Create Account.
â¢Read through the Terms & Conditions, check the box if you agree to the terms, then click Continue.
â£Complete the form to create your free Apple ID (the login you will use with the iTunes Store).
â¤Provide a valid payment method and billing address.
â¥Begin shopping from the iTunes Store.

â¶Downloading Apps
âWith your PC:
â Go to( ) and download whatever App you may want.
â¡Then Sync your iPhone, and use your downloaded Apps.

âWith your iPhone:
â Go to the App on your iPhone names "App Store."
â¡Browse for whatever App you want.
â¢Download it by touching the rectangle that displays the Apps price, then touch again to install.
Here are some Apps for you to check out:

Favorites marked with a â.

â¶Good for professional/school:

â¢Air Sharing â
â¢Alarm System â
â¢Color Splash
â¢Delivery Status touch â
â¢Dial Zero â
â¢eBay Mobile
â¢Facebook (&fun)
â¢Fake-a-call (&fun)
â¢Flashlight â
â¢Flight Track
â¢Graphing Calculator
â¢If Found + â
â¢Linguo â
â¢Night Camera
â¢Police Scanner
â¢RedLaser â
â¢Shazam â
â¢Sportacular â
â¢The Weather Channel â
â¢Yellow Pages â

â¶Good for fun:

â¢Arcade Bowling
â¢Bounce On
â¢Bubble Wrap â
â¢Cacha Mouse 2
â¢Cro-Mag Rally
â¢Cube Runner â
â¢Cube Runner II
â¢Dog Whistle â
â¢Expando free
â¢F-MyLife Pro â
â¢Face Melter
â¢Falling Balls
â¢Fieldrunners â
â¢Flick Fishing
â¢Flight Control â
â¢Flight of the Hamsters
â¢Flood It!
â¢Hearing Test : Prank
â¢I Can Has Cheezeburger (FailBlog and associated sites) â
â¢iBowl â
â¢iCopter â
â¢iFart Mobile
â¢iHunt 3D
â¢Illusions Scream : Prank
â¢Jellycar â
â¢Joost â
â¢Laser Tag
â¢Light Bike Online
â¢Line Rider iRide
â¢Mark of Mafia â
â¢Mood Touch
â¢The Moron Test â
â¢Moto Chaser
â¢Ow My Balls â
â¢Pac-Man Lite
â¢Paper Football
â¢Pocked God â
â¢Rollercoaster Rush
â¢Scribble Lite
â¢SGN Golf
â¢Sol Free Solitaire â
â¢Sonic Boom
â¢Spawn Illuminati â
â¢StoneLoops â
â¢Stop It free
â¢Tap Tap Revenge
â¢Target Practice
â¢Tetris â
â¢Topple 2
â¢Zombieville USA â
â¢21 Pro Blackjack - Free
â¢9000 Awesome Facts â

â¶Good luck, hope this helps,

What kind of apps do you have on your iphone?


i might be getting one for christmas. i want my iphone full of apps, i get bored easily. tell me apps that you recommend or like! thanks <3
apps for translators, dictionary ect. umm communication aim? idk... something!

These are my Apps. Some are great, and a few are terrible, but I think you will find many useful, fun and amazing apps in this list:

Air Sharing (Document Viewer, File S... Alarm System Amazing Illusions - Best Illusion Ent... Arcade BowlingTM
BlocksClassic Lite
Bounce On
Catcha Mouse 2
Cro-Mag Rally
Cube Runner
Cube Runner II
Delivery Status touch, a package trac...
Dial Zero - Dictionary & Thesa...
Dog Whistle
eBay Mobile
Expando Free
F-MyLife Pro
Face Melter
Falling Balls
Flick Fishing
Flight Control
Flight of the Hamsters
FlightTrack â Live Flight Status Tracker
Graphing Calculator
Hearing Test : Prank Box
I Am T-Pain
I Can Has Cheezburger
If Found, +
iFart Mobile - #1 Fart Machine UPDA...
iHunt 3D
iRibbit Plus
iShake -- read health warning first
JIRBO Paper Football
Joost - Free TV Shows, music and M...
Kindle for iPhone
Laser Tag
LightBike Online
Line Rider iRideTM
Linguo - Multilingual Translator
Mark of Mafia! FREE for LIMITED TIM...
Mark of Mafia! Free for Limited Time!
MazeFinger Plus
Mood Touch
The Moron Test
Moto Chaser
Night Camera
Ow My Balls!
Pocket God
Police Scanner
QuickTip Tip Calculator
Real Soccer 2010 Free
Rollercoaster Rush
RSS Runner
Runmeter GPS Running Stopwatch
Scream Illusions : Prank Box
Scribble Lite
SGN Golf
Sol Free Solitaire
Sonic Boom
Spawn Illuminati
StoneLoops! of Jurassica
Stop It ! Free
Tap Tap Revenge
Target Practice
That's What She Said: Worldwide
Topple 2
The Weather Channel®
WebMD Mobile
Word Scramble 2 by Zynga
Yellow Pages
Zombieville USA
21 Pro: Blackjack - Sponsored
1337pwn iNXES XBOX Live Friends
9000 Awesome Facts and Laws Pro S.

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

What do you think of Richard Linklater as a director?


Dazed and Confused is probably my third favorite comedy film of all time, but I have barely seen any of Linklater's other stuff besides The School of Rock and Bad News Bears

it looks like him and Ethan Hawke have collaborated a lot too. so which of his movies movies have you seen and would recommend, and also rate and rank his films

He's one of contemporary American cinema's more interesting voices.

Linklater is, of course, very associated with Austin, TX, similar to Robert Rodriguez. Both of whom exploded in popularity on the festival circuit around the same time, Linklater with Slacker and Rodriguez with El Mariachi, both microbudget films made by clearly skilled directors. It's interesting to compare their careers since... Rodriguez, while talented in certain respects, tends to live inside his own ass. Awful 3D movies based on his children's whims (see, or don't see: Sharkboy and Lavagirl, Shorts) are perhaps his nadir. Linklater is also indulgent, but in more interesting ways, and he always brings the audience into his obsessive dreams. Whether it's mainstream comedy (School of Rock), an animated head-trip (Waking Life, A Scanner Darkly), a period piece (Me and Orson Welles), etc., his films always feel distinctly Linklater-esque, yet are also always accessible. It's a neat trick, I think. His films also tend to convey big, even confrontational ideas in a low-key, appealing way, as if he's shouting a message without cinematically raising his voice. This is certainly true of the last five minutes of A Scanner Darkly.

His absolute best achievements, however, are Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. They're just...cinematic bliss, in my opinion. He, Ethan Hawke, and Julie Delpy created two indelible characters who feel very specific yet also completely universal. And he let these characters wander through beautiful European cities while having extended, free-flowing conversations about sex, life, art, politics, family, etc. It's almost mind-blowing how much depth he finds in such simple form. Before Sunrise is a perfect portrait of the romance and terror of being young, and Before Sunset is a gentle, yet incisive autopsy of middle-aged regret and the eternal question of whether it's ever too late. Just fucking fantastic movies, man. They feel so -alive-, and they sort of changed my life, at least as a writer and as a moviegoer.

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