Thursday, August 29, 2013

Think about how mobile our computing devices have become and the convergence of different devices?

3d scanner camera
 on The Cottager's Manual For The Management Of His Bees: For Every Month ...
3d scanner camera image


such as cameras, phones, computers, etc. What do you think the computer of the future will be like? What capabilities will it have that computers currently donât have? Do you see desktop computers becoming obsolete in
I mean becoming obsolete in the near future?

Well, D-Wave's quantum computer is worth watching.

Personally, I don't see desktop computers becoming obsolete especially soon.

I mean, I'm typing this on a mechanical keyboard and I'm looking at a display on my desk. That's the same as I used in about 1972, except back then it was a Tektronics storage display connected to a CDC mainframe. It's a setup I'm comfortable with. I've used smartphones, and I've used projection walls but for editing documents this is better. Of course, that's just the human interface - whether the computer is a mainframe, cloud, under the desk or built into the keyboard is of less concern.

I can see voice recognition finally making the leap to actually working for everyone, regardless of background noise and your accent.

For hardware, if 3D printers take off, I can see 3D laser or ultrasound scanners becoming more common, and some medical diagnostics becoming more mainstream (again, perhaps ultrasound or MRI based)

can I use a flat bed scanner to photograph a 3D object?


Im not looking to photograph anything large, just 2"-3" tall. When I scan an object, anything touching the glass comes out clear, but anything 1/2" or more off the glass comes out blurred and dark. Is there a particular scanner out there that is known to scan objects well? Or is there some special techniques I can try to enhance my images quality? Thank you

Nope, sorry. Flatbed scanners are only focused on the glass with that .5 you discovered. You can make some cool images by rolling the thing along the motion of the scanning sensor that may look pretty groovy, but you cannot take a photo.
I'd walk into the closest camera shop and ask to see a camera and bring a card in with you to take the image home.

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What is an optical scanner and how does it work?

3d scanner large objects
 on Description Of An Automatic Registering And Printing Barometer: G. W ...
3d scanner large objects image


in computing, a scanner is a device that analyzes an image (such as a photograph, printed text, or handwriting) or an object (such as an ornament) and converts it to a digital image. Most scanners today are variations of the desktop (or flatbed) scanner The flatbed scanner is the most common in offices. Hand-held scanners, where the device is moved by hand, were briefly popular but are now not used due to the difficulty of obtaining a high-quality image. Both these types of scanners use charge-coupled device (CCD) or Contact Image Sensor (CIS) as the image sensor, whereas older drum scanners use a photomultiplier tube as the image sensor.

Another category of scanner is a rotary scanner used for high-speed document scanning. This is another kind of drum scanner, but it uses a CCD array instead of a photomultiplier.

Other types of scanners are planetary scanners, which take photographs of books and documents, and 3D scanners, for producing three-dimensional models of objects.

Scanners typically read red-green-blue color (RGB) data from the array. This data is then processed with some proprietary algorithm to correct for different exposure conditions and sent to the computer, via the device's input/output interface (usually SCSI or USB, or LPT in machines pre-dating the USB standard). Color depth varies depending on the scanning array characteristics, but is usually at least 24 bits. High quality models have 48 bits or more color depth. The other qualifying parameter for a scanner is its resolution, measured in pixels per inch (ppi), sometimes more accurately referred to as samples per inch (spi). Instead of using the scanner's true optical resolution, the only meaningful parameter, manufacturers like to refer to the interpolated resolution, which is much higher thanks to software interpolation. As of 2004, a good flatbed scanner has an optical resolution of 1600â3200 ppi, high-end flatbed scanners can scan up to 5400 ppi, and a good drum scanner has an optical resolution of 8000â14,000 ppi.

Manufacturers often claim interpolated resolutions as high as 19,200 ppi; but such numbers carry little meaningful value, because the number of possible interpolated pixels is unlimited. The higher the resolution, the larger the file. In most cases, there is a trade-off between manageable file size and level of detail. Resolutions higher than 1200dpi are overkill for colour printers and monitors.

The third important parameter for a scanner is its density range. A high density range means that the scanner is able to reproduce shadow details and brightness details in one scan.

Does anyone know of a site that I can get a PICTURE if the apparatus used in both the CAT scan and the MRI?

Wizard of

I have had BOTH of these, but my sister is going for an MRI and, for the life of me, I cannot remember which is which! I need PICTURES to show her what to expect! HELP!!
I cannot remember which one is the "quickie" and which one takes 1/2 hour

Images of MRI machine

CAT machine

Computed tomography (CT), originally known as computed axial tomography (CAT or CT scan) and body section roentgenography, is a medical imaging method employing tomography where digital geometry processing is used to generate a three-dimensional image of the internals of an object from a large series of two-dimensional X-ray images taken around a single axis of rotation. The word "tomography" is derived from the Greek tomos (slice) and graphein (to write). CT produces a volume of data which can be manipulated, through a process known as windowing, in order to demonstrate various structures based on their ability to block the X-ray beam. Although historically (see below) the images generated were in the axial or transverse plane (orthogonal to the long axis of the body), modern scanners allow this volume of data to be reformatted in various planes or even as volumetric (3D) representations of structures.

MRI is short for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (If your doctor has sent you for an MRA [Magnetic Resonance Angiography], this is also a kind of MRI.) MRI is an advanced technology that lets your doctor see internal organs, blood vessels, muscles, joints, tumors, areas of infection, and more -- without x-rays, surgery, or pain. MRI is very safe; in fact, it makes use of natural forces and has no known harmful effects. It's important to know that MRI will not expose you to any radiation.

MRI take half hr to one hr to complete

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which is better?

3d scanner forum
 on Sketch Of The Life And Character Of John Lacey: A ...
3d scanner forum image


which is better? kaspersky or nod32? ....

Nod32/kaspersky both r my fav.

but kaspersky is damn slow...

but nod32 is ultra fast, no more slow down system,

nod32 work nice with 3D games....

so no more slowdown games

and prize...

Nod 32......$39.00 for one year and I can't seem to find the cost of a renewal fee..


( he he but i m using cracked version :P )


This is simply a software vendor using available tests to show their product in the best possible light.

1. NOD probably has the best heuristics of any AV at the present time BUT it needs this as it is slower than a number of vendors in adding new malware to their database, particularly if it is slow-spreading.

2. It is a very fast scanner but not the fastest. Again they have reported its performance against SELECTED rivals. Command AV and F-Prot, for example, IME, are faster on-demand scanners than NOD.

3. Again the RAM footprint figures are again selective. Command, F-Prot, Dr Web and KAV 6 all have lower memory footprints than NOD.

4. ITW detection over at VirusBulletin does not show the true picture as you can fail the test with false positives and yet still pass the test even if you do not score 100% detection!!! However, NOD is very good at ITW threats.

It is better to look at a range of testing sites to get an overall picture.

NOD is a very good AV and it has shown hugh improvements in its detection rate in the last 12-18 months and version 3 is on the way.

But it has deliberately chosen to give high priority to the tests over at VirusBulletin and recently av-comparatives so it can use the results over on its main site and in its Advertisements in the Computer Press. Compared to other vendors, they make sure they are prepared for ITW testing for VirusBulletin as the samples are known prior to testing. Moreover, they make sure that they add the MISSED zoo malware samples from any av-comparatives test to their database. Some vendors however, such as Dr Web, are very slow to add these missed samples and therefore they would not use this test on their web-site!

Overall this is very good PR by Eset.

ALL AV vendors obviously use any information in the best way to highlight the main reasons why you should choose their product. After all they are commercial vendors!!!!!!

I have been a licensed user of both NOD and KAV for many years and both will give you good protection.

But do not expect a balanced viewpoint on a KAV forum. But then again I would not expect a fair discussion if KAV was discussed on the NOD forum at Wilders.


Here is Comapison


Voted for Nod32

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Where can I buy a 3D laser scanner?

3d scanner buy online
 on - samsung yp-r1 32gb , compare laptop ...
3d scanner buy online image


I don't need a professional one.

online, google it is the best bet and it will probably put you back quite a bit too...

Can this computer run Windows Vista Business?

Lai Yu Zen

Processor speed: 2.4GHz
RAM: 735MB
Graphic: S3 Graphics ProSavage DDR
Can this computer run Vista Business smoothly? And can it run smoothly when playing games like Imperial Glory?

Would help a lot if you mentioned the computer brand and model number.

My opinion: Don't waste your money upgrading your computer to Vista.

Imperial Glory does not run with Vista.
Imperial Glory DOES NOT work with Vista

Further you computer will NEVER meet the specs for Imperial Glory; You need a Pentium 3 1 GHz.per
Requirement 1 Windows 2000/XP
Requirement 2 Processor: Pentium 3 1 GHz
Requirement 3 DirectX 9.0b
Requirement 4 256 MB RAM
Requirement 5 Free hard drive space: 2.5 GB
Requirement 6 3D Video Card 64MB Directx 9.0b
Requirement 7 16-bits Sound Card
Run Vista Upgrade Advisors
Also check that the Vista drivers for your printer, scanner, etc. are available.

Compare Features of Vista versions

Upgrade paths

Do not waste your money changing to Vista Business. It will run noticably slower and the money you will spend to upgrade is not far from the cost of a new computer.

For Vista 2 GB RAM is best.
Your graphics adapter is no longer supported.

$200 Vista Business
$80-$170 2GB RAM
$70 Video Card
$350-$440 If it can even be upgraded to Vista.

You can buy a new computer with without monitor and speakers for under $500 with:
Dual type processor
Vista Home Premium
250+GB Hard Drive
CD/DVD Dual Layer Burner
10/100 Ethernet port

My opinion for a new computer processor to run Vista:
Non gaming: Rendering Time of 1:59 or less
Gaming: Rendering Time of 1:33 or less (1.20 or less preferred)
Refer to:
My opinion for a new video card:
Latest games: FRAPS (frames per second) of 50 or higher
Examples: 8800GTS; 8600GTS
Moderate games: FRAPS of 30 or more.
No games a FRAPS of 18 or more
Refer to:
To determine Graphics Cards relative performance refer to the charts below.

Mobile Graphics Cards - Benchmark List

DirectX 9 vs 10
CPU gaming performance charts:

CPU Benchmarks
How to Buy a Power Supply

NVIDIA SLI Certified Power Supplies

If you buy a power supply NVIDIA SLI certified for the 8800Ultra it should work with anything.

ATI Radeon Crossfire Certified Power Supplies

Diamond Video Cards Certified Power Supplies

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Help with VB6 to VB.NET conversion!?

3d scanner laser line
 on 636 HP Gross (SAE J1995), 610 HP Net (SAE J1349) @ 1800 rpm Improved ...
3d scanner laser line image


I'm asking this because I don't know anything about VB6 (It was around before I was born), and theirs no point in me having to spend 6 weeks learning all the functions ect... when their are others with a much better understanding who will get it right first time.

I need to convert this code :

Private WindowWidth
Private WindowHeight
Private threshold
Private rgbvalue

Private Sub Form_Load()
WindowWidth = 320
WindowHeight = 240
myy = 1

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Dim R As Long
Dim G As Long
Dim B As Long

Dim myx
Dim myy
Dim rgbvalue

threshold = Slider1.Value '1600000 '3876853 'Reverse BGR hex value for a red colour
Text1.Text = threshold
threshold = 1585276

myy = 1

mynumber = 1
mytextnumber$ = mynumber

Form1.Picture3 = LoadPicture("D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\rgb.jpg")

mytextnumber$ = "D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\" & "1.jpg"

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

If Err.Number = 53 Or 481 Then
'Debug.Print "Some problem with loading jpg image."
Resume Next
End If

Picture1 = LoadPicture(mytextnumber$)

For xcnt = 0 To WindowWidth
If Picture1.Point(xcnt, 30) > threshold Then '100000 Then
origin = xcnt

GoTo start:
End If


For myy = 0 To WindowHeight

For myx = 0 To WindowWidth
If Picture1.Point(myx, myy) > threshold Then '1000000 Then
GoTo here:
End If


Picture1.PSet (myx, myy), RGB(255, 255, 0)
Picture1.Line (0, 30)-(WindowWidth, 30), RGB(0, 255, 0)

If Form1.Picture3.Point(myx, myy) > 100000 Then
rgbvalue = Form1.Picture3.Point(myx, myy)
End If

rotx = origin - myx
roty = myy * 2
rotz = (rotx + myx) / 2

'Output file
Open "D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\freescanRGB_object_01.asc" For Append As #1

'Read RGB values from hex pixel colour
R = &HFF& And rgbvalue
G = (&HFF00& And rgbvalue) \ 256
B = (&HFF0000 And rgbvalue) \ 65536

' Aligns scan with laser angle offset and skew
rot = 30 * 0.0174532 '57.29577951
rotzz = rotz * Cos(rot) - myx * Sin(rot)
rotxx = rotz * Sin(rot) + myx * Cos(rot)
rotyy = roty 'myy '/ 2

'create the vertex string - 'X Y Z R G B'
Print #1, ((rotxx + rotx) & " " & (rotyy / 2) & " " & ((rotzz * -2) * 2) & " " & R & " " & G & " " & B)
Close #1

'LASER LINE PREVIEW BOX- Draws each vertex with a red dot.
Picture2.PSet (myx, myy), RGB(255, 0, 0)

End Sub

...Into VB.NET So I can tweak it and put it into my own application. I got it from text right off the internet, so I cant try to import it into .NET and let that convert it for me, because I cant save it. Thanks to everyone who can give advice, and I'll definitely give out a best answer. Thanks so much again in advance!
I do know that the Timer class doe's need a handler. I know VB.NET well. Picture3 defines a picture box control

It looks like either your code is not complete or there is a reference library that you're going to need for this.

Form1.Picture3 = LoadPicture("D:\Colin Ord\3d scanner\3D Scanner RT 2009\rgb.jpg")

LoadPicture is not defined anywhere in the code you posted. There is also nothing listed here to make the Timer1_Timer sub run.

You're going to have to find the missing parts to this project if you want to use it as written. Otherwise you're going to have to disect it pulling out bits & pieces to make it work for you.

What are some cool FREE apps (for iPhone)?


I wanted to know what some really cool appS are that I can put on to my iPhone. I am interested in fashion and like celebrity gossip and stuff related to that. FREE APPS ONLY :) 10 points for the most and best apps :)

Favorites marked with a â.
Free apps marked with a â»

â¶Good for professional/school:

â¢Air Sharing â
â¢Alarm System â
â¢Color Splash
â¢Delivery Status touch â
â¢Dial Zero â â»
â¢eBay Mobile â»
â¢Facebook (&fun) â»
â¢Fake-a-call (&fun) â»
â¢Flashlight â â»
â¢Flight Track
â¢Graphing Calculator
â¢If Found â â»
â¢iRibbit â»
â¢ â»
â¢Linguo â
â¢Night Camera
â¢Police Scanner
â¢QuickTip â»
â¢RedLaser â
â¢Remote â»
â¢Shazam â â»
â¢Showtime â»
â¢Sportacular â â»
â¢Units â»
â¢The Weather Channel â â»
â¢Yellow Pages â â»

â¶Good for fun:

â¢Arcade Bowling Lite â»
â¢BlocksClassic Lite â»
â¢Bounce On
â¢Bubble Wrap â â»
â¢Cacha Mouse 2
â¢Cro-Mag Rally
â¢Cube Runner â â»
â¢Cube Runner II
â¢Dog Whistle Free â â»
â¢Expando free â»
â¢F-MyLife â â»
â¢Face Melter
â¢Falling Balls â»
â¢Fieldrunners â
â¢Flick Fishing
â¢Flight Control â
â¢Flight of the Hamsters
â¢Flood It! â»
â¢Hanoi â»
â¢Hearing Test : Prank
â¢I Can Has Cheezeburger (FailBlog and associated sites) â â»
â¢iBowl â
â¢iCopter â
â¢iFart Mobile
â¢iHunt 3D
â¢Illusions Scream : Prank
â¢Jellycar â â»
â¢Joost â â»
â¢Labyrinth Lite â»
â¢Laser Tag
â¢Light Bike â»
â¢Line Rider iRide
â¢Mark of Mafia â â»
â¢Mood Touch
â¢The Moron Test â
â¢Moto Chaser
â¢Ow My Balls â
â¢Pac-Man Lite â»
â¢Paper Football â»
â¢PapiJump â»
â¢Pocked God â
â¢reMovem â»
â¢Rollercoaster Rush â»
â¢Scribble Lite â»
â¢SGN Golf
â¢Sol Free Solitaire â â»
â¢Sonic Boom
â¢Spawn â â»
â¢StoneLoops â
â¢Stop It free â»
â¢Tap Tap Revenge â»
â¢Target Practice
â¢Tetris â
â¢Topple 2
â¢Tris â»
â¢Zombieville USA â
â¢21 Pro Blackjack - Free â»
â¢9000 Awesome Facts â

â¶Hope this helps,

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What kind of apps do you have on your iphone?

3d systems 3d scanner
 on Thu, 13 Jun 2013 13:52:52 -0700 974F425B-1403-4BE5-B469 ...
3d systems 3d scanner image


i might be getting one for christmas. i want my iphone full of apps, i get bored easily. tell me apps that you recommend or like! thanks <3
apps for translators, dictionary ect. umm communication aim? idk... something!

These are my Apps. Some are great, and a few are terrible, but I think you will find many useful, fun and amazing apps in this list:

Air Sharing (Document Viewer, File S... Alarm System Amazing Illusions - Best Illusion Ent... Arcade BowlingTM
BlocksClassic Lite
Bounce On
Catcha Mouse 2
Cro-Mag Rally
Cube Runner
Cube Runner II
Delivery Status touch, a package trac...
Dial Zero - Dictionary & Thesa...
Dog Whistle
eBay Mobile
Expando Free
F-MyLife Pro
Face Melter
Falling Balls
Flick Fishing
Flight Control
Flight of the Hamsters
FlightTrack â Live Flight Status Tracker
Graphing Calculator
Hearing Test : Prank Box
I Am T-Pain
I Can Has Cheezburger
If Found, +
iFart Mobile - #1 Fart Machine UPDA...
iHunt 3D
iRibbit Plus
iShake -- read health warning first
JIRBO Paper Football
Joost - Free TV Shows, music and M...
Kindle for iPhone
Laser Tag
LightBike Online
Line Rider iRideTM
Linguo - Multilingual Translator
Mark of Mafia! FREE for LIMITED TIM...
Mark of Mafia! Free for Limited Time!
MazeFinger Plus
Mood Touch
The Moron Test
Moto Chaser
Night Camera
Ow My Balls!
Pocket God
Police Scanner
QuickTip Tip Calculator
Real Soccer 2010 Free
Rollercoaster Rush
RSS Runner
Runmeter GPS Running Stopwatch
Scream Illusions : Prank Box
Scribble Lite
SGN Golf
Sol Free Solitaire
Sonic Boom
Spawn Illuminati
StoneLoops! of Jurassica
Stop It ! Free
Tap Tap Revenge
Target Practice
That's What She Said: Worldwide
Topple 2
The Weather Channel®
WebMD Mobile
Word Scramble 2 by Zynga
Yellow Pages
Zombieville USA
21 Pro: Blackjack - Sponsored
1337pwn iNXES XBOX Live Friends
9000 Awesome Facts and Laws Pro S.

Does the CT Scan need a darkroom and cassette to produce radiographs?


Some of us know that the X-ray machine needs a darkroom for the processing of the radiographs. I'm just wondering if the CT scan still needs a darkroom to produce diagnostic images and a cassette that will contain the film.


The CT scanner contains an x-ray tube, the same as a regular x-ray room, but has detectors on the other side, rather than a film cassette. The tube and detectors spin around you (this part is called the gantry) acquiring information continuously (in a spiral) as you move through it on the table.

All the information from the detectors is gathered by the Image Capture System (called raw data) which is then reconstructed, first into a usable image, and then into any way the operator chooses - in different planes, in different slice thicknesses, in different brightness/contrasts ('windows') concentrating on different body parts (ie, bone or soft tissue or lung), or in cool 3D pictures.

These images are then sent electronically to a workstation for the radiologist to report from, and sometimes to the Internet, over a secure connection, for the referring doctor to view.

(PS Even most general x-ray rooms these days don't use film - they use an electronic plate that captures the charge of the x-ray, which is then put through a reader to load onto the computer. The plate is then (electronically) wiped clean and then reused. Some places even have direct-capture systems where the plate is eliminated all together!)

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Monday, August 26, 2013

What are some of the best FREE Android apps and games?

3d scanner video camera
 on downloads, Free, FREE, free, Community, community, MP3, mp3, Forum ...
3d scanner video camera image


And if there are any , what do they do or how would you rate them?


lane splitter
cut the rope
a space shooter
drag racing
2 player reactor
pocket soccer
tank hero
noogra nuts
zenonia 3
yoo ninja
who becomes rich
fruit slice
angry birds
aliens invasion
bunny shooter
solitaire , minesweeper classic
virtual families
racing moto
team lava games


barcode scanner
mantano reader
skyfire browser
mozilla firefox browser
dolphin browser
opera browser
es file explorer
quick pic
go launcher
mediafire pro
marvel comics
Adobe Reader


pocket league story
grand prix story
hot springs story
game dev story
4 player reactor
air control
atomic bomber
gurk 2
spectral souls symphony of eternity
field runners
robo defence
9mm hd
asphalt 6
spaghetti marshmallows
Minecraft - Pocket Edition
early bird
dragon fly full
doodle jump
Ground Effect Pro XHD
abduction 2
death worm
flying penguin
trial x
robot unicorn attack
x construct
turbo fly 3d
sentinel 3
cyber lords arcology
super dynamite fishing
aporkalypse pigs of doom
puffle launch
g5 entertainment
destroy gunners sp
doodle god


mvideoplayer pro
gameboid , nesoid , snesoid
talking tom
talking tom 2
swf player
poweramp video player
titanium backup
camera zoom fx
paper camera
spring zen hd
Beautiful Widgets
JuiceDefender Ultimate
set cpu
roku remote

to rate , go to market , rate 1- 5 stars and give your comment

Is there any other COOL editing software like iStopmotion i can use to make awesome videos?


What is it called and what does it do... thanks!!

Try these. All are FREE......

Pencil :
Pencil is an animation/drawing software for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics. Pencil is free and open source.

Synfig Animation Studio :
Synfig is a powerful, industrial-strength vector-based open-source 2D animation software package, designed from the ground-up for producing feature-film quality animation with fewer people and resources.2D Animation has traditionally been very expensive because every frame must be drawn by hand. Even with today´s digital inking and painting software, the process still relies on individuals hand-drawing each frame. This laborious task is called "tweening".Synfig eliminates the task of manual tweening, producing smooth, fluid motion without the animator having to draw out each frame individually. This allows you to produce 2D animation with fewer people while producing art of a higher quality.

Tapptoons Linetester :
The Tapptoons Linetester enables animators to use a scanner or video camera (with compatible capture card) to input animation images into a standard PC and edit their work, adding soundtrack and color if they wish and to output the result as a Windows AVI. Can be used for puppet animation as well as drawn animation.

eDrawings :
eDrawings is a freeware utility which will give the user the power to view, create and share 3D models and 2D drawings. eDrawings offers unique capabilities like point-and-click animations that make it easy for anyone with a PC to interpret and understand 2D and 3D design data.

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Is there any way to get rid of shadows on a printed page?

open source 3d scanner
 on Thu, 13 Jun 2013 13:52:52 -0700 974F425B-1403-4BE5-B469 ...
open source 3d scanner image

Lois V

I am scanning and copying pages that have 3D embellishments on them and I keep getting a shadow on the copy. I have tried holding the top of the scanner down to minimize it, and I've tried editing with the eraser, but there has to be an easier way.

Shadows are created from a light source.

So here is one guess as to why there are shadows. When you scan, there is a light that scans the item. So either you can, keep the lid all the way open. Or keep the lid open and put a cloth/sheet over the item, make sure you have this cloth tight around the whole item, inside any cracks etc..

To help not see the shadow at all, use a dark color (black) sheet.

What software do I need to make cartoons?


I want to make animated cartoons, but am not sure what software I need. What software is best to draw the characters and backgrounds? Once I draw the characters do I then put them into Adobe Flash to make a cartoon?

You can use any of these FREE Cartoon Animation Softwares.........

Pencil :
Pencil is an animation/drawing software for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics. Pencil is free and open source.

Synfig Animation Studio :
Synfig is a powerful, industrial-strength vector-based open-source 2D animation software package, designed from the ground-up for producing feature-film quality animation with fewer people and resources.2D Animation has traditionally been very expensive because every frame must be drawn by hand. Even with today´s digital inking and painting software, the process still relies on individuals hand-drawing each frame. This laborious task is called "tweening".Synfig eliminates the task of manual tweening, producing smooth, fluid motion without the animator having to draw out each frame individually. This allows you to produce 2D animation with fewer people while producing art of a higher quality.

Tapptoons Linetester :
The Tapptoons Linetester enables animators to use a scanner or video camera (with compatible capture card) to input animation images into a standard PC and edit their work, adding soundtrack and color if they wish and to output the result as a Windows AVI. Can be used for puppet animation as well as drawn animation.

eDrawings :
eDrawings is a freeware utility which will give the user the power to view, create and share 3D models and 2D drawings. eDrawings offers unique capabilities like point-and-click animations that make it easy for anyone with a PC to interpret and understand 2D and 3D design data.


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Sunday, August 25, 2013

What kind of computer does a graphic designer need?

3d scanner epson
 on downloads, Free, FREE, free, Community, community, MP3, mp3, Forum ...
3d scanner epson image


im not trying to get into the whole mac vs pc debate BUT... i wanna know wat i need in order to get the job done and get it done right!! lol..... shud i save up the money for a mac ( though i do know that the mac book pro is cheaper now) but i could get a better pc for that price when it comes to memory and speed .... how much will i cost to get a PC and beef it up with graphic card and memory? or is it better just to settle for a mac?
- plus im gonna end up getting all those programs and a drawing pad so how much am i looking at?!
i just wanna know what i need for graphic design and how to get it
thanks i appreciate the time ;)

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign are your core programs. I also bit the bullet and got Adobe Font Folio Adobe's entire font library. I cannot see going cheep with fonts. I use a PC at home and a PC at work. If money wasn't an issue I would choose Mac Hands down and definitely a Mac desktop over a laptop. You will need a computer with fast processors and fast ram and lots of it. Large hard drive allows you to work with bigger files with big scratch drive space for plenty of undos. You will also need a good monitor. Alot of the design programs have multiple tool tabs. It is nice to have a monitor that is big enough to display all of the tabs with out eating into your design area. A tablet isn't necessary.I rarely use mine. Also recommended getting a quality digital camera with a hot shoe adapter and filter capabilities. Stock photography has gotten better over the years but you can always tell when stock photography is used. A good scanner is always good. I would shy away from the absolute low end and pay a little extra to get a little bit better one. I have had good experience with Epson and hp scanners. I have fallen in love with my 27" Acer monitor. I often wonder how I designed on a smaller monitor. The 19" monitor at work works ok too. It is good to have a video card with DVI to support the larger LCD monitors. Though I don't think you need to go broke getting a fancy gaming video card unless you plan on working with video or 3d. If you plan on doing web design I believe a PC works best.

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