Friday, September 6, 2013

Is it possible to locate cholesterol clogs in specific arteries?

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 on SIGGRAPH 2013 : Technical Papers Preview Trailer 16 users
3d scanner youtube image


Hypothetically: You go into some kind of scanner and a 3D model mapping all of your arteries shows up on the computer. The scan also picks up on any stagnant cholesterol. So a doctor can visually see if there are any severely clogged arteries.

^ That was a very arbitrary example. But you get my point...

Is there a test out there that can detect atherosclerosis in a specific location in the body? Maybe even measure the amount of cholesterol / the severity of blood flow restriction in that specific artery?

If it does exist, do we have some kind of procedure that can definitively correct the problem using this information?

Hereâs another hypothetical example: You have a severe blockage in your common carotid artery and stroke is almost immanent. Since we know exactly where the problem is, surgeons rip the artery open and take out the fatty substance.

*If there is no way to locate the specific sites of clogs, wouldnât ^^^ be a plausible cure for stroke and heart attacks if we DID have the technology? Itâs crude, but they already do surgery on major arteries like they aorta. They already know how to stop hearts and shit. Iâm pretty sure they could do this.*

Yes. The first video is how to find arterial blockage, the second video is how to correct arterial blockage and the third link is how to help avoid both these procedures. :)

Heart Animation: Coronary Angiography (Cardiac Catheterization) >>>

Coronary Artery Angioplasty (PCI, Heart Stent Surgery) >>>

Homocysteine the Silent Killer >>>

Human anatomy project?


well i am in a group of four and we have to teach the class for 30 minutes and i want to make it intresting. The subject were doing it on is Digestion. So i need lesson plans or diagrams anything would help. Also i wanted to do something like bring in stuff or how to get a laugh out of the class while were teaching, so i need tips or something

here some x-rays you can use to show how food enters and exits the body from swallowing to pooing, the images are taken by getting the patient to swallow a powdered based drink called barium. barium is a dense material which allows doctors to investigate whether your insides are working properly.

swallowing (food entering mouth, going down oesophagus into stomach):

here is a youtube video of a barium swallow in real time, this person has somesort of oesophagile reflux - this were food travels back up toward the mouth instead of going into stomach.

this is the stomach, the arrow points to were the oesophagus meets the stomach:

This one is called a small bowel enema, a tube (which you can see on the x-ray) is inserted down the oesophagus into the small bowel. this is were food goes after the stomach.

This one is called a barium enema, this image is of the large bowel, this is were food goes after the small bowel... after this, its time for your food to meet the toliet - the colon (large bowel)

heres another one - again 3d colon taken using a CT scanner, a ct scanner is a hi-tech x-ray mechine which rotates around the body also called cat scan.

if you talk about the structures of each segment/body piece, you might be able to distinguish them on the x-rays

bored now so hope this is ok etc...

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What are the best symbians/heavily modified symbians to date?

3d scanner phone
 on The Christian creed and the creeds of Christendom: seven ...
3d scanner phone image


What are the best keitai/clamshell/flip symbian phones?

I've seen one... i think what you're asking for is Fujitsu and Sharp
Fujitsu F04D and 11C some has fingerprint scanner. Can record HD Video and some can record both HD and 3D.

Some clamshell/flip phone have unlocked simcard and some need hypersim.
Even though its unlocked you cant use 3G internet, TV, and GPS. Its not an smartphone so no need for that. Since you can use awayfind. search it in google for more info. Its really useful.

The only flip phone you need to hack is the android or hybrid one, also in japan. So that you'll be able to use 3G internet since its a smartphone. I found one from j-phone and its 758$ i think...


What are the best free android apps?


I just got an android phone and it's awesome!

I'm just wondering what the best free aops are. I already downloaded angry birds and slice it.

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and many many more. Sorry tired off now...

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im stuck on a spot in the super paper mario wii game :[ can someone help me?

3d scanner next
 on Sartor Resartus: The Life And Opinions Of Herr Zenfelsdr�ck In Three ...
3d scanner next image

cOl3y :)

ok im at the part underground where theres this big red switch with an exclamation point on it that needs a certain amount of weight to activate it.
theres also a processing room that needs a card key or somethin
a room with a scanner
and a door with a lock
i hope you can tell which place im at cause im reeally stuck :[

Pick up one of the cragnons with Thoreau and stand on the red switch.
You'll need to wear a Floro Sprout to go through the processor.

"Head right, then jump down into the bottom path and go left, down the pipe.You'll find a save block here. Start by going right to find a locked door. Flip to 3D here and head back on your steps to fall down in a pit only accessible in 3D mode. Down there, pick up a Cragnon with Thor and step on the big red button to press it and make a pipe appear. Go down that pipe, then down the other pipe on the left. In the next room, you'll notice the drawing of a skull on the wall. Use Fleep and flip it to obtain a Cave Key out of it. There's nothing else of interest here, so head back through the pipes until you're back in the previous room with the red button. Flip to 3Dand climb up the ladder on the block. Back here, go through the locked door from before using your newly acquired key. In the next room, Dottie will join your party. She can make you small so youcan go through small openings. Turn small and go through the tiny red door to be back in the second area. Go back to the save block and go through the white door on the left. In the following room, turn small and walk through the small passageway at the bottom of the left wall to find the Card Key behind. Go back to the door and open it using this card key, then go left and down the pipe to a new room. Jump down and use Thudley to perform a ground pound on the big blue switch. This will free the encaged Cragnons.Head left to find a chest containing the Floro Cragnien card, then go right and through the pipe to yet a new room. O'Chunks and Dimentio are waiting for you here. Now it's time to take down... O'Cabbage. He's now quite harder to hit and avoid, but as always, use Bowser's flame breath to take him down quickly. After the fight, pick up the Floro Sprout and put it on. Head through the pipe and return to the very first area. Follow the tunnel leading right and head through the door at the end. Walk through the scanner with the sprout on, then go through thedoor. In the next room, use Boomer in front of each of the portraits while in 3D mode to blow up a hole in the floor. In each of these holes, hit the colored block with Thor until it turns the same color as the portrait above (so black, white, blue, then red). A door will appear once you do that. Go through it."

Help with VB6 to VB.NET conversion!?


I'm asking this because I don't know anything about VB6 (It was around before I was born), and theirs no point in me having to spend 6 weeks learning all the functions ect... when their are others with a much better understanding who will get it right first time.

I need to convert this code :

Private WindowWidth
Private WindowHeight
Private threshold
Private rgbvalue

Private Sub Form_Load()
WindowWidth = 320
WindowHeight = 240
myy = 1

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Dim R As Long
Dim G As Long
Dim B As Long

Dim myx
Dim myy
Dim rgbvalue

threshold = Slider1.Value '1600000 '3876853 'Reverse BGR hex value for a red colour
Text1.Text = threshold
threshold = 1585276

myy = 1

mynumber = 1
mytextnumber$ = mynumber

Form1.Picture3 = LoadPicture("D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\rgb.jpg")

mytextnumber$ = "D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\" & "1.jpg"

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

If Err.Number = 53 Or 481 Then
'Debug.Print "Some problem with loading jpg image."
Resume Next
End If

Picture1 = LoadPicture(mytextnumber$)

For xcnt = 0 To WindowWidth
If Picture1.Point(xcnt, 30) > threshold Then '100000 Then
origin = xcnt

GoTo start:
End If


For myy = 0 To WindowHeight

For myx = 0 To WindowWidth
If Picture1.Point(myx, myy) > threshold Then '1000000 Then
GoTo here:
End If


Picture1.PSet (myx, myy), RGB(255, 255, 0)
Picture1.Line (0, 30)-(WindowWidth, 30), RGB(0, 255, 0)

If Form1.Picture3.Point(myx, myy) > 100000 Then
rgbvalue = Form1.Picture3.Point(myx, myy)
End If

rotx = origin - myx
roty = myy * 2
rotz = (rotx + myx) / 2

'Output file
Open "D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\freescanRGB_object_01.asc" For Append As #1

'Read RGB values from hex pixel colour
R = &HFF& And rgbvalue
G = (&HFF00& And rgbvalue) \ 256
B = (&HFF0000 And rgbvalue) \ 65536

' Aligns scan with laser angle offset and skew
rot = 30 * 0.0174532 '57.29577951
rotzz = rotz * Cos(rot) - myx * Sin(rot)
rotxx = rotz * Sin(rot) + myx * Cos(rot)
rotyy = roty 'myy '/ 2

'create the vertex string - 'X Y Z R G B'
Print #1, ((rotxx + rotx) & " " & (rotyy / 2) & " " & ((rotzz * -2) * 2) & " " & R & " " & G & " " & B)
Close #1

'LASER LINE PREVIEW BOX- Draws each vertex with a red dot.
Picture2.PSet (myx, myy), RGB(255, 0, 0)

End Sub

...Into VB.NET So I can tweak it and put it into my own application. I got it from text right off the internet, so I cant try to import it into .NET and let that convert it for me, because I cant save it. Thanks to everyone who can give advice, and I'll definitely give out a best answer. Thanks so much again in advance!
I do know that the Timer class doe's need a handler. I know VB.NET well. Picture3 defines a picture box control

It looks like either your code is not complete or there is a reference library that you're going to need for this.

Form1.Picture3 = LoadPicture("D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\rgb.jpg")

LoadPicture is not defined anywhere in the code you posted. There is also nothing listed here to make the Timer1_Timer sub run.

You're going to have to find the missing parts to this project if you want to use it as written. Otherwise you're going to have to disect it pulling out bits & pieces to make it work for you.

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is it possible to download apps to your iphone 3g thru iTunes (of course) but WITHOUT using a Mac?

3d scanner box
 on Histoire Mon�taire de la Province d'Artois et des Seigneuries Qui En ...
3d scanner box image


i heard you can only download through iTunes by first creating an account on a mac.. apparently windows doesn't work it.
pls help!
i forgot to mention i'm NOT in the U.S. ... i'm in bangladesh.. thats the problem!

Of course! Many iPhones users have a Windows computer.

â¶How to make an account:
â Open iTunes (If you do not have iTunes, you can download it )
â¡Click Store (menu bar up top) > Create Account.
â¢Read through the Terms & Conditions, check the box if you agree to the terms, then click Continue.
â£Complete the form to create your free Apple ID (the login you will use with the iTunes Store).
â¤Provide a valid payment method and billing address.
â¥Begin shopping from the iTunes Store.

â¶Downloading Apps
âWith your PC:
â Go to( ) and download whatever App you may want.
â¡Then Sync your iPhone, and use your downloaded Apps.

âWith your iPhone:
â Go to the App on your iPhone names "App Store."
â¡Browse for whatever App you want.
â¢Download it by touching the rectangle that displays the Apps price, then touch again to install.
Here are some Apps for you to check out:

Favorites marked with a â.

â¶Good for professional/school:

â¢Air Sharing â
â¢Alarm System â
â¢Color Splash
â¢Delivery Status touch â
â¢Dial Zero â
â¢eBay Mobile
â¢Facebook (&fun)
â¢Fake-a-call (&fun)
â¢Flashlight â
â¢Flight Track
â¢Graphing Calculator
â¢If Found + â
â¢Linguo â
â¢Night Camera
â¢Police Scanner
â¢RedLaser â
â¢Shazam â
â¢Sportacular â
â¢The Weather Channel â
â¢Yellow Pages â

â¶Good for fun:

â¢Arcade Bowling
â¢Bounce On
â¢Bubble Wrap â
â¢Cacha Mouse 2
â¢Cro-Mag Rally
â¢Cube Runner â
â¢Cube Runner II
â¢Dog Whistle â
â¢Expando free
â¢F-MyLife Pro â
â¢Face Melter
â¢Falling Balls
â¢Fieldrunners â
â¢Flick Fishing
â¢Flight Control â
â¢Flight of the Hamsters
â¢Flood It!
â¢Hearing Test : Prank
â¢I Can Has Cheezeburger (FailBlog and associated sites) â
â¢iBowl â
â¢iCopter â
â¢iFart Mobile
â¢iHunt 3D
â¢Illusions Scream : Prank
â¢Jellycar â
â¢Joost â
â¢Laser Tag
â¢Light Bike Online
â¢Line Rider iRide
â¢Mark of Mafia â
â¢Mood Touch
â¢The Moron Test â
â¢Moto Chaser
â¢Ow My Balls â
â¢Pac-Man Lite
â¢Paper Football
â¢Pocked God â
â¢Rollercoaster Rush
â¢Scribble Lite
â¢SGN Golf
â¢Sol Free Solitaire â
â¢Sonic Boom
â¢Spawn Illuminati â
â¢StoneLoops â
â¢Stop It free
â¢Tap Tap Revenge
â¢Target Practice
â¢Tetris â
â¢Topple 2
â¢Zombieville USA â
â¢21 Pro Blackjack - Free
â¢9000 Awesome Facts â

â¶Good luck, hope this helps,

how can 3D model is able to replica? using machine?


i was wondering if any of vinyl statues that are replica by using machine technology if is that so then what kind of machine? and what are the price?
use scanning or digital cameras all of the perspectives of the 3D models to make replicas too?

there are scanners that read a 3 d figure (this is often how small scale figures are reproduced much much larger) Molds are then made (for multiples like the junk from China we buy at Walmart) from metal, and there are machines that squirt resin or liquid plastic into the molds. They then run down a conveyer and are dumped out into big boxes, packed up and shipped out around the world. These machines are very costly, but produce the product at a penny or less each, and then we buy this crap for $10-$150, so if they sell oh, say 10,000 of them they have paid for their machine...

if you want to reproduce your own art work, go to a model maker (in phone book) and ask how much it would be to make molds, and then you can go to a plastics fabricator who does this for other people. Unless you have plenty of capital to start up your own factory.

If you want to just reproduce 100 or so, then yo can learn to make your own molds from a book and make them yourself with liquid resin.

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3-D drawing?

3d scanner 3ds max
 on , using T-Splines v2.3. Kyle Houchens demonstrates how to make a 3D ...
3d scanner 3ds max image

novak fed

Can someone tell me how to turn a 2-D drawing into a 3-D drawing, please.

Thank you

There are two ways I know of to do it:

Automatic (let it be modelled): all commercial
Photomodeler Scanner -
Poser (Human 2D --> 3D) -

Manual (model it yourself): sum I can recommend
3DS Max -
Maya -
Vue Infinite (for landscapes) -
Blender 3D -

U will need multiple drawing though - mainly front, side, top and bottom - for an accurate 3D model. I have no idea about landscapes though :P

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

how do i make a legitimate manga or comic?

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 on l4a 3d snapshot scanner 2020 3d log scanner 3150 3d
3d scanner online image

Captain Fu

i understand there is software or something, but overall, i have no idea how to make manga. i am buying an how to draw manga and how to draw comic book soon, but im just curious,scan my images online, or use some high end 3d model software? please also list the cost of such software and or scanner if there is such things

Look up some guides on how to create a webcomic. They have assorted tips ranging from drawing to technologies and presentation.

The most basic challenges are to develop drawing skills and have many ideas for the comic. If you're a great artist but only one short story then you might have nowhere to take your characters. If you have many stories but can't present them then you have to seek a market for low-quality work.

For example, "Girl Genius" has good visual presentation and many stories within its great story arc. On the other hand, "Hidamari Sketch" is visually simple but covers many simple everyday stories, much as "Peanuts" did.

I want to get more into digital art, need tips?


Okay so I've decided that I want to get more serious about digital art than the cool yet limited app I have on my Nintendo 3DS... where's the best place to start?

Does everyone use photoshop, or are there special programs made just for artwork? I'm assuming there are, and if so which one would you recommend? I'm willing to purchase it if it's really good.

What would be the best drawing tablet to purchase?

Any other useful tips for someone wanting to start getting more into digital art?

Thanks in advance :)
By digital art, since I know that covers a ride range of things, I do not mean editing others photos or my own. I want to create things from scratch. I have a full sketchbook of things like portraits and landscapes, so I would like to continue that only... digitally. :)

Here are some things that might help you get started with illustration and design:

- Gimp (download, similar to Photoshop)
- Inkscape (download, similar to Illustrator)
- Lunapic (online, similar to Photoshop)
- Pixlr (online, similar to Photoshop)
- Blender (download, similar to Maya, a 3d design program)
- Autodesk Sketchbook Express (download, similar to Corel painter)
------> Autodesk software is available for free for students at:

- Photoshop (Photoshop elements is a cheaper alternative, it comes free with some tablets)
- Illustrator
- Corel Painter (you can get a free version of painter with certain tablets)
- Sketchbook Pro 6 (similar to Corel Painter)

Best drawing tablet: wacom intuos4 small (for beginners, try ebay for the cheapest). I've used wacom bamboo fun before as a starter tablet I was 100% disappointed and would not suggest if even as a starter tablet. There is a newer version of the intros, intuos5 but the new additions are really not worth the upgrade cost. There is a big difference between the 3 and 4 though so I'd go with the 4. The 3 is heavier, old, and clunky.

I use a tablet for everything and I noticed if you use it for long periods of time you might have wrist pain from your lower hand hitting a desk as you use it. What I use to save my hand is a thin glove without fingers. They are really cheap and normally around $2-3 for a pair. Sometimes I put tissues on the part of the glove that hits a desk for extra padding so I can use a tablet for many hours without having a bruised hand.

It sounds like you are interested in digital illustration. You might like Photoshop or Corel painter best. Illustrator is more technical and can be hard to be more free with. It is a great program but not the best for detailed illustration like landscapes. It is better for making things like logos, clip art. Both photoshop and Corel are pretty expensive for full versions but there is a big difference between the cheaper versions and the full versions.

Of all of the programs listed, Photoshop is probably your best bet, the full version, not elements. I wouldn't waste money on elements, I'd use it if you have a free copy from buying a tablet but it isn't worth buying in my opinion. Try out some of the free programs above if you can't get the paid version of photoshop. The downloadable ones are best for long projects because you could lose your work if you work online. I'd suggest Gimp and Adobe Sketchbook Express to start with. If you cannot get a student license for a free version of sketchbook, amazon sells it as Sketchbook Pro 6 for around $20-40 depending on who you buy it from. It is a larger version of the program with more options that is relatively cheap. A great option to Corel Painter if you don't want quite so many options (it sells for about $70 on amazon).

Other things that might help:
- a scanner
- a camera/phone for pictures of 2d art
- tripod for taking good pictures with camera
- Staedtler pigment liner markers (these are very expensive, roughly $10-15 for 4 but they are very good quality and should last awhile, great for inking drawings for good scans digitally)
- Prismacolor Turquoise soft pencils (for 2d work to scan, best pencils I've used so far, I've tried a lot of brands)
- Prismacolor Turqoise medium pencils
- Staedtler White eraser (I use these all of the time, and they are great! Best eraser I've used so far.)
- Staedtler white eraser pencil toppers (these are hard to find but also great)
- Zebra drift 0.5mm lead mechanical pencils (larger mechanical pencil)
- Pentel 0.7 mm lead mechanical pencil (regular mechanical pencil, my favorite kind)

Generally for 2d supplies, Staedtler, Prismacolor, Pentel, and Zebra are really good. My mechanical pencils are all japanese, they seem to be the best quality. I actually got them from a college book store that sell supplies for 5 for $1. Generally they are about $2-4 a piece though. Staedtler's stuff if German and known for high quality drafting supplies. Prismacolor is made in Mexico (at least the Turquoise pencils, they are very expensive but I've used the cheaper ones and they just aren't the same. Drawing smudge a lot with the cheap ones and aren't as dark. The cheap brands look 'fuzzy' a lot. The best place for most of these is either local 3rd party supply stores, not chains, or ebay. Amazon is pretty high with shipping.

Have fun! :D

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Computer Freezes!!!!?

3d 360 scanner
 on ct scan left hip 3d ct scan views 2315 keywords
3d 360 scanner image

Irfan Burn

My computer always hangs when I tried to use any programs that using 3D features. Including hard games, FLASH games, and even simple games like SOLITAIRE. Sometimes, my computer will hang if I played musics and videos.

I often edit videos and I got annoyed because my computer always hang in the middle of converting process.

I've tried to change my RAM, VGA, power supply cable, adding additional fan inside my computer, and using UPS/Stabilizer. But it's no use.

It's fluxtuation was random. Sometime, i was be able to play games a day full. But the next day, my computer hangs every few seconds after I ran 3D programs.

I'm using Intel Pentium 4;
3.06 GHz Dual Core
1,5 GB of RAM (2 slots)
VGA : ASUS Extreme AX550 series
512.0 MB

What should I do...?

Your configuration of your computer must be wacky.
The common to your problems is the graphic card

go to the manufacturers website and update the driver.

You can look at this it all helps
Also while your computer is in good nick you should download and install superantispyware because when malware gets going you will not be able to access the net.

Clean Up Computer
Download and run superantispyware. I was put onto this program because of an annoying popup (XP or Vista plus all OS preceding)
Superantispyware is a good program and remember to update it before scanning. A scan may take 45mins.

Note Superantispyware has powerful reset tools that will set stuff back to windows defaults.
To use these tools click preferences >repairs. This may be handy to reset IE URLS if you have annoying pop ups.

Also set up tick boxes that you want in the other tabs as you require.

afterwards clean up the registry with this
Clean up pc and IE
To clean up run this Microsoftâs windows live program. It does registry, spyware , virus , disk clean up and defrag

XP Users

Vista Users

Run the full safety scanner, it takes a few seconds to install the scanning files but when you start the scan, iIt takes 2 hours or more. So once it starts to load x file of x you can leave the computer and go to bed etc.

Then at the end of the scan it asks you to set it running full time.

Think twice about setting it to run in the background as it could be another thing to slow you down. However, it may be worth while if you have no other security programs running.

Consider the following options:
I personally run Norton 360 which is full internet security and run superantispyware when I want to.

So if you donât have a decent internet security program then perhaps run the superantispyware with your antivirus in the background.

If you sick of antivirus programs that donât work perhaps run onecare full time and run superantispyware whenever.

Now you should be flying and Onecare has even set up a new system restore point for you.

Note onecare does other stuff as well. Click on the menus on the LHS column.

add onecare to your favourites

Slow computer IE freezes
Note: only have to do Safe mode if the files will not delete in normal mode. Try normal first.

Slowly tap the F8 key while the computer is powering up

Just after Verifying DMI files occurs the F8 key will point the computer to a menu where safe mode can be selected.

Note if you mistakenly tap F8 key again, it will continue through to normal boot

Scroll and select safe mode with network

Use explorer to delete the contents of the folder datastore.

Datastore can be found in c:\windows\softwaredistribution.

You may have to do this regularly when the computer slows.

The folder rebuilds itself and the contents are to do with windows updates and logs for errors. There is no harm in deleting the contents.


Over time IE7 seems to set its own (or programs do) tick boxes in the advance tab.
In IE7 (IE6) Tools >Internet Options >Advance Tab
Click Restore advance settings defaults
Tick empty temp files when browser closes (this empties the cache)
Bullet disable phishing filter (IE7)
Delete Browser History, cookies the whole lot regularly.
Close the browser to set the settings.

Optional speed fix
If you want IE7 to speed up and work like IE6 then do this (you can undo it later)
Click tools >manage add ons > enable /disable >select each add on and bullet the disable button
Close the browser to set the settings

RAM and Virtual Memory check
Open up the internet to eg yahoo answers and have a few things open .(eg Word excel or a couple browser pages)
If you normally play music, play that.

Open Task manager >performance tab
Look at the RAM usage in the physical memory (k). If you are using more than 60% of your RAM while your computer is only doing the above then there is not much left for video or games. You may need to install more RAM
1 Gig for XP, 2 Gig for Vista

Look at the PF usage. That is the virtual memory .

Your virtual memory should be set to 1.5 times the amount of RAM you have. Eg 1 gig RAM, therefore 1.5 gig Virtual Memory

Right click my computer icon >properties > advance tab >performance settings > advance tab > virtual memory change > select the drive with the operating system on it (normally C:) bullet custom. Enter the min and max value as one and a half times the RAM you have. In this example, 1500 min and 1500 max. >set.

Your computer is now set for optimum performance for the RAM you have.

Also right click on my computer icon >properties > advance tab >performance settings> the default is let windows, you could try best performance.

tell me the difference :)?


Between normal X-ray technology and Computed Tomography used in hospital , especially about Computer Function of CT
Small suggestion :)
Are you having blog , could you invite me as your friend :)

Standard x-rays are simple images similar to photographs taken in the X-ray spectrum of light.

Computed tomography (CT), originally known as computed axial tomography (CAT or CT scan) and body section roentgenography, is a medical imaging method employing tomography where digital geometry processing is used to generate a three-dimensional image of the internals of an object from a large series of two-dimensional X-ray images taken around a single axis of rotation. The word "tomography" is derived from the Greek tomos (slice) and graphia (to write). CT produces a volume of data which can be manipulated, through a process known as windowing, in order to demonstrate various structures based on their ability to block the X-ray beam. Although historically the images generated were in the axial or transverse plane (orthogonal to the long axis of the body), modern scanners allow this volume of data to be reformatted in various planes or even as volumetric (3D) representations of structures.

Although most common in healthcare, CT is also used in other fields, for example nondestructive materials testing.

Advantages Over Projection Radiography

First, CT completely eliminates the superimposition of images of structures outside the area of interest. Second, because of the inherent high-contrast resolution of CT, differences between tissues that differ in physical density by less than 1% can be distinguished. Third, data from a single CT imaging procedure consisting of either multiple contiguous or one helical scan can be viewed as images in the axial, coronal, or sagittal planes, depending on the diagnostic task. This is referred to as multiplanar reformatted imaging.

Regarding your question about the computing portion, X-ray slice data is generated using an X-ray source that rotates around the object; X-ray sensors are positioned on the opposite side of the circle from the X-ray source. Many data scans are progressively taken as the object is gradually passed through the gantry. They are combined together by the mathematical procedure known as tomographic reconstruction.

Newer machines with faster computer systems and newer software strategies can process not only individual cross sections but continuously changing cross sections as the gantry, with the object to be imaged, is slowly and smoothly slid through the X-ray circle. These are called helical or spiral CT machines. Their computer systems integrate the data of the moving individual slices to generate three dimensional volumetric information (3D-CT scan), in turn viewable from multiple different perspectives on attached CT workstation monitors.
CT scanner with cover removed to show the principle of operation
CT scanner with cover removed to show the principle of operation

In conventional CT machines, an X-ray tube and detector are physically rotated behind a circular shroud (see the image above right); in the electron beam tomography (EBT) the tube is far larger and higher power to support the high temporal resolution. The electron beam is deflected in a hollow funnel shaped vacuum chamber. X-rays are generated when the beam hits the stationary target. The detector is also stationary.

The data stream representing the varying radiographic intensity sensed reaching the detectors on the opposite side of the circle during each sweep is then computer processed to calculate cross-sectional estimations of the radiographic density, expressed in Hounsfield units. Sweeps cover 360 or just over 180 degrees in conventional machines, 220 degrees in EBT.

CT is used in medicine as a diagnostic tool and as a guide for interventional procedures. Sometimes contrast materials such as intravenous iodinated contrast are used. This is useful to highlight structures such as blood vessels that otherwise would be difficult to delineate from their surroundings. Using contrast material can also help to obtain functional information about tissues.

Pixels in an image obtained by CT scanning are displayed in terms of relative radiodensity. The pixel itself is displayed according to the mean attenuation of the tissue(s) that it corresponds to on a scale from -1024 to +3071 on the Hounsfield scale. Pixel is a two dimensional unit based on the matrix size and the field of view. When the CT slice thickness is also factored in, the unit is known as a Voxel, which is a three dimensional unit. The phenomenon that one part of the detector cannot differ between different tissues is called the Partial Volume Effect. That means that a big amount of cartilage and a thin layer of compact bone can cause the same attenuation in a voxel as hyperdense cartilage alone. Water has an attenuation of 0 Hounsfield units (HU) while air is -1000 HU, cancellous bone is typically +400 HU, cranial bone can reach 2000 HU or more (os temporale) and can cause artefacts. The attenuation of metallic implants depends on atomic number of the element used: Titanium usually has an amount of +1000 HU, iron steel can completely extinguish the X-ray and is therefore responsible for well-known line-artifacts in computed tomogrammes.

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Graphic Designers- What software do you use?

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 on The Modern History Of England ..., Volume 4: Sharon Turner ...
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Q. What do you use your graphic design abilities for. Engineering, art, design, Fill me in thanks. I want to learn about this. DO you like the software? you can email me

My primary software applications are Photshop, for image manipulation and editing photos, Illustrator for creating original vector graphics and vectorizing my sketches, InDesign (formally Pagemaker) for page layouts, and Word for text editing.

Less often, I use Adobe Streamline, Adobe Dimensions, Dreamweaver and Flash Pro. I am also trained in QuarkXPress, for clients who insist on projects done in this format, and 3D Studio Max. I started off using the Corel suite of products, but I have not used it in many years.

For tracking my business, I use Excell and Quicken Books.

Do I LIKE the software? For me, unless the application can save me time and money, it is useless. As a freelancer, time really does equal money, and all of these products save me a LOT of time. I don't take the time to draw lines in Illustrator when a quick pencil or marker sketch can do the job. If a client is not willing to pay for an original illustration, I can pull out one of thousands of clip art images from disc. (there is an OLD commercial artist maxim that reads, "Never draw anything you can copy. Never copy anything you can trace. Never trace anything that you can cut out and paste down.") Not only that, a lot of the operations that I used to have to pay someone else to do, I can do for myself. (color separation, trapping, choking, text formatting, typsetting, etc) The cost savings contribute to MY bottom line.

For peripheral equipment, I use a graphics tablet, desktop scanner and inkjet printer. (for proofs and comps) For production, I take my files to one of several service bureaus for printing, binding, etc.

You know the eff the director made in the movie 300? the color that sets the mood, not bright colors.?

Jumper WR

I would like to do the same effect for a home made movie how do i do it? it's like a brownish grayish color

The first answerer is right. I found this info and it sounds like it was super complicated to make it look that way:

"Post-production took almost a year. The film was edited on an Avid, with an HD cut also maintained in Final Cut Pro. The 3D was made using Maya, XSI and Lightwave. The 2D composites were made with Shake, Inferno, Fusion and Combustion. The filmmakers prefer Macintosh, but large portions of the movie were made under Linux. Asset management was handled by custom software written in the Panorama development environment, made by Provue. Color management was handled by Truelight software. The film was scanned on a Northlight scanner and was recorded on the Arrilaser. Most of the film was shot at high speed, between 50 and 150fps (normally, film is shot at 24fps). The film was transferred to HD SR tape and quicktime, and HD quicktimes were the basis for the HD preview cuts. The working resolution for the film was 2K, at a working aspect ratio of 2.11:1 and a projected aspect ratio of 2.39:1."

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What are some direct connections between science fiction and future technology?

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Star Trek influenced the flip cell phone

any others?

Star Trek also predicted:
1.) Computers using floppy disks and removable media. Mr Spock's science station...

2.) Ethnic and Gender diversity. Consider the original series was produced in mid sixties.

3.) Space Exploration, remote probes, space stations

4.) Video Teleconferencing. Consider just about every episode used the main viewer to have real time images and dialog. Now we can easily do this with web cams on our PCs

5.) Computers that can talk, granted that S.T. computer can also understand speech Voice recognition is available in cell phones. And we have software that can type words we say (dragon Naturally Speaking) . PCs today aren't quite fully conversant, yet....

6.) Tablet PC's or PDA's. The electronic clip board that Yeoman Rand has Captain Kirk sign....

Arthur C Clarke predicted:

1.) Telecommunication satellites , he came up with this idea in 1945 !!!
2.) The end of long distance telephone charges - not 100% there yet but many of us now have toll free calling plans on cell phones and you can make toll free calls on a PC.
3.) Digital photography. Movie 2001 has a scene where members of a conference are being photgraphed. The photographer is using a small camera which doesn't make a sound ( no mechanical shutter)

Robert Heinlein:
1.) conceived the waterbed and the people mover (moving side walk) typically used now in airports.

Sci Fi has also predicted:
1.) Bio Metric identification, computer finger/hand print scan, retinal scans, voice print indentification/recgonition
2.) Large Flat panel TV screens (Farenheit 451)
3.) that we as a society would watch alot of TV
4.) âForbidden Planetâ from 1956 predicts holographs, 3d images....

Comming Soon a floating city a'la waterworld ( see link)

10 Points + 5 Stars How do I know if my TV can get broadcasts signals other than MPEG-2?


Is there a website or some way I can tell if my TV set can receive broadcasts in other video encodes than MPEG-2?

Or at least by brand for example LG, Sony, etc what LCD, LED, Plasma etc TVs can get, lets say, MPEG-4 broadcasts
If a TV, lets say LG can handle Mp4 through USB it means it can handle it from TV broadcasts, right?

Another question, MPEG-2 as broadcast standard won't be replaced by other format like MPEG-4 right?

HD tv (up to 1080p) will be broadcasted always in MPEG-2, is that correct?

What format will 4k Television broadcasted in?
I want to know this

back to first. there is no reason to broadcast 4K video, as 1080 (1k) is already the limiting visual resolution for a display small enough to fit in your house. 4K is strictly for theatrical projection, and was developed by Kodak for the film industry several decades ago. The only thing new about 4k is now it is possible to manufacture CCDs with that many pixels so you can originate content with a video camera instead of scanning film frames.

ATSC standards for digital television specifies MPEG2 as the compression format. i doubt that will change although there may be extension in the meta data to allow 3D and other applications. If a new format were accepted, broadcasters would not use it because they would lose 99.9% of their current viewers with legacy TV sets. look at how long the transition from analog to digital took. MPEG2 itself is not limited to 1080 line, it was that ATSC does not have a higher line rate for TV sets. ATSC had to "trick" MPEG2 to accept 1080 line because all MPEG methods are based on 16x16 pixel macro blocks. notice that 1080 is not a multiple of 16, so television broadcast is actually 1088 lines with the top and bottom 4 lines not displayed. this was done so that the pixels per line (1920) was a multiple of 16 when using 16x9 widescreen aspect. Broadcasters wanted a digital HD format somewhere near 1k because at the time we already had 1k analog HD. MPEG2 can compress 4k with no problem but just not for broadcast.

MPEG4 besides being much lower quality (look at the GOF and chroma sampling specifications) is optimized for super compressed asynchronous file based delivery. So it works best as packets on the internet, or files on a USB thumb drive, it is not intended for robust continuous streaming like broadcast. it might look ok for some movies (much like Blu-ray), but your favorite football or sports game would just be a blur because of long and fixed GOF structure. Newer is not always better.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

what are some reverse engineering techniques?

3d scanner digitizer
 on ... Its First Easy-To-Use Desktop 3D Scanner, The Digitizer | TechCrunch
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Reverse engineering of machines
As computer-aided design (CAD) has become more popular, reverse engineering has become a viable method to create a 3D virtual model of an existing physical part for use in 3D CAD, CAM, CAE or other software. The reverse-engineering process involves measuring an object and then reconstructing it as a 3D model. The physical object can be measured using 3D scanning technologies like CMMs, laser scanners, structured light digitizers or computed tomography. The measured data alone, usually represented as a point cloud, lacks topological information and is therefore often processed and modeled into a more usable format such as a triangular-faced mesh, a set of NURBS surfaces or a CAD model.
Reverse engineering is also used by businesses to bring existing physical geometry into digital product development environments, to make a digital 3D record of their own products or to assess competitors' products. It is used to analyse, for instance, how a product works, what it does, and what components it consists of, estimate costs, and identify potential patent infringement, etc. Value engineering is a related activity also used by businesses. It involves de-constructing and analysing products, but the objective is to find opportunities for cost cutting.

Reverse engineering of software
The three main groups of software reverse engineering are
1. Analysis through observation of information exchange, most prevalent in protocol reverse engineering, which involves using bus analyzers and packet sniffers, for example, for accessing a computer bus or computer network connection and revealing the traffic data thereon. Bus or network behaviour can then be analyzed to produce a stand-alone implementation that mimics that behaviour. This is especially useful for reverse engineering device drivers. Sometimes, reverse engineering on embedded systems is greatly assisted by tools deliberately introduced by the manufacturer, such as JTAG ports or other debugging means. In Microsoft Windows, low-level debuggers such as SoftICE are popular.
2. Disassembly using a disassembler, meaning the raw machine language of the program is read and understood in its own terms, only with the aid of machine-language mnemonics. This works on any computer program but can take quite some time, especially for someone not used to machine code. The Interactive Disassembler is a particularly popular tool.
3. Decompilation using a decompiler, a process that tries, with varying results, to recreate the source code in some high-level language for a program only available in machine code or bytecode.

Reverse engineering of integrated circuits/smart cards
Reverse engineering is an invasive and destructive form of analyzing a smart card. The attacker grinds away layer by layer of the smart card and takes pictures with an electron microscope. With this technique, it is possible to reveal the complete hardware and software part of the smart card. The major problem for the attacker is to bring everything into the right order to find out how everything works. Engineers try to hide keys and operations by mixing up memory positions, for example, busscrambling. In some cases, it is even possible to attach a probe to measure voltages while the smart card is still operational. Engineers employ sensors to detect and prevent this attack. This attack is not very common because it requires a large investment in effort and special equipment that is generally only available to large chip manufacturers. Furthermore, the payoff from this attack is low since other security techniques are often employed such as shadow accounts.

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is it possible to download apps to your iphone 3g thru iTunes (of course) but WITHOUT using a Mac?

3d scanner box
 on Gruson's Chilled Cast-iron Armour: Julius von Sch�tz: 9781175020222 ...
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i heard you can only download through iTunes by first creating an account on a mac.. apparently windows doesn't work it.
pls help!
i forgot to mention i'm NOT in the U.S. ... i'm in bangladesh.. thats the problem!

Of course! Many iPhones users have a Windows computer.

â¶How to make an account:
â Open iTunes (If you do not have iTunes, you can download it )
â¡Click Store (menu bar up top) > Create Account.
â¢Read through the Terms & Conditions, check the box if you agree to the terms, then click Continue.
â£Complete the form to create your free Apple ID (the login you will use with the iTunes Store).
â¤Provide a valid payment method and billing address.
â¥Begin shopping from the iTunes Store.

â¶Downloading Apps
âWith your PC:
â Go to( ) and download whatever App you may want.
â¡Then Sync your iPhone, and use your downloaded Apps.

âWith your iPhone:
â Go to the App on your iPhone names "App Store."
â¡Browse for whatever App you want.
â¢Download it by touching the rectangle that displays the Apps price, then touch again to install.
Here are some Apps for you to check out:

Favorites marked with a â.

â¶Good for professional/school:

â¢Air Sharing â
â¢Alarm System â
â¢Color Splash
â¢Delivery Status touch â
â¢Dial Zero â
â¢eBay Mobile
â¢Facebook (&fun)
â¢Fake-a-call (&fun)
â¢Flashlight â
â¢Flight Track
â¢Graphing Calculator
â¢If Found + â
â¢Linguo â
â¢Night Camera
â¢Police Scanner
â¢RedLaser â
â¢Shazam â
â¢Sportacular â
â¢The Weather Channel â
â¢Yellow Pages â

â¶Good for fun:

â¢Arcade Bowling
â¢Bounce On
â¢Bubble Wrap â
â¢Cacha Mouse 2
â¢Cro-Mag Rally
â¢Cube Runner â
â¢Cube Runner II
â¢Dog Whistle â
â¢Expando free
â¢F-MyLife Pro â
â¢Face Melter
â¢Falling Balls
â¢Fieldrunners â
â¢Flick Fishing
â¢Flight Control â
â¢Flight of the Hamsters
â¢Flood It!
â¢Hearing Test : Prank
â¢I Can Has Cheezeburger (FailBlog and associated sites) â
â¢iBowl â
â¢iCopter â
â¢iFart Mobile
â¢iHunt 3D
â¢Illusions Scream : Prank
â¢Jellycar â
â¢Joost â
â¢Laser Tag
â¢Light Bike Online
â¢Line Rider iRide
â¢Mark of Mafia â
â¢Mood Touch
â¢The Moron Test â
â¢Moto Chaser
â¢Ow My Balls â
â¢Pac-Man Lite
â¢Paper Football
â¢Pocked God â
â¢Rollercoaster Rush
â¢Scribble Lite
â¢SGN Golf
â¢Sol Free Solitaire â
â¢Sonic Boom
â¢Spawn Illuminati â
â¢StoneLoops â
â¢Stop It free
â¢Tap Tap Revenge
â¢Target Practice
â¢Tetris â
â¢Topple 2
â¢Zombieville USA â
â¢21 Pro Blackjack - Free
â¢9000 Awesome Facts â

â¶Good luck, hope this helps,

how can 3D model is able to replica? using machine?


i was wondering if any of vinyl statues that are replica by using machine technology if is that so then what kind of machine? and what are the price?
use scanning or digital cameras all of the perspectives of the 3D models to make replicas too?

there are scanners that read a 3 d figure (this is often how small scale figures are reproduced much much larger) Molds are then made (for multiples like the junk from China we buy at Walmart) from metal, and there are machines that squirt resin or liquid plastic into the molds. They then run down a conveyer and are dumped out into big boxes, packed up and shipped out around the world. These machines are very costly, but produce the product at a penny or less each, and then we buy this crap for $10-$150, so if they sell oh, say 10,000 of them they have paid for their machine...

if you want to reproduce your own art work, go to a model maker (in phone book) and ask how much it would be to make molds, and then you can go to a plastics fabricator who does this for other people. Unless you have plenty of capital to start up your own factory.

If you want to just reproduce 100 or so, then yo can learn to make your own molds from a book and make them yourself with liquid resin.

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How can i make animation movie?

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hey guys, Can please somebody help me how can I make my own animation movie.

There's some ways to approach this:
you can download either Monkey Jam for 2D animations (
Blender for 3D animations (
both free and easy to find.
There are others but these are the pick of the free litter.

**If you like to animate and would want to continue, you should invest in a Wacom Tablet (at least 6" x 8").

Or if you want to go old school...
1. You can also buy paper (print paper easiest to find)
2. Draw it frame by frame
3. Scan them into a computer or record them with a camera then recording that onto the VHS (If you use a camera, then stop here).
4. Import the scans into QuickTime as a sequence
5. Then export it as a QuickTime movie
6. Import the movie into iMovie or Windows Movie Maker 7. For sounds (
8. Export the movie as a another QuickTime movie

**These may not be the best things to use, but it can get the job done.

**Doing it old school would require
-Field Guide (You can draw one yourself): How much space your animation will take and make sure not to exceed that space

-Light Box $40: Drawing it frame by frame with this box will keep your animations from going out of proportion.

-Peg Bar $3: Place it taped onto the light box. Keeping your animations from moving all over the place unintentionally. If you are going to scan them onto the computer, then I suggest you place the peg bar TAPED onto the scanner.

how can i make my own animated card for christmas by internet?


i wanna make a very nice card for my fiance who is so far from me now. i wanna make him happy... can you suggest an easy way for me to do this?

Just check out Its ecards are actually 3d animated short films and your personalization goes into the animation, as opposed to traditional ecards where your message is shown separately from the context (animation or still image) of the ecard. It's great for those who are looking for serious alternatives as their ecards can be downloaded (with your message within) & played in Quicktime, Media Player & the like.

Another cool thing it has is that u can upload an image of your drawing or calligraph (i.e. in black over a bright white background) and it'll blend your drawing with your typed message nicely into the animation. In other words u can customize the animation entirely with a scan or photo of your handwriting. There're some tricks though: You must make sure the background of the image is truely bright white, as it's likely that the background isn't white enough for image captured by your scanner or digital camera even though you write on a white paper.

To do so, u must feed the image into a photo editor (I personally use the free GIMP), enhance the contrast of the image until the background becomes bright white and save it. Then upload the manipulated version. You'll probably need to preview the customization, fine tune & re-upload your image several times until you find it satisfactory. It sounds a bit complicated. But it's worth a try especially you're doing it for one of your most important persons in life. I'm sure he'll be very impressed when he sees your organic handwritten greeting message in an animation. Both you & him can save the animation & keep your hard work. Think about it.

But if this handwriting idea is too much for u. I think even the normal "typewriting" version should be enough to impress him...

Hope it helps.

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Can you make fantasy characters from scratch in photoshop?

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I was wondering if it's possible to create a fantasy character like cloud from the FFX series or any cartoon / manga styled people.

Are the tools thier to allow you to build them from scratch inside photoshop... say for example if i wanted to draw custom naruto characters.

Im thinking about doing this to add to my college portfolio as i have just started graphics at college. thanks in advance!

of course! ;) Photoshop has all the tools you need to create a fully rendered, coloured character. It is the industry standard for projects of this type.To all intents and purposes, photoshop is a 2D application, so you wont be able to create a 3d model, but for a picture, for sure!! Since most people who develop characters work from sketches, it also has the ability to import straight from a camera/scanner etc for you to trace and rework!!

Good Luck!!

Building something interesting - Mechatronics engineering?

Chris Avak

I want to do a project over the summer but I am not sure what. Does anyone have any ideas? Some of my ideas were:
1) a remote control car with great offroad capabilities
2) a 3d object scanner

Any cool ideas?

build a robot like the ones in robotica since you have all summer and you will probably have some time.. it think it's worth every second =)

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What is the coolest gadget that you own?

3d scanner open
 on 1929 Oder Noch 60 Jahre U. Die Welt Ist Nicht Mehr, So Pricht Die ...
3d scanner open image
Q. I own a bar-code scanner :)

It may probably be dumb and corny to you but is great for see, I use the line laser as a 3D scanner to build geometry graphics.

COOL!!! ain't it?

an electric tin opener...

Photoshop or Ilustrator to tweak scanned drawings for use in After Effects?


I want to utilize the "2 1/2D" feature of AE (2D layers in a 3D environment) but rather than creating the images w adobe, I want to draw them myself and scan each one, then tweak individually before importing them to AE for use. Won't be working with photos, and am obviously an Adobe novice. Would I do better w PS or ILL? Thanks!

Photoshop is the best for what your needs are.

You just need to hook your printer/scanner up to the USB port of your computer and scan away.

Then all you have to do is open up Photoshop. Press File --> Open and find your scanned photo.
I can't give you a whole tutorial on how to tweak it up though so try to find some tutorials on YouTube, there's plenty out there.

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Create a 3D image from a series of slides?

3d scanner to 3d printer
 on    -  ...
3d scanner to 3d printer image


I want to take a series of slices of tissue made at several micrometer thickness and render them into a 3D image, so as to calculate a lesion volume....any suggestions?

I'm interested in software available to do this, and ideally, envisioning: imaging all of the slices with a camera interface then "layering" them on top of one another to create a 3D image and analyze the volume of a lesion within the tissue.

Thank you.

"slices of tissue" slides ( tissue lesions )

in someways it is the other way around where you have the whole object, and map the 3d image as whole, then dissect digitally with layers as slices to divulged anomalies or lesion ,

not clear as to aspects of re-rendering virtual solid from layering,

Strata - The Power of 3D


NextEngine 3D Laser Scanner

Polhemus FastSCAN

3D Printers and Rapid Prototyping

dynamicro Forensic Animation

I have an HP all in one printer. How can i scan a 3d object and make it all infocus?


Everytime i try to scan something, the part that is touching the screen comes in clear, but everything that isnt comes in real blurry. Is there anyway i can scan these things so that the whole object is clear?

use a digital camera then upload the picture
you will not do it with a scanner as it don't focus it just see whats on the flat screen

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people who study computer science in university. what kind of jobs do they get after the course?

3d scanner ebay
 on this pipe cleaning robot, developed by Rootmaestro, is created for ...
3d scanner ebay image

Joe O

Computers have a lot of applications these days.

The main could be said as:
Products for Office (MS Word, Excel and the like) - people needed to plan, design, and develop these - same for all the others;
Products for entertainment (3D Game design and development, Visual effects, film),
Web based development (online payment gateways or products [PayPal], auctions [Ebay], Email clients[Yahoo!], search [Google] and a host of endless options
Other high-end software - like simulators (could be anything - from car crash simulators, weather simulators), health-care based systems (eye scanners, body scanners and other such tools),
Robotics and AI - used to develop 'home' or industrial robots,
and so on.

The pay is pretty good though it depends on the company size and geography. May start at 45K p.a or above.

best iphone apps to download?

what are your favorite apps? what are some good apps for a teenage gril? (i like girly ones, useful ones, fun ones, etc!)

Favorites marked with a â.
Many Apps are Free, and the majority of the ones that aren't are 99¢

â¶Good for professional/school:

â¢Air Sharing â
â¢Alarm System â
â¢Color Splash
â¢Delivery Status touch â
â¢Dial Zero â
â¢eBay Mobile
â¢Facebook (&fun)
â¢Fake-a-call (&fun)
â¢Flashlight â
â¢Flight Track
â¢Graphing Calculator
â¢If Found + â
â¢Linguo â
â¢Night Camera
â¢Police Scanner
â¢RedLaser â
â¢Shazam â
â¢Sportacular â
â¢The Weather Channel â
â¢Yellow Pages â

â¶Good for fun:

â¢Arcade Bowling
â¢Bounce On
â¢Bubble Wrap â
â¢Cacha Mouse 2
â¢Cro-Mag Rally
â¢Cube Runner â
â¢Cube Runner II
â¢Dog Whistle â
â¢Expando free
â¢F-MyLife Pro â
â¢Face Melter
â¢Falling Balls
â¢Fieldrunners â
â¢Flick Fishing
â¢Flight Control â
â¢Flight of the Hamsters
â¢Flood It!
â¢Hearing Test : Prank
â¢I Can Has Cheezeburger (FailBlog and associated sites) â
â¢iBowl â
â¢iCopter â
â¢iFart Mobile
â¢iHunt 3D
â¢Illusions Scream : Prank
â¢Jellycar â
â¢Joost â
â¢Laser Tag
â¢Light Bike Online
â¢Line Rider iRide
â¢Mark of Mafia â
â¢Mood Touch
â¢The Moron Test â
â¢Moto Chaser
â¢Ow My Balls â
â¢Pac-Man Lite
â¢Paper Football
â¢Pocked God â
â¢Rollercoaster Rush
â¢Scribble Lite
â¢SGN Golf
â¢Sol Free Solitaire â
â¢Sonic Boom
â¢Spawn Illuminati â
â¢StoneLoops â
â¢Stop It free
â¢Tap Tap Revenge
â¢Target Practice
â¢Tetris â
â¢Topple 2
â¢Zombieville USA â
â¢21 Pro Blackjack - Free
â¢9000 Awesome Facts â

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What's the difference between a 3D ultrasound and a 4D ultrasound?

3d scanner equipment
 on Arte Y Uso De Arquitectura ...: Primera Parte (Spanish Edition ...
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David's mo

Thank you!

3D and 4D (moving 3D pictures) scanning gives amazing three dimensional picture of your baby on the screen. Your baby can be seen moving, yawning, sucking its thumb and even apparently smiling.

The equipment uses sophisticated techniques, transforming the traditional 2D scan such as the one that you have at the hospital into a 3D and 4D images.

The scan uses the same ultrasound output levels as the hospital based 2D scanners and as the machine actually generates the image, the exposure time is minimised. The safety of ultrasound is constantly evaluated and the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) has produced documents to ensure its safe use.

With this in mind, your scan will only be performed by someone who holds a recognised medical or ultrasound qualification and who is registered with the appropriate professional bodies.

Hope this helps!! :)

How can we make , our sculpture of face by help of computer .?


kindly tell step by step .
Sir but not like this ..

If you stick your head in a bucket of cement that should work.

I just answered the "output" part of the question for somebody else, so I just put the link to that answer down.

How you get your face into the computer is either you model it (lot of work) or you have access to a 3D laser scanner. That is fairly easy, can however still be time consuming if you want to put a number of scans together. If there is a university where you live, check out their engineering or art department if they have one. If not forget about it, unless you happen to be really rich, it's going to be more expensive than a new car.

Before you start see that you know you have access to some way to print it or get it milled. Make sure you know the requirement for the mesh and make sure you have access to the appropriate programs which generate the correct mesh.

Unless you have access to everything (e.g. you are at university and it has the equipment) it will be faster and easier and cheaper if you do body casting and make a mold of your face. How to do this has been explained in this forum many times, there are websites and books, so you should have no problems finding it out if you are serious about it.

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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Will the Body Scanners at airports make us safer?

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As a MRI Technologist with 15 years experience in diagnostic imaging, I can assure you beyond a reasonable doubt that the "body scan" machines will be virtually useless in detecting explosives.

Let me explain why. The macines use radio frequency "millimeter waves" to detect what's hiding under your clothing. It is very similar to radar in that it bounces a pulse of rf at a 3d target and then a computer compiles the data into a 3d image that you can "see". The reason it won't work is because it only does a surface rendering of the object. Thus, if a pliable explosive were used and molded to the body or placed in a skin fold the scanner would never see it. Theoretically, you could smuggle literally POUNDS of high explosives through one of these gadgets without notice. What "will" work? Xrays in the form of a tomographic scanner. But that's not going to happen because of the radiation dose and the cost. So, who benefits from body scanners? ahem..... General Electric and their ilk.

Take it or leave it. That's the stone cold truth boys and girls.

Truthseeker, I'll have to disagree with you on two points. First, backscatter machines like millimeter waves only offer a surface rendering. If you want to have contrast of density then you must use higer doses. Secondly, the dose in minute? How minute? How much exactly is "safe"? Perhaps you should google the Linear Non-Threshold Dose response relationship involving xrays. There is no "safe" dose.

Uh, no. But the manufactures will get rich. The jokes will fly at the scanning stations & watch for a lot of embarassing Youtubes.

Is it possible to locate cholesterol clogs in specific arteries?


Hypothetically: You go into some kind of scanner and a 3D model mapping all of your arteries shows up on the computer. The scan also picks up on any stagnant cholesterol. So a doctor can visually see if there are any severely clogged arteries.

^ That was a very arbitrary example. But you get my point...

Is there a test out there that can detect atherosclerosis in a specific location in the body? Maybe even measure the amount of cholesterol / the severity of blood flow restriction in that specific artery?

If it does exist, do we have some kind of procedure that can definitively correct the problem using this information?

Hereâs another hypothetical example: You have a severe blockage in your common carotid artery and stroke is almost immanent. Since we know exactly where the problem is, surgeons rip the artery open and take out the fatty substance.

*If there is no way to locate the specific sites of clogs, wouldnât ^^^ be a plausible cure for stroke and heart attacks if we DID have the technology? Itâs crude, but they already do surgery on major arteries like they aorta. They already know how to stop hearts and shit. Iâm pretty sure they could do this.*

Yes. The first video is how to find arterial blockage, the second video is how to correct arterial blockage and the third link is how to help avoid both these procedures. :)

Heart Animation: Coronary Angiography (Cardiac Catheterization) >>>

Coronary Artery Angioplasty (PCI, Heart Stent Surgery) >>>

Homocysteine the Silent Killer >>>

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